2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
# Requires -Version 2
if ( Test-Path env : WEBSITE_SITE_NAME )
# This script is run in Azure Web Sites
# Disable progress indicator
$ProgressPreference = " SilentlyContinue "
$ScriptPath = $MyInvocation . MyCommand . Definition
$Script:UseWriteHost = $true
function _WriteDebug($msg ) {
if ( $Script:UseWriteHost ) {
try {
Write-Debug $msg
} catch {
$Script:UseWriteHost = $false
_WriteDebug $msg
function _WriteOut {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false , Position = 0 , ValueFromPipeline = $true ) ] [ string ] $msg ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ ConsoleColor ] $ForegroundColor ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ ConsoleColor ] $BackgroundColor ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ switch ] $NoNewLine )
if ( $__TestWriteTo ) {
$cur = Get-Variable -Name $__TestWriteTo -ValueOnly -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$val = $cur + " $msg "
if ( ! $NoNewLine ) {
$val + = [ Environment ] :: NewLine
Set-Variable -Name $__TestWriteTo -Value $val -Scope Global -Force
if ( ! $Script:UseWriteHost ) {
if ( ! $msg ) {
$msg = " "
if ( $NoNewLine ) {
[ Console ] :: Write ( $msg )
} else {
[ Console ] :: WriteLine ( $msg )
else {
try {
if ( ! $ForegroundColor ) {
$ForegroundColor = $host . UI . RawUI . ForegroundColor
if ( ! $BackgroundColor ) {
$BackgroundColor = $host . UI . RawUI . BackgroundColor
Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor: $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor: $BackgroundColor -NoNewLine: $NoNewLine
} catch {
$Script:UseWriteHost = $false
_WriteOut $msg
### Constants
$ProductVersion = " 1.0.0 "
$BuildVersion = " {{BUILD_VERSION}} "
$Authors = " {{AUTHORS}} "
# If the Version hasn't been replaced...
# We can't compare directly with the build version token
# because it'll just get replaced here as well :)
if ( $BuildVersion . StartsWith ( " {{ " ) ) {
# We're being run from source code rather than the "compiled" artifact
$BuildVersion = " HEAD "
$FullVersion = " $ProductVersion - $BuildVersion "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " CommandName " ( [ IO.Path ] :: GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( $ScriptPath ) )
Set-Variable -Option Constant " CommandFriendlyName " " .NET Version Manager "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultUserDirectoryName " " .dotnet "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultGlobalDirectoryName " " dotnet "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
Set-Variable -Option Constant " OldUserDirectoryNames " @ ( " .kre " , " .k " )
Set-Variable -Option Constant " RuntimePackageName " " dotnet "
2015-10-21 17:28:04 -07:00
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultFeed " " https://distaspnet.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultFeedKey " " DNX_FEED "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultUnstableFeed " " https://aspdist.blob.core.windows.net/assets/dnvm/ "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultUnstableFeedKey " " DNX_UNSTABLE_FEED "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " CrossGenCommand " " dnx-crossgen "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " OldCrossGenCommand " " k-crossgen "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " CommandPrefix " " dnvm- "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultArchitecture " " x64 "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultRuntime " " coreclr "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " AliasExtension " " .txt "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultOperatingSystem " " win "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
Set-Variable -Option Constant " InstallSubfolder " " sdks "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
# These are intentionally using "%" syntax. The environment variables are expanded whenever the value is used.
Set-Variable -Option Constant " OldUserHomes " @ ( " %USERPROFILE%\.kre " , " %USERPROFILE%\.k " )
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DefaultUserHome " " %USERPROFILE%\ $DefaultUserDirectoryName "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " HomeEnvVar " " DOTNET_HOME "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " RuntimeShortFriendlyName " " Dotnet "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " DNVMUpgradeUrl " " https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/Home/dev/dnvm.ps1 "
Set-Variable -Option Constant " AsciiArt " @"
___ _ ___ ____ ___
/ _ \ / | / / | / / | / /
/ / / / / | | / / / | _ / /
/ ____ / _ / | _ / | ___ / _ / / _ /
" @
$ExitCodes = @ {
" Success " = 0
" AliasDoesNotExist " = 1001
" UnknownCommand " = 1002
" InvalidArguments " = 1003
" OtherError " = 1004
" NoSuchPackage " = 1005
" NoRuntimesOnFeed " = 1006
$ColorScheme = $DnvmColors
if ( ! $ColorScheme ) {
$ColorScheme = @ {
" Banner " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Cyan
" RuntimeName " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Yellow
" Help_Header " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Yellow
" Help_Switch " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Green
" Help_Argument " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Cyan
" Help_Optional " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Gray
" Help_Command " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: DarkYellow
" Help_Executable " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: DarkYellow
" Feed_Name " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Cyan
" Warning " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Yellow
" Error " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Red
" ActiveRuntime " = [ ConsoleColor ] :: Cyan
Set-Variable -Option Constant " OptionPadding " 20
Set-Variable -Option Constant " CommandPadding " 15
# Test Control Variables
if ( $__TeeTo ) {
_WriteDebug " Saving output to ' $__TeeTo ' variable "
Set-Variable -Name $__TeeTo -Value " " -Scope Global -Force
# Commands that have been deprecated but do still work.
$DeprecatedCommands = @ ( " unalias " )
# Load Environment variables
$RuntimeHomes = $env:DOTNET_HOME
$UserHome = $env:DOTNET_USER_HOME
$GlobalHome = $env:DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME
$ActiveFeed = $env:DNX_FEED
$ActiveUnstableFeed = $env:DNX_UNSTABLE_FEED
# Default Exit Code
$Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . Success
### Below this point, the terms "DNVM", "DNX", etc. ###
### should never be used. Instead, use the Constants ###
### defined above ###
# An exception to the above: The commands are defined by functions
# named "dnvm-[command name]" so that extension functions can be added
$StartPath = $env:PATH
if ( $CmdPathFile ) {
if ( Test-Path $CmdPathFile ) {
_WriteDebug " Cleaning old CMD PATH file: $CmdPathFile "
Remove-Item $CmdPathFile -Force
_WriteDebug " Using CMD PATH file: $CmdPathFile "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
# Determine where SDKs can exist (RuntimeHomes)
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( ! $RuntimeHomes ) {
# Set up a default value for the runtime home
$UnencodedHomes = " $env:USERPROFILE \ $DefaultUserDirectoryName ; $GlobalHome \ $DefaultGlobalDirectoryName "
} else {
$UnencodedHomes = $RuntimeHomes
# Determine the default global installation directory (GlobalHome)
if ( ! $GlobalHome ) {
if ( $env:ProgramData ) {
$GlobalHome = " $env:ProgramData \ $DefaultGlobalDirectoryName "
} else {
$GlobalHome = " $env:AllUsersProfile \ $DefaultGlobalDirectoryName "
$env:DOTNET_GLOBAL_HOME = " $GlobalHome "
$UnencodedHomes = " $UnencodedHomes ; $GlobalHome "
$UnencodedHomes = $UnencodedHomes . Split ( " ; " )
$RuntimeHomes = $UnencodedHomes | ForEach-Object { [ Environment ] :: ExpandEnvironmentVariables ( $_ ) }
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$RuntimeDirs = $RuntimeHomes | ForEach-Object { Join-Path $_ $InstallSubFolder }
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
# Determine the default installation directory (UserHome)
if ( ! $UserHome ) {
_WriteDebug " Detecting User Home... "
$pf = $env:ProgramFiles
if ( Test-Path " env:\ProgramFiles(x86) " ) {
$pf32 = Get-Content " env:\ProgramFiles(x86) "
# Canonicalize so we can do StartsWith tests
if ( ! $pf . EndsWith ( " \ " ) ) { $pf + = " \ " }
if ( $pf32 -and ! $pf32 . EndsWith ( " \ " ) ) { $pf32 + = " \ " }
$UserHome = $RuntimeHomes | Where-Object {
# Take the first path that isn't under program files
! ( $_ . StartsWith ( $pf ) -or $_ . StartsWith ( $pf32 ) )
} | Select-Object -First 1
_WriteDebug " Found: $UserHome "
if ( ! $UserHome ) {
$UserHome = " $env:USERPROFILE \ $DefaultUserDirectoryName "
_WriteDebug " "
_WriteDebug " === Running $CommandName === "
_WriteDebug " Runtime Homes: $RuntimeHomes "
_WriteDebug " User Home: $UserHome "
$AliasesDir = Join-Path $UserHome " alias "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$RuntimesDir = Join-Path $UserHome $InstallSubFolder
$GlobalRuntimesDir = Join-Path $GlobalHome $InstallSubFolder
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$Aliases = $null
### Helper Functions
# Checks if a specified file exists in the destination folder and if not, copies the file
# to the destination folder.
function Safe-Filecopy {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 0 ) ] $Filename ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 1 ) ] $SourceFolder ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 2 ) ] $DestinationFolder )
# Make sure the destination folder is created if it doesn't already exist.
if ( ! ( Test-Path $DestinationFolder ) ) {
_WriteOut " Creating destination folder ' $DestinationFolder ' ... "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
New-Item -Type Directory $Destination | Out-Null
$sourceFilePath = Join-Path $SourceFolder $Filename
$destFilePath = Join-Path $DestinationFolder $Filename
if ( Test-Path $sourceFilePath ) {
_WriteOut " Installing ' $Filename ' to ' $DestinationFolder ' ... "
if ( Test-Path $destFilePath ) {
_WriteOut " Skipping: file already exists " -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Copy-Item $sourceFilePath $destFilePath -Force
else {
_WriteOut " WARNING: Unable to install: Could not find ' $Filename ' in ' $SourceFolder '. "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
function GetRuntimeInfo($Architecture , $OS , $Version ) {
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$runtimeInfo = @ {
" Architecture " = " $Architecture " ;
" OS " = " $OS " ;
" Version " = " $Version " ;
if ( [ String ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $runtimeInfo . OS ) ) {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$runtimeInfo . OS = " win "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
# Normalization
if ( $runtimeInfo . OS -eq " darwin " ) {
$runtimeInfo . OS = " osx "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
if ( $runtimeInfo . OS -eq " windows " ) {
$runtimeInfo . OS = " win "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( [ String ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $runtimeInfo . Architecture ) ) {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$runtimeInfo . Architecture = " x64 "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$runtimeObject = New-Object PSObject -Property $runtimeInfo
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$runtimeObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name RuntimeId -Value {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
" $RuntimePackageName - $( $this . OS ) - $( $this . Architecture ) " . ToLowerInvariant ( )
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$runtimeObject | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name RuntimeName -Value {
" $( $this . RuntimeId ) . $( $this . Version ) "
function Write-Usage {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Banner $AsciiArt
_WriteOut " $CommandFriendlyName v $FullVersion "
if ( ! $Authors . StartsWith ( " {{ " ) ) {
_WriteOut " By $Authors "
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Header " usage: "
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Executable " $CommandName "
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Command " <command> "
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Argument " [<arguments...>] "
function Write-Feeds {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Header " Current feed settings: "
_WriteOut -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Feed_Name " Default Stable: "
_WriteOut " $DefaultFeed "
_WriteOut -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Feed_Name " Default Unstable: "
_WriteOut " $DefaultUnstableFeed "
_WriteOut -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Feed_Name " Current Stable Override: "
if ( $ActiveFeed ) {
_WriteOut " $ActiveFeed "
} else {
_WriteOut " <none> "
_WriteOut -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Feed_Name " Current Unstable Override: "
if ( $ActiveUnstableFeed ) {
_WriteOut " $ActiveUnstableFeed "
} else {
_WriteOut " <none> "
_WriteOut -NoNewline " To use override feeds, set "
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Executable " $DefaultFeedKey "
_WriteOut -NoNewline " and "
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Executable " $DefaultUnstableFeedKey "
_WriteOut -NoNewline " environment keys respectively "
function Get-RuntimeAlias {
if ( $Aliases -eq $null ) {
_WriteDebug " Scanning for aliases in $AliasesDir "
if ( Test-Path $AliasesDir ) {
$Aliases = @ ( Get-ChildItem ( $UserHome + " \alias\ " ) | Select-Object @ { label = 'Alias' ; expression = { $_ . BaseName } } , @ { label = 'Name' ; expression = { Get-Content $_ . FullName } } , @ { label = 'Orphan' ; expression = { -Not ( Test-Path ( $RuntimesDir + " \ " + ( Get-Content $_ . FullName ) ) ) } } )
} else {
$Aliases = @ ( )
function IsOnPath {
param ( $dir )
$env:Path . Split ( ';' ) -icontains $dir
function Get-RuntimeAliasOrRuntimeInfo (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ] [ string ] $Version ,
[ Parameter ( ) ] [ string ] $Architecture ,
[ Parameter ( ) ] [ string ] $Runtime ,
[ Parameter ( ) ] [ string ] $OS ) {
$aliasPath = Join-Path $AliasesDir " $Version $AliasExtension "
if ( Test-Path $aliasPath ) {
$BaseName = Get-Content $aliasPath
if ( ! $Architecture ) {
$Architecture = Get-PackageArch $BaseName
if ( ! $Runtime ) {
$Runtime = Get-PackageRuntime $BaseName
$Version = Get-PackageVersion $BaseName
$OS = Get-PackageOS $BaseName
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
GetRuntimeInfo $Architecture $OS $Version
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
filter List-Parts {
param ( $aliases , $items )
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$location = " "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
if ( ( Test-Path $_ . FullName ) ) {
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$location = $_ . Parent . FullName
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$active = IsOnPath $_ . FullName
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$fullAlias = " "
$delim = " "
foreach ( $alias in $aliases ) {
if ( $_ . Name . Split ( '\' , 2 ) -contains $alias . Name ) {
$fullAlias + = $delim + $alias . Alias + ( & { if ( $alias . Orphan ) { " (missing) " } } )
$delim = " , "
$parts1 = $_ . Name . Split ( '.' , 2 )
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$parts2 = $parts1 [ 0 ] . Split ( '-' , 3 )
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$aliasUsed = " "
if ( $items ) {
$aliasUsed = $items | ForEach-Object {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
if ( $_ . Architecture -eq $parts2 [ 2 ] -and $_ . OperatingSystem -eq $parts2 [ 1 ] -and $_ . Version -eq $parts1 [ 1 ] ) {
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
return $true ;
return $false ;
if ( $aliasUsed -eq $true ) {
$fullAlias = " "
return New-Object PSObject -Property @ {
Active = $active
Version = $parts1 [ 1 ]
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
OperatingSystem = $parts2 [ 1 ]
Architecture = $parts2 [ 2 ]
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
Location = $location
Alias = $fullAlias
function Read-Alias($Name ) {
_WriteDebug " Listing aliases matching ' $Name ' "
$aliases = Get-RuntimeAlias
$result = @ ( $aliases | Where-Object { ! $Name -or ( $_ . Alias . Contains ( $Name ) ) } )
if ( $Name -and ( $result . Length -eq 1 ) ) {
_WriteOut " Alias ' $Name ' is set to ' $( $result [ 0 ] . Name ) ' "
} elseif ( $Name -and ( $result . Length -eq 0 ) ) {
_WriteOut " Alias does not exist: ' $Name ' "
$Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . AliasDoesNotExist
} else {
function Write-Alias {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ] [ string ] $Name ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ] [ string ] $Version ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $Architecture ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $Runtime ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ string ] $OS )
# If the first character is non-numeric, it's a full runtime name
if ( ! [ Char ] :: IsDigit ( $Version [ 0 ] ) ) {
$runtimeInfo = GetRuntimeInfo $ ( Get-PackageArch $Version ) $ ( Get-PackageRuntime $Version ) $ ( Get-PackageOS $Version ) $ ( Get-PackageVersion $Version )
} else {
$runtimeInfo = GetRuntimeInfo $Architecture $Runtime $OS $Version
$aliasFilePath = Join-Path $AliasesDir " $Name .txt "
$action = if ( Test-Path $aliasFilePath ) { " Updating " } else { " Setting " }
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( ! ( Test-Path $AliasesDir ) ) {
_WriteDebug " Creating alias directory: $AliasesDir "
New-Item -Type Directory $AliasesDir | Out-Null
_WriteOut " $action alias ' $Name ' to ' $( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) ' "
$runtimeInfo . RuntimeName | Out-File $aliasFilePath ascii
function Delete-Alias {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ] [ string ] $Name )
$aliasPath = Join-Path $AliasesDir " $Name .txt "
if ( Test-Path -literalPath " $aliasPath " ) {
_WriteOut " Removing alias $Name "
# Delete with "-Force" because we already confirmed above
Remove-Item -literalPath $aliasPath -Force
} else {
_WriteOut " Cannot remove alias ' $Name '. It does not exist. "
$Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . AliasDoesNotExist # Return non-zero exit code for scripting
function Apply-Proxy {
param (
[ System.Net.WebClient ] $wc ,
[ string ] $Proxy
if ( ! $Proxy ) {
$Proxy = $env:http_proxy
if ( $Proxy ) {
$wp = New-Object System . Net . WebProxy ( $Proxy )
$pb = New-Object UriBuilder ( $Proxy )
if ( ! $pb . UserName ) {
$wp . Credentials = [ System.Net.CredentialCache ] :: DefaultCredentials
} else {
$wp . Credentials = New-Object System . Net . NetworkCredential ( $pb . UserName , $pb . Password )
$wc . Proxy = $wp
function Join-UrlFragments
$Parts = $null
( $Parts | ? { $_ } | % { ( [ string ] $_ ) . trim ( " / " ) } | ? { $_ } ) -join " / "
function Find-Package {
param (
$runtimeInfo ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ]
[ string ] $Feed ,
[ string ] $Proxy ,
[ string ] $channel
_WriteOut " Determining latest version "
$RuntimeId = $runtimeInfo . RuntimeId
_WriteDebug " Latest RuntimeId: $RuntimeId "
2015-10-21 17:28:04 -07:00
$url = Join-UrlFragments $Feed , $channel , " dnvm " , " index "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
_WriteDebug " Index URL: $url "
$wc = New-Object System . Net . WebClient
Apply-Proxy $wc -Proxy: $Proxy
_WriteDebug " Downloading $Url ... "
try {
$index = $wc . DownloadString ( $Url )
} catch {
$Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . NoRuntimesOnFeed
throw " Unable to find any runtime packages on the feed! "
if ( $runtimeInfo . Version -eq " latest " ) {
$version = $index | ? { $_ -match " Latest: (?<version>.+)? " } | % { $matches [ " version " ] }
} else {
$version = $runtimeInfo . Version
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( $version ) {
$urlPart = $index | ? { $_ -match " Filename: (?<url>.+? $RuntimeId . $version .zip) " } | % { $matches [ " url " ] }
_WriteDebug " Found Package Path: $urlPart "
2015-10-21 17:28:04 -07:00
$downloadUrl = Join-UrlFragments $Feed , $channel , $urlPart
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
_WriteDebug " Found $version at $downloadUrl "
@ { Version = $version ; DownloadUrl = $downloadUrl }
} else {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
throw " There are no SDKs matching the name $RuntimeId on channel ' $channel '. "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
function Get-PackageVersion ( ) {
param (
[ string ] $runtimeFullName
return $runtimeFullName -replace '[^.]*.(.*)' , '$1'
function Get-PackageArch ( ) {
param (
[ string ] $runtimeFullName
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
return $runtimeFullName -replace " $RuntimePackageName -[^-]*-([^.]*).* " , '$1'
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
function Get-PackageOS ( ) {
param (
[ string ] $runtimeFullName
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$runtimeFullName -replace " $RuntimePackageName -([^-]*)-[^.]*.* " , '$1'
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
function Download-Package ( ) {
param (
$runtimeInfo ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ]
[ string ] $DownloadUrl ,
[ string ] $DestinationFile ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ]
[ string ] $Feed ,
[ string ] $Proxy
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
_WriteOut " Downloading $( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) from $feed "
$wc = New-Object System . Net . WebClient
try {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
Apply-Proxy $wc -Proxy: $Proxy
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
_WriteDebug " Downloading $DownloadUrl ... "
Register-ObjectEvent $wc DownloadProgressChanged -SourceIdentifier WebClient . ProgressChanged -action {
$Global:downloadData = $eventArgs
} | Out-Null
Register-ObjectEvent $wc DownloadFileCompleted -SourceIdentifier WebClient . ProgressComplete -action {
$Global:downloadData = $eventArgs
$Global:downloadCompleted = $true
} | Out-Null
$wc . DownloadFileAsync ( $DownloadUrl , $DestinationFile )
while ( -not $Global:downloadCompleted ) {
$percent = $Global:downloadData . ProgressPercentage
$totalBytes = $Global:downloadData . TotalBytesToReceive
$receivedBytes = $Global:downloadData . BytesReceived
If ( $percent -ne $null ) {
Write-Progress -Activity ( " Downloading $RuntimeShortFriendlyName from $DownloadUrl " ) `
-Status ( " Downloaded $( $Global:downloadData . BytesReceived ) of $( $Global:downloadData . TotalBytesToReceive ) bytes " ) `
-PercentComplete $percent -Id 2 -ParentId 1
if ( $Global:downloadData . Error ) {
if ( $Global:downloadData . Error . Response . StatusCode -eq [ System.Net.HttpStatusCode ] :: NotFound ) {
throw " The server returned a 404 (NotFound). This is most likely caused by the feed not having the version that you typed. Check that you typed the right version and try again. Other possible causes are the feed doesn't have a $RuntimeShortFriendlyName of the right name format or some other error caused a 404 on the server. "
} else {
throw " Unable to download package: {0} " -f $Global:downloadData . Error . Message
Write-Progress -Status " Done " -Activity ( " Downloading $RuntimeShortFriendlyName from $DownloadUrl " ) -Id 2 -ParentId 1 -Completed
finally {
Remove-Variable downloadData -Scope " Global "
Remove-Variable downloadCompleted -Scope " Global "
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier WebClient . ProgressChanged
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier WebClient . ProgressComplete
$wc . Dispose ( )
function Unpack-Package([string]$DownloadFile , [ string ] $UnpackFolder ) {
_WriteDebug " Unpacking $DownloadFile to $UnpackFolder "
$compressionLib = [ System.Reflection.Assembly ] :: LoadWithPartialName ( 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem' )
try {
if ( $compressionLib -eq $null ) {
# Use the shell to uncompress the zip
$shell_app = new-object -com shell . application
$zip_file = $shell_app . namespace ( $DownloadFile )
$destination = $shell_app . namespace ( $UnpackFolder )
$destination . Copyhere ( $zip_file . items ( ) , 0x14 ) #0x4 = don't show UI, 0x10 = overwrite files
} else {
[ System.IO.Compression.ZipFile ] :: ExtractToDirectory ( $DownloadFile , $UnpackFolder )
} finally {
# Clean up the package file itself.
Remove-Item $DownloadFile -Force
#NOTE: This can be removed as soon as we start re-packing the zips on blob storage.
#for now they are just renamed so we will continue to do this but we can remove it in the near future.
If ( Test-Path -LiteralPath ( $UnpackFolder + " \[Content_Types].xml " ) ) {
Remove-Item -LiteralPath ( $UnpackFolder + " \[Content_Types].xml " )
If ( Test-Path ( $UnpackFolder + " \_rels\ " ) ) {
Remove-Item -LiteralPath ( $UnpackFolder + " \_rels\ " ) -Force -Recurse
If ( Test-Path ( $UnpackFolder + " \package\ " ) ) {
Remove-Item -LiteralPath ( $UnpackFolder + " \package\ " ) -Force -Recurse
function Get-RuntimePath($runtimeFullName ) {
_WriteDebug " Resolving $runtimeFullName "
foreach ( $RuntimeHome in $RuntimeHomes ) {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$runtimeBin = " $RuntimeHome \ $InstallSubfolder \ $runtimeFullName "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
_WriteDebug " Candidate $runtimeBin "
if ( Test-Path $runtimeBin ) {
_WriteDebug " Found in $runtimeBin "
return $runtimeBin
return $null
function Change-Path ( ) {
param (
[ string ] $existingPaths ,
[ string ] $prependPath ,
[ string[] ] $removePaths
_WriteDebug " Updating value to prepend ' $prependPath ' and remove ' $removePaths ' "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$newPath = $prependPath
foreach ( $portion in $existingPaths . Split ( ';' ) ) {
if ( ! [ string ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $portion ) ) {
$skip = $portion -eq " "
foreach ( $removePath in $removePaths ) {
if ( ! [ string ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $removePath ) ) {
$removePrefix = if ( $removePath . EndsWith ( " \ " ) ) { $removePath } else { " $removePath \ " }
if ( $removePath -and ( ( $portion -eq $removePath ) -or ( $portion . StartsWith ( $removePrefix ) ) ) ) {
_WriteDebug " Removing ' $portion ' because it matches ' $removePath ' "
$skip = $true
if ( ! $skip ) {
if ( ! [ String ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $newPath ) ) {
$newPath + = " ; "
$newPath + = $portion
return $newPath
function Set-Path ( ) {
param (
[ string ] $newPath
$env:PATH = $newPath
if ( $CmdPathFile ) {
$Parent = Split-Path -Parent $CmdPathFile
if ( ! ( Test-Path $Parent ) ) {
New-Item -Type Directory $Parent -Force | Out-Null
_WriteDebug " Writing PATH file for CMD script "
SET " PATH= $newPath "
" @ | Out-File $CmdPathFile ascii
function Ngen-Library (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ]
[ string ] $runtimeBin ,
[ ValidateSet ( " x86 " , " x64 " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ]
[ string ] $architecture ) {
if ( $architecture -eq 'x64' ) {
$regView = [ Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView ] :: Registry64
elseif ( $architecture -eq 'x86' ) {
$regView = [ Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView ] :: Registry32
else {
_WriteOut " Installation does not understand architecture $architecture , skipping ngen... "
$regHive = [ Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive ] :: LocalMachine
$regKey = [ Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey ] :: OpenBaseKey ( $regHive , $regView )
$frameworkPath = $regKey . OpenSubKey ( " SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full " ) . GetValue ( " InstallPath " )
$ngenExe = Join-Path $frameworkPath 'ngen.exe'
$ngenCmds = " "
foreach ( $bin in Get-ChildItem $runtimeBin -Filter " Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.dll " ) {
$ngenCmds + = " $ngenExe install $( $bin . FullName ) ; "
$ngenProc = Start-Process " $psHome \powershell.exe " -Verb runAs -ArgumentList " -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted & $ngenCmds " -Wait -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden
function Is-Elevated ( ) {
$user = [ Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity ] :: GetCurrent ( )
return $user . IsInRole ( [ Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole ] " Administrator " )
### Commands
Updates DNVM to the latest version .
Use the given address as a proxy when accessing remote server
function dnvm-update-self {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Proxy )
_WriteOut " Updating $CommandName from $DNVMUpgradeUrl "
$wc = New-Object System . Net . WebClient
Apply-Proxy $wc -Proxy: $Proxy
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$dnvmFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot " dnvm.ps1 "
$tempDnvmFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot " temp "
$backupFilePath = Join-Path $PSSCriptRoot " dnvm.ps1.bak "
$wc . DownloadFile ( $DNVMUpgradeUrl , $tempDnvmFile )
if ( Test-Path $backupFilePath ) {
Remove-Item $backupFilePath -Force
Rename-Item $dnvmFile $backupFilePath
Rename-Item $tempDnvmFile $dnvmFile
Displays a list of commands , and help for specific commands
A specific command to get help for
function dnvm-help {
[ CmdletBinding ( DefaultParameterSetName = " GeneralHelp " ) ]
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 0 , ParameterSetName = " SpecificCommand " ) ] [ string ] $Command ,
[ switch ] $PassThru )
if ( $Command ) {
$cmd = Get-Command " dnvm- $Command " -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ( ! $cmd ) {
_WriteOut " No such command: $Command "
$Script:ExitCodes = $ExitCodes . UnknownCommand
if ( $Host . Version . Major -lt 3 ) {
$help = Get-Help " dnvm- $Command "
} else {
$help = Get-Help " dnvm- $Command " -ShowWindow: $false
if ( $PassThru -Or $Host . Version . Major -lt 3 ) {
} else {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Header " $CommandName $Command "
_WriteOut " $( $help . Synopsis . Trim ( ) ) "
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Header " usage: "
$help . Syntax . syntaxItem | ForEach-Object {
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Executable " $CommandName "
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Command " $Command "
if ( $_ . parameter ) {
$_ . parameter | ForEach-Object {
$cmdParam = $cmd . Parameters [ $_ . name ]
$name = $_ . name
if ( $cmdParam . Aliases . Length -gt 0 ) {
$name = $cmdParam . Aliases | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1
_WriteOut -NoNewLine " "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( $_ . required -ne " true " ) {
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Optional " [ "
if ( $_ . position -eq " Named " ) {
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Switch " - $name "
if ( $_ . parameterValue ) {
if ( $_ . position -eq " Named " ) {
_WriteOut -NoNewLine " "
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Argument " < $( $_ . name ) > "
if ( $_ . required -ne " true " ) {
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Optional " ] "
if ( $help . parameters -and $help . parameters . parameter ) {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Header " options: "
$help . parameters . parameter | ForEach-Object {
$cmdParam = $cmd . Parameters [ $_ . name ]
$name = $_ . name
if ( $cmdParam . Aliases . Length -gt 0 ) {
$name = $cmdParam . Aliases | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
_WriteOut -NoNewLine " "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( $_ . position -eq " Named " ) {
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Switch " - $name " . PadRight ( $OptionPadding )
} else {
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Argument " < $( $_ . name ) > " . PadRight ( $OptionPadding )
_WriteOut " $( $_ . description . Text ) "
if ( $help . description ) {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Header " remarks: "
$help . description . Text . Split ( @ ( " `r " , " `n " ) , " RemoveEmptyEntries " ) |
ForEach-Object { _WriteOut " $_ " }
if ( $DeprecatedCommands -contains $Command ) {
_WriteOut " This command has been deprecated and should not longer be used "
} else {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Header " commands: "
Get-Command " $CommandPrefix * " |
ForEach-Object {
if ( $Host . Version . Major -lt 3 ) {
$h = Get-Help $_ . Name
} else {
$h = Get-Help $_ . Name -ShowWindow: $false
$name = $_ . Name . Substring ( $CommandPrefix . Length )
if ( $DeprecatedCommands -notcontains $name ) {
_WriteOut -NoNewLine " "
_WriteOut -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Help_Command $name . PadRight ( $CommandPadding )
_WriteOut " $( $h . Synopsis . Trim ( ) ) "
filter ColorActive {
param ( [ string ] $color )
$lines = $_ . Split ( " `n " )
foreach ( $line in $lines ) {
if ( $line . Contains ( " * " ) ) {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . ActiveRuntime $line
} else {
_WriteOut $line
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
Displays the DNVM version .
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
function dnvm-version {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
_WriteOut " $FullVersion "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
Lists available SDKs
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
. PARAMETER Detailed
Display more detailed information on each runtime
Set this switch to return unformatted powershell objects for use in scripting
function dnvm-list {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ switch ] $PassThru ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ] [ switch ] $Detailed )
$aliases = Get-RuntimeAlias
if ( -not $PassThru ) {
$items = @ ( )
$RuntimeHomes | ForEach-Object {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
_WriteDebug " Scanning $_ for SDKs... "
if ( Test-Path " $_ \ $InstallSubfolder " ) {
$items + = Get-ChildItem " $_ \ $InstallSubfolder \ $RuntimePackageName -* " | List-Parts $aliases $items
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$aliases | Where-Object { $_ . Orphan } | ForEach-Object {
$items + = $_ | Select-Object @ { label = 'Name' ; expression = { $_ . Name } } , @ { label = 'FullName' ; expression = { Join-Path $RuntimesDir $_ . Name } } | List-Parts $aliases
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( $PassThru ) {
} else {
if ( $items ) {
#TODO: Probably a better way to do this.
if ( $Detailed ) {
$items |
Sort-Object Version , Alias |
Format-Table -AutoSize -Property @ { name = " Active " ; expression = { if ( $_ . Active ) { " * " } else { " " } } ; alignment = " center " } , " Version " , " Alias " , " Location " | Out-String | ColorActive
} else {
$items |
Sort-Object Version , Architecture , OperatingSystem , Alias |
Format-Table -AutoSize -Property @ { name = " Active " ; expression = { if ( $_ . Active ) { " * " } else { " " } } ; alignment = " center " } , " Version " , " Alias " | Out-String | ColorActive
} else {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
_WriteOut " No SDKs installed. You can run 'dnvm install latest' or 'dnvm upgrade' to install a runtime. "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
Lists and manages aliases
The name of the alias to read / create / delete
The version to assign to the new alias
. PARAMETER Architecture
The architecture of the runtime to assign to this alias
The operating system that the runtime targets
Set this switch to delete the alias with the specified name
If no arguments are provided , this command lists all aliases . If < Name > is provided ,
the value of that alias , if present , is displayed . If < Name > and < Version > are
provided , the alias < Name > is set to the runtime defined by < Version > , < Architecture >
( defaults to 'x86' ) and < Runtime > ( defaults to 'clr' ) .
Finally , if the '-d' switch is provided , the alias < Name > is deleted , if it exists .
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
NOTE : You cannot create an alias for a non-windows runtime . The intended use case for
an alias to help make it easier to switch the runtime , and you cannot use a non-windows
runtime on a windows machine .
function dnvm-alias {
param (
[ Alias ( " d " ) ]
[ switch ] $Delete ,
[ Parameter ( Position = 0 ) ]
[ string ] $Name ,
[ Parameter ( Position = 1 ) ]
[ string ] $Version ,
[ Alias ( " arch " ) ]
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " x86 " , " x64 " , " arm " ) ]
[ string ] $Architecture = " " ,
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
[ ValidateSet ( " win " , " osx " , " linux " ) ]
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false , ParameterSetName = " Write " ) ]
[ string ] $OS = " " )
if ( $Name -like " help " -or $Name -like " /? " ) {
#It is unlikely that the user is trying to read an alias called help, so lets just help them out by displaying help text.
#If people need an alias called help or one that contains a `?` then we can change this to a prompt.
dnvm help alias
if ( $Version ) {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
Write-Alias $Name $Version -Architecture $Architecture -OS: $OS
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
} elseif ( $Delete ) {
Delete-Alias $Name
} else {
Read-Alias $Name
Installs the latest version of the runtime and reassigns the specified alias to point at it
The alias to upgrade ( default : 'default' )
. PARAMETER Architecture
The processor architecture of the runtime to install ( default : x86 )
The operating system that the runtime targets ( default : win )
Overwrite an existing runtime if it already exists
Use the given address as a proxy when accessing remote server
Skip generation of native images
For CLR flavor only . Generate native images for runtime libraries on Desktop CLR to improve startup time . This option requires elevated privilege and will be automatically turned on if the script is running in administrative mode . To opt-out in administrative mode , use -NoNative switch .
. PARAMETER Unstable
Upgrade from the unstable dev feed . This will give you the latest development version of the runtime .
Installs to configured global dnx file location ( default : C: \ ProgramData )
function dnvm-upgrade {
param (
[ Alias ( " a " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false , Position = 0 ) ]
[ string ] $Alias = " default " ,
[ Alias ( " arch " ) ]
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " x86 " , " x64 " , " arm " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Architecture = " " ,
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " win " , " osx " , " linux " ) ]
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $OS = " " ,
[ Alias ( " f " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Force ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Proxy ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $NoNative = $true ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Ngen ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Unstable ,
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Global )
if ( $OS -ne " win " -and ! [ String ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $OS ) ) {
#We could remove OS as an option from upgrade, but I want to take this opporunty to educate users about the difference between install and upgrade
#It's possible we should just do install here instead.
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Error " You cannot upgrade to a non-windows runtime. Upgrade will download the latest version of the $RuntimeShortFriendlyName and also set it as your machines default. You cannot set the default $RuntimeShortFriendlyName to a non-windows version because you cannot use it to run an application. If you want to install a non-windows $RuntimeShortFriendlyName to package with your application then use 'dnvm install latest -OS: $OS ' instead. Install will download the package but not set it as your default. "
$Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . OtherError
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
dnvm-install " latest " -Alias: $Alias -Architecture: $Architecture -OS: $OS -Force: $Force -Proxy: $Proxy -NoNative: $NoNative -Ngen: $Ngen -Unstable: $Unstable -Persistent: $true -Global: $Global
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
Installs a version of the runtime
. PARAMETER VersionNuPkgOrAlias
The version to install from the current channel , the path to a '.nupkg' file to install , 'latest' to
install the latest available version from the current channel , or an alias value to install an alternate
runtime or architecture flavor of the specified alias .
. PARAMETER Architecture
The processor architecture of the runtime to install ( default : x86 )
The operating system that the runtime targets ( default : win )
Set alias < Alias > to the installed runtime
Overwrite an existing runtime if it already exists
Use the given address as a proxy when accessing remote server
Skip generation of native images
For CLR flavor only . Generate native images for runtime libraries on Desktop CLR to improve startup time . This option requires elevated privilege and will be automatically turned on if the script is running in administrative mode . To opt-out in administrative mode , use -NoNative switch .
. PARAMETER Persistent
Make the installed runtime useable across all processes run by the current user
. PARAMETER Unstable
Upgrade from the unstable dev feed . This will give you the latest development version of the runtime .
Installs to configured global dnx file location ( default : C: \ ProgramData )
A proxy can also be specified by using the 'http_proxy' environment variable
function dnvm-install {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false , Position = 0 ) ]
[ string ] $VersionNuPkgOrAlias ,
[ Alias ( " arch " ) ]
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " x86 " , " x64 " , " arm " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Architecture = " " ,
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " win " , " osx " , " linux " ) ]
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $OS = " " ,
[ Alias ( " a " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Alias ,
[ Alias ( " f " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Force ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Proxy ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $NoNative ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Ngen ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Persistent ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Unstable ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Global )
$selectedFeed = " "
$activeChannel = " "
#This will change to a more first class channels feature in the future.
if ( $Unstable ) {
$selectedFeed = $ActiveUnstableFeed
if ( ! $selectedFeed ) {
$selectedFeed = $DefaultUnstableFeed
} else {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Warning " Default unstable feed ( $DefaultUnstableFeed ) is being overridden by the value of the $DefaultUnstableFeedKey environment variable ( $ActiveUnstableFeed ) "
$activeChannel = " dev "
} else {
$selectedFeed = $ActiveFeed
if ( ! $selectedFeed ) {
$selectedFeed = $DefaultFeed
} else {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor $ColorScheme . Warning " Default stable feed ( $DefaultFeed ) is being overridden by the value of the $DefaultFeedKey environment variable ( $ActiveFeed ) "
2015-10-21 17:28:04 -07:00
$activeChannel = " dev "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( ! $VersionNuPkgOrAlias ) {
_WriteOut " A version, nupkg path, or the string 'latest' must be provided. "
dnvm-help install
$Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . InvalidArguments
$IsNuPkg = $VersionNuPkgOrAlias . EndsWith ( " .nupkg " )
if ( $IsNuPkg ) {
if ( ! ( Test-Path $VersionNuPkgOrAlias ) ) {
throw " Unable to locate package file: ' $VersionNuPkgOrAlias ' "
Write-Progress -Activity " Installing runtime " -Status " Parsing package file name " -Id 1
$runtimeFullName = [ System.IO.Path ] :: GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( $VersionNuPkgOrAlias )
$Architecture = Get-PackageArch $runtimeFullName
$OS = Get-PackageOS $runtimeFullName
$Version = Get-PackageVersion $runtimeFullName
} else {
$aliasPath = Join-Path $AliasesDir " $VersionNuPkgOrAlias $AliasExtension "
if ( Test-Path $aliasPath ) {
$BaseName = Get-Content $aliasPath
#Check empty checks let us override a given alias property when installing the same again. e.g. `dnvm install default -x64`
if ( [ String ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $Architecture ) ) {
$Architecture = Get-PackageArch $BaseName
if ( [ String ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $Version ) ) {
$Version = Get-PackageVersion $BaseName
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( [ String ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $OS ) ) {
$OS = Get-PackageOS $BaseName
} else {
$Version = $VersionNuPkgOrAlias
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$runtimeInfo = GetRuntimeInfo $Architecture $OS $Version
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( ! $IsNuPkg ) {
$findPackageResult = Find-Package -runtimeInfo: $runtimeInfo -Feed: $selectedFeed -Channel: $activeChannel
$Version = $findPackageResult . Version
#If the version is still empty at this point then VersionOrNupkgOrAlias is an actual version.
if ( [ String ] :: IsNullOrEmpty ( $Version ) ) {
$Version = $VersionNuPkgOrAlias
$runtimeInfo . Version = $Version
_WriteDebug " Preparing to install runtime ' $( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) ' "
_WriteDebug " Architecture: $( $runtimeInfo . Architecture ) "
_WriteDebug " Version: $( $runtimeInfo . Version ) "
_WriteDebug " OS: $( $runtimeInfo . OS ) "
$installDir = $RuntimesDir
if ( ! $Global ) {
$RuntimeFolder = Join-Path $RuntimesDir $ ( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName )
else {
$installDir = $GlobalRuntimesDir
$RuntimeFolder = Join-Path $GlobalRuntimesDir $ ( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName )
_WriteDebug " Destination: $RuntimeFolder "
if ( ( Test-Path $RuntimeFolder ) -and $Force ) {
_WriteOut " Cleaning existing installation... "
Remove-Item $RuntimeFolder -Recurse -Force
$installed = " "
if ( Test-Path ( Join-Path $RuntimesDir $ ( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) ) ) {
$installed = Join-Path $RuntimesDir $ ( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName )
if ( Test-Path ( Join-Path $GlobalRuntimesDir $ ( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) ) ) {
$installed = Join-Path $GlobalRuntimesDir $ ( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName )
if ( $installed -ne " " ) {
_WriteOut " ' $( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) ' is already installed in $installed . "
if ( $runtimeInfo . OS -eq " win " ) {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
dnvm-use $runtimeInfo . Version -Architecture: $runtimeInfo . Architecture -Persistent: $Persistent -OS: $runtimeInfo . OS
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
else {
$Architecture = $runtimeInfo . Architecture
$OS = $runtimeInfo . OS
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$TempFolder = Join-Path $installDir " temp "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$UnpackFolder = Join-Path $TempFolder $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName
$DownloadFile = Join-Path $UnpackFolder " $( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) .nupkg "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( Test-Path $UnpackFolder ) {
_WriteDebug " Cleaning temporary directory $UnpackFolder "
Remove-Item $UnpackFolder -Recurse -Force
New-Item -Type Directory $UnpackFolder | Out-Null
if ( $IsNuPkg ) {
Write-Progress -Activity " Installing runtime " -Status " Copying package " -Id 1
_WriteDebug " Copying local nupkg $VersionNuPkgOrAlias to $DownloadFile "
Copy-Item $VersionNuPkgOrAlias $DownloadFile
} else {
# Download the package
Write-Progress -Activity " Installing runtime " -Status " Downloading runtime " -Id 1
_WriteDebug " Downloading version $( $runtimeInfo . Version ) to $DownloadFile "
Download-Package -RuntimeInfo: $runtimeInfo -DownloadUrl: $findPackageResult . DownloadUrl -DestinationFile: $DownloadFile -Proxy: $Proxy -Feed: $selectedFeed
Write-Progress -Activity " Installing runtime " -Status " Unpacking runtime " -Id 1
Unpack-Package $DownloadFile $UnpackFolder
if ( Test-Path $RuntimeFolder ) {
# Ensure the runtime hasn't been installed in the time it took to download the package.
_WriteOut " ' $( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) ' is already installed. "
else {
_WriteOut " Installing to $RuntimeFolder "
_WriteDebug " Moving package contents to $RuntimeFolder "
try {
Move-Item $UnpackFolder $RuntimeFolder
} catch {
if ( Test-Path $RuntimeFolder ) {
#Attempt to cleanup the runtime folder if it is there after a fail.
Remove-Item $RuntimeFolder -Recurse -Force
#If there is nothing left in the temp folder remove it. There could be other installs happening at the same time as this.
if ( Test-Path $ ( Join-Path $TempFolder " * " ) ) {
Remove-Item $TempFolder -Recurse
if ( $runtimeInfo . OS -eq " win " ) {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
dnvm-use $runtimeInfo . Version -Architecture: $runtimeInfo . Architecture -Persistent: $Persistent -OS: $runtimeInfo . OS
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( $Alias ) {
if ( $runtimeInfo . OS -eq " win " ) {
_WriteDebug " Aliasing installed runtime to ' $Alias ' "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
dnvm-alias $Alias $runtimeInfo . Version -Architecture: $RuntimeInfo . Architecture -OS: $RuntimeInfo . OS
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
} else {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
_WriteOut " Unable to set an alias for a non-windows runtime. Installing non-windows SDKs on Windows are meant only for publishing, not running. "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
Write-Progress -Status " Done " -Activity " Install complete " -Id 1 -Complete
Adds a runtime to the PATH environment variable for your current shell
. PARAMETER VersionOrAlias
The version or alias of the runtime to place on the PATH
. PARAMETER Architecture
The processor architecture of the runtime to place on the PATH ( default : x86 , or whatever the alias specifies in the case of use-ing an alias )
The operating system that the runtime targets ( default : win )
. PARAMETER Persistent
Make the change persistent across all processes run by the current user
function dnvm-use {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 0 ) ]
[ string ] $VersionOrAlias ,
[ Alias ( " arch " ) ]
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " x86 " , " x64 " , " arm " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Architecture = " " ,
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " win " , " osx " , " darwin " , " linux " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $OS = " " ,
[ Alias ( " p " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ switch ] $Persistent )
if ( $versionOrAlias -eq " none " ) {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
_WriteOut " Removing all SDKs from process PATH "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
Set-Path ( Change-Path $env:Path " " ( $RuntimeDirs ) )
return ;
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$runtimeInfo = Get-RuntimeAliasOrRuntimeInfo -Version: $VersionOrAlias -Architecture: $Architecture -OS: $OS
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$runtimeFullName = $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName
$runtimeBin = Get-RuntimePath $runtimeFullName
_WriteDebug " Using: $runtimeFullName "
if ( $runtimeBin -eq $null ) {
throw " Cannot find $runtimeFullName , do you need to run ' $CommandName install $versionOrAlias '? "
_WriteOut " Adding $runtimeBin to process PATH "
Set-Path ( Change-Path $env:Path $runtimeBin ( $RuntimeDirs ) )
Locates the dnx . exe for the specified version or alias and executes it , providing the remaining arguments to dnx . exe
. PARAMETER VersionOrAlias
The version of alias of the runtime to execute
. PARAMETER DnxArguments
The arguments to pass to dnx . exe
function dnvm-run {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 0 ) ]
[ string ] $VersionOrAlias ,
[ Alias ( " arch " ) ]
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " x86 " , " x64 " , " arm " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Architecture = " " ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false , Position = 1 , ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true ) ]
[ object[] ] $DnxArguments )
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$runtimeInfo = Get-RuntimeAliasOrRuntimeInfo -Version: $VersionOrAlias -Architecture: $Architecture
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$runtimeBin = Get-RuntimePath $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName
if ( $runtimeBin -eq $null ) {
throw " Cannot find $( $runtimeInfo . Name ) , do you need to run ' $CommandName install $versionOrAlias '? "
$dnxExe = Join-Path $runtimeBin " dnx.exe "
if ( ! ( Test-Path $dnxExe ) ) {
throw " Cannot find a dnx.exe in $runtimeBin , the installation may be corrupt. Try running 'dnvm install $VersionOrAlias -f' to reinstall it "
_WriteDebug " > $dnxExe $DnxArguments "
& $dnxExe @DnxArguments
$Script:ExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE
Executes the specified command in a sub-shell where the PATH has been augmented to include the specified DNX
. PARAMETER VersionOrAlias
The version of alias of the runtime to make active in the sub-shell
The command to execute in the sub-shell
function dnvm-exec {
param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true , Position = 0 ) ]
[ string ] $VersionOrAlias ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false , Position = 1 ) ]
[ string ] $Command ,
[ Alias ( " arch " ) ]
[ ValidateSet ( " " , " x86 " , " x64 " , " arm " ) ]
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false ) ]
[ string ] $Architecture = " " ,
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $false , Position = 2 , ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true ) ]
[ object[] ] $Arguments )
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$runtimeInfo = Get-RuntimeAliasOrRuntimeInfo -Version: $VersionOrAlias -Architecture: $Architecture
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$runtimeBin = Get-RuntimePath $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName
if ( $runtimeBin -eq $null ) {
throw " Cannot find $( $runtimeInfo . RuntimeName ) , do you need to run ' $CommandName install $versionOrAlias '? "
$oldPath = $env:PATH
try {
$env:PATH = " $runtimeBin ; $( $env:PATH ) "
& $Command @Arguments
} finally {
$Script:ExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE
$env:PATH = $oldPath
Installs the version manager into your User profile directory
. PARAMETER SkipUserEnvironmentInstall
Set this switch to skip configuring the user-level DOTNET_HOME and PATH environment variables
function dnvm-setup {
param (
[ switch ] $SkipUserEnvironmentInstall )
$DestinationHome = " $env:USERPROFILE \ $DefaultUserDirectoryName "
# Install scripts
$Destination = " $DestinationHome \bin "
_WriteOut " Installing $CommandFriendlyName to $Destination "
$ScriptFolder = Split-Path -Parent $ScriptPath
# Copy script files (if necessary):
Safe-Filecopy " $CommandName .ps1 " $ScriptFolder $Destination
Safe-Filecopy " $CommandName .cmd " $ScriptFolder $Destination
# Configure Environment Variables
# Also, clean old user home values if present
# We'll be removing any existing homes, both
$PathsToRemove = @ (
" %USERPROFILE%\ $DefaultUserDirectoryName " ,
[ Environment ] :: ExpandEnvironmentVariables ( $OldUserHome ) ,
$DestinationHome ,
$OldUserHome )
# First: PATH
_WriteOut " Adding $Destination to Process PATH "
Set-Path ( Change-Path $env:PATH $Destination $PathsToRemove )
if ( ! $SkipUserEnvironmentInstall ) {
2015-10-18 19:02:09 -07:00
#_WriteOut "Adding $Destination to User PATH"
#$userPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "User")
#$userPath = Change-Path $userPath $Destination $PathsToRemove
#[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $userPath, "User")
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
# Now the HomeEnvVar
_WriteOut " Adding $DestinationHome to Process $HomeEnvVar "
$processHome = " "
if ( Test-Path " env:\ $HomeEnvVar " ) {
$processHome = Get-Content " env:\ $HomeEnvVar "
$processHome = Change-Path $processHome " %USERPROFILE%\ $DefaultUserDirectoryName " $PathsToRemove
Set-Content " env:\ $HomeEnvVar " $processHome
if ( ! $SkipUserEnvironmentInstall ) {
_WriteOut " Adding $DestinationHome to User $HomeEnvVar "
$userHomeVal = [ Environment ] :: GetEnvironmentVariable ( $HomeEnvVar , " User " )
$userHomeVal = Change-Path $userHomeVal " %USERPROFILE%\ $DefaultUserDirectoryName " $PathsToRemove
[ Environment ] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( $HomeEnvVar , $userHomeVal , " User " )
function Check-Runtimes ( ) {
$runtimesInstall = $false ;
foreach ( $runtimeHomeDir in $RuntimeHomes ) {
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
if ( Test-Path " $runtimeHomeDir \ $InstallSubfolder " ) {
if ( Test-Path " $runtimeHomeDir \ $InstallSubfolder \ $RuntimePackageName -* " ) {
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$runtimesInstall = $true ;
break ;
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( -not $runtimesInstall ) {
$title = " Getting started "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
$message = " It looks like you don't have any SDKs installed. Do you want us to install a $RuntimeShortFriendlyName to get you started? "
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$yes = New-Object System . Management . Automation . Host . ChoiceDescription " &Yes " , " Install the latest runtime for you "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$no = New-Object System . Management . Automation . Host . ChoiceDescription " &No " , " Do not install the latest runtime and continue "
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$options = [ System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[] ] ( $yes , $no )
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
$result = $host . ui . PromptForChoice ( $title , $message , $options , 0 )
2015-10-20 09:05:17 -07:00
2015-10-16 15:41:41 -07:00
if ( $result -eq 0 ) {
### The main "entry point"
# Check for old DOTNET_HOME values
if ( $UnencodedHomes -contains $OldUserHome ) {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor Yellow " WARNING: Found ' $OldUserHome ' in your $HomeEnvVar value. This folder has been deprecated. "
if ( $UnencodedHomes -notcontains $DefaultUserHome ) {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor Yellow " WARNING: Didn't find ' $DefaultUserHome ' in your $HomeEnvVar value. You should run ' $CommandName setup' to upgrade. "
# Check for old KRE_HOME variable
if ( Test-Path env : \ KRE_HOME ) {
_WriteOut -ForegroundColor Yellow " WARNING: Found a KRE_HOME environment variable. This variable has been deprecated and should be removed, or it may interfere with DNVM and the .NET Execution environment "
# Read arguments
$cmd = $args [ 0 ]
if ( $args . Length -gt 1 ) {
$cmdargs = @ ( $args [ 1 . . ( $args . Length - 1 ) ] )
} else {
$cmdargs = @ ( )
# Can't add this as script-level arguments because they mask '-a' arguments in subcommands!
# So we manually parse them :)
if ( $cmdargs -icontains " -amd64 " ) {
$CompatArch = " x64 "
_WriteOut " The -amd64 switch has been deprecated. Use the '-arch x64' parameter instead "
} elseif ( $cmdargs -icontains " -x86 " ) {
$CompatArch = " x86 "
_WriteOut " The -x86 switch has been deprecated. Use the '-arch x86' parameter instead "
} elseif ( $cmdargs -icontains " -x64 " ) {
$CompatArch = " x64 "
_WriteOut " The -x64 switch has been deprecated. Use the '-arch x64' parameter instead "
$cmdargs = @ ( $cmdargs | Where-Object { @ ( " -amd64 " , " -x86 " , " -x64 " ) -notcontains $_ } )
if ( ! $cmd ) {
$cmd = " help "
$Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . InvalidArguments
# Check for the command and run it
try {
if ( Get-Command -Name " $CommandPrefix $cmd " -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
_WriteDebug " & dnvm- $cmd $cmdargs "
Invoke-Command ( [ ScriptBlock ] :: Create ( " dnvm- $cmd $cmdargs " ) )
else {
_WriteOut " Unknown command: ' $cmd ' "
$Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . UnknownCommand
} catch {
if ( ! $Script:ExitCode ) { $Script:ExitCode = $ExitCodes . OtherError }
_WriteDebug " === End $CommandName (Exit Code $Script:ExitCode ) === "
_WriteDebug " "
exit $Script:ExitCode