<optionSet id="TranslationPlatform" displayName="Translation Platform" helpText="Settings for the Translation Platform">
<optionSet id="Pseudo Translation Settings" displayName="Pseudo Translation Settings" helpText="Use these settings to control the pseudo localization process.">
<optionSet id="Delimiter and String Extension Settings" displayName="Delimiter and String Extension Settings" helpText="Use these settings to specify delimiters and extensions.">
<option id="\PseudoTranslation\Delimiters and Extensions\Extension String" displayName="String to add to extend pseudo localized strings" helpText="Enter the string to use to extend the pseudo localized strings.">
<option id="IncTermNoResId" displayName="Include Terms that have no Resource Identifier" helpText="With this option turned off, only those terms with user defined resource id will be exposed.">
<boolean defaultValue="1" currentValue="0" />
<option id="settingFile" displayName="Loc Setting File" helpText="With this option, users specify their own loc setting file.">
<option id="POMXMLUpdateLocCommentsOnly" displayName="Update Loc Instructions (_locComment) only" helpText="With this option turned ON and the Update Instructions option turned ON only Loc Instructions (_locComment) will be imported into the instruction field. If a localizable item does not have an explicit _locComment then the instruction field will be left blank.">