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using System;
2018-07-27 15:01:22 -07:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
2018-07-09 10:25:13 -07:00
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.DotNet.TestFramework;
using Microsoft.DotNet.Tools.Test.Utilities;
using NuGet.ProjectModel;
using NuGet.Versioning;
using Xunit;
namespace EndToEnd
public partial class GivenSelfContainedAppsRollForward : TestBase
// MemberData is used instead of InlineData here so we can access it in another test to
// verify that we are covering the latest release of .NET Core
public void ItRollsForwardToTheLatestVersion(string minorVersion)
2018-07-27 15:01:22 -07:00
// dotnet/sdk is missing handling for 2.1 when it isn't the latest runtime
if (minorVersion == "2.1")
var _testInstance = TestAssets.Get("TestAppSimple")
.CreateInstance(identifier: minorVersion)
string projectDirectory = _testInstance.Root.FullName;
string projectPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "TestAppSimple.csproj");
var project = XDocument.Load(projectPath);
var ns = project.Root.Name.Namespace;
// Update TargetFramework to the right version of .NET Core
project.Root.Element(ns + "PropertyGroup")
.Element(ns + "TargetFramework")
.Value = "netcoreapp" + minorVersion;
var rid = Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions.RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeIdentifier();
// Set RuntimeIdentifier to opt in to roll-forward behavior
project.Root.Element(ns + "PropertyGroup")
.Add(new XElement(ns + "RuntimeIdentifier", rid));
// Get the version rolled forward to
new RestoreCommand()
string assetsFilePath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "obj", "project.assets.json");
var assetsFile = new LockFileFormat().Read(assetsFilePath);
var rolledForwardVersion = GetNetCoreAppVersion(assetsFile);
if (rolledForwardVersion.IsPrerelease)
// If this version of .NET Core is still prerelease, then:
// - Floating the patch by adding ".*" to the major.minor version won't work, but
// - There aren't any patches to roll-forward to, so we skip testing this until the version
// leaves prerelease.
// Float the RuntimeFrameworkVersion to get the latest version of the runtime available from feeds
Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "obj"), true);
project.Root.Element(ns + "PropertyGroup")
.Add(new XElement(ns + "RuntimeFrameworkVersion", $"{minorVersion}.*"));
new RestoreCommand()
var floatedAssetsFile = new LockFileFormat().Read(assetsFilePath);
var floatedVersion = GetNetCoreAppVersion(floatedAssetsFile);
"the latest patch version properties in Microsoft.NETCoreSdk.BundledVersions.props need to be updated " +
"(see MSBuildExtensions.targets in this repo)");
private NuGetVersion GetNetCoreAppVersion(LockFile lockFile)
return lockFile?.Targets?.SingleOrDefault(t => t.RuntimeIdentifier != null)
?.Libraries?.SingleOrDefault(l =>
string.Compare(l.Name, "Microsoft.NETCore.App", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) == 0)
[Fact(Skip = "")]
public void WeCoverLatestNetCoreAppRollForward()
// Run "dotnet new console", get TargetFramework property, and make sure it's covered in SupportedNetCoreAppVersions
using (DisposableDirectory directory = Temp.CreateDirectory())
string projectDirectory = directory.Path;
new NewCommandShim()
.Execute("console --no-restore")
string projectPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, Path.GetFileName(projectDirectory) + ".csproj");
var project = XDocument.Load(projectPath);
var ns = project.Root.Name.Namespace;
string targetFramework = project.Root.Element(ns + "PropertyGroup")
.Element(ns + "TargetFramework")
SupportedNetCoreAppVersions.Versions.Select(v => $"netcoreapp{v[0]}")
.Should().Contain(targetFramework, $"the {nameof(SupportedNetCoreAppVersions)}.{nameof(SupportedNetCoreAppVersions.Versions)} property should include the default version " +
"of .NET Core created by \"dotnet new\"");