*`qubes-vm-kernel-support` Not adapted for use on Alpine yet, due to it providing a Dracut module. In most cases, it is not necessary as Qubes provides the kernel.
This package is only neccessary when VM uses its own kernel, thus a hook is added to Dracut to generate the initrd for use within qubes.
#### Issues, recommendations and proposals
**To report an issue or share a recommendation**
Go [here](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/ayakael/qubes-builder-alpine/-/issues)
**To make a merge request**
* Fork the repo from Alpine's GitLab [here](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/ayakael/qubes-builder-alpine)
* Clone your fork locally. (`git clone $repo`)
* Make a branch with a descriptive name (`git checkout -b $descriptivename`)
* Make the changes you want to see in the world, commit, and push to the GitLab's remote repo
* Request a merge [here](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/ayakael/qubes-builder-alpine/-/merge_requests)