210 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file
210 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $flavour = shift;
my $prev_abinum = shift;
my $abinum = shift;
my $prev_abidir = shift;
my $abidir = shift;
my $skipabi = shift;
my $fail_exit = 1;
my $EE = "EE:";
my $errors = 0;
my $abiskip = 0;
my $count;
print "II: Checking ABI for $flavour...\n";
if (-f "$prev_abidir/ignore"
or -f "$prev_abidir/$flavour.ignore" or "$skipabi" eq "true") {
print "WW: Explicitly asked to ignore ABI, running in no-fail mode\n";
$fail_exit = 0;
$abiskip = 1;
$EE = "WW:";
if ($prev_abinum != $abinum) {
print "II: Different ABI's, running in no-fail mode\n";
$fail_exit = 0;
$EE = "WW:";
if (not -f "$abidir/$flavour" or not -f "$prev_abidir/$flavour") {
print "EE: Previous or current ABI file missing!\n";
print " $abidir/$flavour\n" if not -f "$abidir/$flavour";
print " $prev_abidir/$flavour\n" if not -f "$prev_abidir/$flavour";
# Exit if the ABI files are missing, but return status based on whether
# skip ABI was indicated.
if ("$abiskip" eq "1") {
} else {
my %symbols;
my %symbols_ignore;
my %modules_ignore;
my %module_syms;
# See if we have any ignores
my $ignore = 0;
print " Reading symbols/modules to ignore...";
for $file ("$prev_abidir/../blacklist", "$prev_abidir/../../perm-blacklist") {
if (-f $file) {
open(IGNORE, "< $file") or
die "Could not open $file";
while (<IGNORE>) {
if ($_ =~ m/M: (.*)/) {
$modules_ignore{$1} = 1;
} else {
$symbols_ignore{$_} = 1;
print "read $ignore symbols/modules.\n";
sub is_ignored($$) {
my ($mod, $sym) = @_;
die "Missing module name in is_ignored()" if not defined($mod);
die "Missing symbol name in is_ignored()" if not defined($sym);
if (defined($symbols_ignore{$sym}) or defined($modules_ignore{$mod})) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Read new syms first
print " Reading new symbols ($abinum)...";
$count = 0;
open(NEW, "< $abidir/$flavour") or
die "Could not open $abidir/$flavour";
while (<NEW>) {
$symbols{$4}{'type'} = $1;
$symbols{$4}{'loc'} = $2;
$symbols{$4}{'hash'} = $3;
$module_syms{$2} = 0;
print "read $count symbols.\n";
# Now the old symbols, checking for missing ones
print " Reading old symbols ($prev_abinum)...";
$count = 0;
open(OLD, "< $prev_abidir/$flavour") or
die "Could not open $prev_abidir/$flavour";
while (<OLD>) {
$symbols{$4}{'old_type'} = $1;
$symbols{$4}{'old_loc'} = $2;
$symbols{$4}{'old_hash'} = $3;
print "read $count symbols.\n";
print "II: Checking for missing symbols in new ABI...";
$count = 0;
foreach $sym (keys(%symbols)) {
if (!defined($symbols{$sym}{'type'})) {
print "\n" if not $count;
printf(" MISS : %s%s\n", $sym,
is_ignored($symbols{$sym}{'old_loc'}, $sym) ? " (ignored)" : "");
$count++ if !is_ignored($symbols{$sym}{'old_loc'}, $sym);
print " " if $count;
print "found $count missing symbols\n";
if ($count) {
print "$EE Symbols gone missing (what did you do!?!)\n";
print "II: Checking for new symbols in new ABI...";
$count = 0;
foreach $sym (keys(%symbols)) {
if (!defined($symbols{$sym}{'old_type'})) {
print "\n" if not $count;
print " NEW : $sym\n";
print " " if $count;
print "found $count new symbols\n";
if ($count and $prev_abinum == $abinum) {
print "WW: Found new symbols within same ABI. Not recommended\n";
print "II: Checking for changes to ABI...\n";
$count = 0;
my $moved = 0;
my $changed_type = 0;
my $changed_hash = 0;
foreach $sym (keys(%symbols)) {
if (!defined($symbols{$sym}{'old_type'}) or
!defined($symbols{$sym}{'type'})) {
# Changes in location don't hurt us, but log it anyway
if ($symbols{$sym}{'loc'} ne $symbols{$sym}{'old_loc'}) {
printf(" MOVE : %-40s : %s => %s\n", $sym, $symbols{$sym}{'old_loc'},
# Changes to export type are only bad if new type isn't
# EXPORT_SYMBOL. Changing things to GPL are bad.
if ($symbols{$sym}{'type'} ne $symbols{$sym}{'old_type'}) {
printf(" TYPE : %-40s : %s => %s%s\n", $sym, $symbols{$sym}{'old_type'}.
$symbols{$sym}{'type'}, is_ignored($symbols{$sym}{'loc'}, $sym)
? " (ignored)" : "");
$changed_type++ if $symbols{$sym}{'type'} ne "EXPORT_SYMBOL"
and !is_ignored($symbols{$sym}{'loc'}, $sym);
# Changes to the hash are always bad
if ($symbols{$sym}{'hash'} ne $symbols{$sym}{'old_hash'}) {
printf(" HASH : %-40s : %s => %s%s\n", $sym, $symbols{$sym}{'old_hash'},
$symbols{$sym}{'hash'}, is_ignored($symbols{$sym}{'loc'}, $sym)
? " (ignored)" : "");
$changed_hash++ if !is_ignored($symbols{$sym}{'loc'}, $sym);
print "WW: $moved symbols changed location\n" if $moved;
print "$EE $changed_type symbols changed export type and weren't ignored\n" if $changed_type;
print "$EE $changed_hash symbols changed hash and weren't ignored\n" if $changed_hash;
$errors++ if $changed_hash or $changed_type;
if ($changed_hash) {
print "II: Module hash change summary...\n";
foreach $mod (sort { $module_syms{$b} <=> $module_syms{$a} } keys %module_syms) {
next if ! $module_syms{$mod};
printf(" %-40s: %d\n", $mod, $module_syms{$mod});
print "II: Done\n";
if ($errors) {
} else {