Let pmbootstrap build the package in the native chroot. This is important for the v21.03 branch, which needs to ship its own cross-embedded toolchain, as the one from Alpine is only in testing and therefore not available in the Alpine v3.13 branch that pmOS v21.03 is based on. By using the native branch, it is enough to build the cross-embedded toolchain for x86_64, and we can avoid qemu related errors when attempting to build it for arm architectures. As a nice benefit, this makes compilation of the package faster on edge, too. [ci:skip-build]: already built successfully in CI
89 lines
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89 lines
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# Forked from Alpine, so we can build it with Librem 5 phone support
# 'librem5' branch in atf repo
# 'librem5' branch in uboot repo
pkgdesc="u-boot bootloader for the Purism Librem5 phone"
license="GPL-2.0-or-later OFL-1.1 BSD-2-Clause BSD-3-Clause eCos-2.0 IBM-pibs"
makedepends="$depends_dev bc dtc python3-dev swig binutils coreutils zlib-dev newlib-arm-none-eabi bison flex"
options="!check !tracedeps pmb:cross-native"
build() {
msg "Building M4"
cd "$_m4builddir"
msg "Building ARM trusted firmware"
cd "$_atfbuilddir"
LDFLAGS="" make PLAT=imx8mq bl31
# Overwrite default bl31 binary with one made here
cp -v "$_atfbuilddir"/build/imx8mq/release/bl31.bin "$_ubootbuilddir"/
msg "Extracting DDR & HDMI firmware"
cd "$srcdir"
chmod +x firmware-imx-${_firmwareversion}.bin
./firmware-imx-${_firmwareversion}.bin --auto-accept
cp -v "$_firmwarebuilddir"/firmware/ddr/synopsys/lpddr4*.bin "$_ubootbuilddir"/
cp -v "$_firmwarebuilddir"/firmware/hdmi/cadence/signed*.bin "$_ubootbuilddir"/
msg "Building u-boot"
cd "$_ubootbuilddir"
# Note: HOSTCC is set explicitly here else it tries to use cc, which
# doesn't exist on Alpine
# Devkit uboot firmware
make distclean
make ARCH=arm HOSTCC=gcc librem5_devkit_defconfig
make ARCH=arm HOSTCC=gcc flash.bin
mv flash.bin devkit-flash.bin
# Phone uboot firmware
make distclean
make ARCH=arm HOSTCC=gcc librem5_defconfig
make ARCH=arm HOSTCC=gcc flash.bin
mv flash.bin phone-flash.bin
msg "Building u-boot flashing images"
# devkit
dd if=/dev/zero of=devkit-boot.img bs=1024 count=1055
dd if="$_m4builddir"/m4.bin conv=notrunc of="$_ubootbuilddir"/devkit-boot.img bs=1024
dd if="$_ubootbuilddir"/devkit-flash.bin conv=notrunc of="$_ubootbuilddir"/devkit-boot.img bs=1024 seek=31
# phone
dd if=/dev/zero of=phone-boot.img bs=1024 count=1055
dd if="$_m4builddir"/m4.bin conv=notrunc of="$_ubootbuilddir"/phone-boot.img bs=1024
dd if="$_ubootbuilddir"/phone-flash.bin conv=notrunc of="$_ubootbuilddir"/phone-boot.img bs=1024 seek=31
msg "done!"
package() {
install -D -m644 "$_ubootbuilddir"/devkit-boot.img \
install -D -m644 "$_ubootbuilddir"/phone-boot.img \
sha512sums="ed4832f2ffacc1fa63cca361db32e1e8b267fe7e25d7e9c7d2e0ed5d4ac9f9db629e201bd1a77ac31e40a91aaf46f8aa52d3fdf48c2a03cf40cea24d7a0d41f8 uboot-imx-c6956b68d33fa08a17629cddceb00b93ce6d4d41.tar.gz
035a4358ddf586c829da7fa2fb0d9d1df913c0c454f2d0e57ff0c6794552e49950fb6373f9aaf72e0e4c78ab411496aabbc60bf66cd76e35053f7a2d77911735 m4-a017421c340a69f2392086da93841244f78a03c5.tar.gz
cd8c9411ae0e57d2c8c700bf3e8c8d03e7dab955ace249a00911dd8c42b42929e0de3a5885eb9b1d945174abc8cfb177595d83c235e757c70640f451b62547ba arm-trusted-firmware-92c2de12d36b31938ce940d5cac3c30a98665237.tar.gz
309d3b8afd0884b055037396098f7eb938e4768604affc60e18b09e67596a593ccebe85ad130abf1e81a8fad257e5473152f259fa6cbb6d9730f6b3c11a3809d firmware-imx-8.8.bin"