And enable it by default, since it's a sensible thing to do. This makes the bootmisc config file unnecessary, since it was only used before to make sure that /tmp was wiped on every boot. Mounting /tmp as a tmpfs will be skipped if: * The user or maintainer configured deviceinfo_tmp_as_tmpfs_size=0 * If they didn't but the device has less than 2GB of RAM * And in any case, if it is already mounted, to respect users that might have it in /etc/fstab The options for mounting /tmp has been copied from my local debian tmp.mount service. The only real difference is that we are mounting it after /etc/fstab, and they do so before. Fixes #2233
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#!/bin/sh -e
# Enable eudev service
rc-update add udev sysinit
rc-update add udev-trigger sysinit
rc-update add udev-settle sysinit
rc-update add udev-postmount default
# Enable other OpenRC services
for service in devfs dmesg; do
rc-update -q add $service sysinit
for service in hwclock modules sysctl hostname bootmisc logbookd tmpfs; do
rc-update -q add $service boot
for service in sshd swapfile local zram-init; do
rc-update -q add $service default
for service in mount-ro killprocs savecache; do
rc-update -q add $service shutdown
# Prime swclock with a reasonable date/time on first boot
mkdir -p /run/openrc
touch /run/openrc/shutdowntime
# Make apk interactive by default
touch /etc/apk/interactive
exit 0