The devices supported by this package are Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300, GT-I9305, SHV-E210K/L/S) and the Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100, GT-N7105) - a family of boards also known by the codename "Midas" - and the Galaxy S2 (GT-I9100) From this list, only the i9100 doesn't support the bootimg method. Because of this, this kernel package is using the isorec method for all the devices on the list. Additionally, for the midas devices, there is no problem with this because the boot.img file is, in fact, a copy of the kernel+initramfs on the pmos boot partition and what the isorec initramfs does is actually to load the initramfs on that partition directly (at least on my understanding).
20 lines
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20 lines
654 B
#!/bin/busybox sh
# Samsung kernels come with their own initramfs, which extract and load another
# initramfs. Usually that depends on the recovery key combination being pressed
# or not. For simplicity, we always boot the recovery image (from the recovery
# partition) here.
echo "### isorec initramfs ###"
busybox mount -t proc proc /proc
busybox mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
# always use the "isorec"-style lzop compressed initramfs
# from the recovery partition
busybox lzop -dc /dev/block/mmcblk0p6 > ${load_image}
busybox cpio -iu < ${load_image}
busybox rm ${load_image}
busybox umount /sys
busybox umount /proc
exec /init