Having it in boot doesn't actually work, the service is being started too early and fails. This change moves it to the default runlevel. This change also removes "wifi-handler" since that service doesn't actually exist.
53 lines
1.6 KiB
53 lines
1.6 KiB
. /etc/deviceinfo
# Enable OpenRC services
for service in devfs dmesg; do
rc-update -q add $service sysinit
for service in hwclock modules sysctl hostname bootmisc syslog; do
rc-update -q add $service boot
for service in haveged sshd udev wpa_supplicant; do
rc-update -q add $service default
for service in mount-ro killprocs savecache; do
rc-update -q add $service shutdown
# Add user account
adduser -u 1000 -D -h /home/user -G users user 2>/dev/null
# Autologin on tty1, let busybox autoconfigure 2-6
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
old="^tty$i::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty$i"
new="# tty$i::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty$i"
[ "$i" == "1" ] && new="tty1::respawn:/bin/login -f $autologin"
sed -i -e "s.$old.$new.g" /etc/inittab
# Adjust welcome messages /etc (unless the files have been modified)
if ! apk audit /etc | grep -q etc/issue; then
echo 'Welcome to postmarketOS'
echo 'Kernel \r on an \m (\l)'
} >/etc/issue
if ! apk audit /etc | grep -q etc/motd; then
echo 'Welcome to postmarketOS!'
echo ''
echo 'This distribution is based on Alpine Linux.'
echo 'Read both our wikis to find a large amount of how-to guides and'
echo 'general information about administrating and development.'
echo 'See <https://postmarketos.org/wiki> and <https://wiki.alpinelinux.org>.'
echo ''
echo 'You may change this message by editing /etc/motd.'
echo ''
} >/etc/motd
# Enable syslog to SHM. Note: size is 4048KiB, which *should* be More Than Enough(TM) for all but the most chattiest of devices.
sed s/=\"/=\""-C4048 "/ -i /etc/conf.d/syslog