- update to use librem5-base v52 - install usbguard config / new subpackage - move xorg.conf to new x11 subpackage - refactor udev rule install to just install everything available from librem5-base upstream - use purism's shipmode script, see: https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/linux/-/merge_requests/333#note_195511
14 lines
382 B
14 lines
382 B
# Enable GPS support
sed -i 's|# nmea-socket=/var/run/gps-share.sock|nmea-socket=/var/run/gnss-share.sock|' /etc/geoclue/geoclue.conf
rc-update -qq del gpsd
rc-update -q add gnss-share
rc-update -q add l5-ship-mode shutdown
# Clean up any old, unneeded legacy u-boot images from /boot
for f in uInitrd uImage; do
[ ! -f "/boot/$f" ] && continue
rm -f "/boot/$f"