This enables the busybox syslog implementation, which logs to /var/log/messages, on boot. This is very helpful for debugging applications which write to syslog (e.g. NetworkManager) syslog is being set up to log to shared memory (not to disk), so log is lost 1) on reboot and 2) if the service is restarted. It can be read with `logread`
53 lines
1.6 KiB
53 lines
1.6 KiB
. /etc/deviceinfo
# Enable OpenRC services
for service in devfs dmesg; do
rc-update -q add $service sysinit
for service in hwclock modules sysctl hostname bootmisc wpa_supplicant wifi-handler syslog; do
rc-update -q add $service boot
for service in haveged sshd udev; do
rc-update -q add $service default
for service in mount-ro killprocs savecache; do
rc-update -q add $service shutdown
# Add user account
adduser -u 1000 -D -h /home/user -G users user 2>/dev/null
# Autologin on tty1, let busybox autoconfigure 2-6
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
old="^tty$i::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty$i"
new="# tty$i::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty$i"
[ "$i" == "1" ] && new="tty1::respawn:/bin/login -f $autologin"
sed -i -e "s.$old.$new.g" /etc/inittab
# Adjust welcome messages /etc (unless the files have been modified)
if ! apk audit /etc | grep -q etc/issue; then
echo 'Welcome to postmarketOS'
echo 'Kernel \r on an \m (\l)'
} >/etc/issue
if ! apk audit /etc | grep -q etc/motd; then
echo 'Welcome to postmarketOS!'
echo ''
echo 'This distribution is based on Alpine Linux.'
echo 'Read both our wikis to find a large amount of how-to guides and'
echo 'general information about administrating and development.'
echo 'See <https://postmarketos.org/wiki> and <https://wiki.alpinelinux.org>.'
echo ''
echo 'You may change this message by editing /etc/motd.'
echo ''
} >/etc/motd
# Enable syslog to SHM. Note: size is 4048KiB, which *should* be More Than Enough(TM) for all but the most chattiest of devices.
sed s/=\"/=\""-C4048 "/ -i /etc/conf.d/syslog