U-boot doesn't output bootscript logs, which makes it hard to debug. Put bootscript to prebootscript section. Preboot is executed before boot, and u-boot displays it's logs.
81 lines
2.8 KiB
81 lines
2.8 KiB
/ {
description = "Samsung S9 SM-G9600 starqltechn FIT Image";
#address-cells = <1>;
images {
bootscript {
description = "Boot script";
data = /incbin/("bootscript.sh");
type = "script";
compression = "none";
load = <0x90000000>;
entry = <0x90000000>;
hash {
algo = "sha1";
prebootscript {
description = "Boot script";
data = /incbin/("bootscript.sh");
type = "script";
compression = "none";
load = <0x90000000>;
entry = <0x90000000>;
hash {
algo = "sha1";
kernel {
description = "Kernel";
data = /incbin/("vmlinuz");
type = "kernel";
arch = "arm64";
os = "linux";
compression = "gzip";
load = <0x80000000>;
entry = <0x80000000>;
hash {
algo = "sha1";
fdt {
description = "DTB";
data = /incbin/("/boot/dtbs/qcom/sdm845-samsung-starqltechn.dtb");
type = "flat_dt";
arch = "arm64";
compression = "none";
load = <0x82700000>;
entry = <0x82700000>;
hash {
algo = "sha1";
initrd {
description = "Initrd";
compression = "none";
data = /incbin/("initramfs");
type = "ramdisk";
arch = "arm64";
load = <0x82800000>;
os = "linux";
hash {
algo = "sha1";
configurations {
default = "standard";
standard {
description = "Standard Boot";
kernel = "kernel";
fdt = "fdt";
ramdisk = "initrd";
hash {
algo = "sha1";