(1) the deviceprofile differs from upstream 1.16.3 in the following respects: (a) -export SXMO_NO_KEYBOARD=1 - allow use of the virtual keyboard (b) +export SXMO_DMENU_LANDSCAPE_LINES="10" +export SXMO_DMENU_PORTRAIT_LINES="6" - these two adjust the size of the displayed dmenu menu. * NB: All foregoing changes are already merged in sxmo-utils master. (c) +export SXMO_TOUCHSCREEN_ID="TSC2005 touchscreen" - allows sxmo to reliably toggle touch screen's enabled status * The foregoing change is awaiting acceptance by upstream. (2) The start hook differs from upstream 1.16.3 by the removal of the line that starts conky. That program pegs N900 CPU usage at 100% all the time. This change is not upstreamable, at least not for the time being
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
# Copyright 2022 Sxmo Contributors
# include common definitions
# shellcheck source=scripts/core/sxmo_common.sh
. sxmo_common.sh
# Create xdg user directories, such as ~/Pictures
sxmo_jobs.sh start daemon_manager superd
# let time to superd to start correctly
while ! superctl status > /dev/null 2>&1; do
sleep 0.5
# Not dangerous if "locker" isn't an available state
sxmo_state.sh set locker
if [ -n "$SXMO_ROTATE_START" ]; then
# Load our sound daemons
if [ -z "$SXMO_NO_AUDIO" ]; then
if [ "$(command -v pulseaudio)" ]; then
superctl start pulseaudio
elif [ "$(command -v pipewire)" ]; then
# pipewire-pulse will start pipewire
superctl start pipewire-pulse
superctl start wireplumber
# monitor for headphone for statusbar
superctl start sxmo_soundmonitor
# Periodically update some status bar components
sxmo_hook_statusbar.sh all
sxmo_jobs.sh start statusbar_periodics sxmo_run_aligned.sh 60 \
sxmo_hook_statusbar.sh periodics
# mako/dunst are required for warnings.
# load some other little things here too.
case "$SXMO_WM" in
superctl start mako
superctl start sxmo_wob
superctl start sxmo_menumode_toggler
superctl start bonsaid
swaymsg output '*' bg "$SXMO_BG_IMG" fill
superctl start dunst
superctl start sxmo_xob
# Auto hide cursor with touchscreen, Show it with a mouse
if command -v "unclutter-xfixes" > /dev/null; then
set -- unclutter-xfixes
set -- unclutter
superctl start "$1"
superctl start autocutsel
superctl start autocutsel-primary
superctl start sxmo-x11-status
superctl start bonsaid
[ -n "$SXMO_MONITOR" ] && xrandr --output "$SXMO_MONITOR" --primary
feh --bg-fill "$SXMO_BG_IMG"
# Turn on auto-suspend
if sxmo_wakelock.sh isenabled; then
sxmo_wakelock.sh lock sxmo_not_suspendable infinite
superctl start sxmo_autosuspend
# Turn on lisgd
if [ ! -e "$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/sxmo/sxmo.nogesture ]; then
superctl start sxmo_hook_lisgd
if [ -z "$SXMO_NO_MODEM" ] && command -v ModemManager > /dev/null; then
# Turn on the dbus-monitors for modem-related tasks
superctl start sxmo_modemmonitor
# place a wakelock for 120s to allow the modem to fully warm up (eg25 +
# elogind/systemd would do this for us, but we don't use those.)
sxmo_wakelock.sh lock sxmo_modem_warming_up 120s
# Monitor the battery
superctl start sxmo_battery_monitor
# It watch network changes and update the status bar icon by example
superctl start sxmo_networkmonitor
# The daemon that display notifications popup messages
superctl start sxmo_notificationmonitor
# Play a funky startup tune if you want (disabled by default)
#mpv --quiet --no-video ~/welcome.ogg &
# mmsd and vvmd
if [ -z "$SXMO_NO_MODEM" ]; then
if [ -f "${SXMO_MMS_BASE_DIR:-"$HOME"/.mms/modemmanager}/mms" ]; then
superctl start mmsd-tng
if [ -f "${SXMO_VVM_BASE_DIR:-"$HOME"/.vvm/modemmanager}/vvm" ]; then
superctl start vvmd
# add some warnings if things are not setup correctly
if ! command -v "sxmo_deviceprofile_$SXMO_DEVICE_NAME.sh"; then
sxmo_notify_user.sh --urgency=critical \
"No deviceprofile found $SXMO_DEVICE_NAME. See: https://sxmo.org/deviceprofile"
sxmo_migrate.sh state || sxmo_notify_user.sh --urgency=critical \
"Config needs migration" "$? file(s) in your sxmo configuration are out of date and disabled - using defaults until you migrate (run sxmo_migrate.sh)"