clayton craft 775ba6ad36 Fix console blanking (#676)
So I was wrong.. /etc/issue needs to contain the escape sequence output
by setterm,  not the actual call to setterm itself. My previous testing
of this was faulty, which led me to believe the previous implementation
of this would work.
2017-10-02 22:41:19 +00:00

71 lines
2.2 KiB

. /etc/deviceinfo
# Enable udev OpenRC services and runlevels
setup-udev -n
# Enable other OpenRC services
for service in devfs dmesg; do
rc-update -q add $service sysinit
for service in hwclock modules sysctl hostname bootmisc swclock syslog; do
rc-update -q add $service boot
for service in dbus haveged sshd swapfile wpa_supplicant; do
rc-update -q add $service default
for service in mount-ro killprocs savecache; do
rc-update -q add $service shutdown
if [ "${deviceinfo_msm_refresher}" = "true" ]; then
rc-update -q add msm-fb-refresher boot
# Add user account
adduser -u 1000 -D -h /home/user -G users user 2>/dev/null
write_unless_modified() {
# Redirect the stdin to the file unless it has been modified
# $1: file path
if ! apk audit "$(dirname "$1")" | grep -q "${1:1}"; then
cat > "$1"
# Install /etc/fstab
echo '# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>'
echo 'LABEL="pmOS_root" / ext4 relatime,data=ordered 0 1'
echo 'LABEL="pmOS_boot" /boot auto defaults 0 2'
} | write_unless_modified /etc/fstab
# Set /etc/issue
echo 'Welcome to postmarketOS'
echo 'Kernel \r on an \m (\l)'
# setterm -powersave on -blank 5
echo -ne "\033[9;5]"
} | write_unless_modified /etc/issue
# Set /etc/motd
echo 'Welcome to postmarketOS!'
echo ''
echo 'This distribution is based on Alpine Linux.'
echo 'Read both our wikis to find a large amount of how-to guides and'
echo 'general information about administrating and development.'
echo 'See <> and <>.'
echo ''
echo 'You may change this message by editing /etc/motd.'
echo ''
} | write_unless_modified /etc/motd
# Enable syslog to SHM. Note: size is 4048KiB, which *should* be More Than Enough(TM) for all but the most chattiest of devices.
sed s/=\"/=\""-C4048 "/ -i /etc/conf.d/syslog
# Enable wext, nl80211 & dbus control for wpa_supplicant
if ! grep -q Dwext /etc/conf.d/wpa_supplicant; then
sed -i 's/wpa_supplicant_args=\"/wpa_supplicant_args=\" -u -Dwext,nl80211/' /etc/conf.d/wpa_supplicant
touch /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf