Right now we have all firmware packages under firmware/*. This is problematic for mainly two reasons: - It's not immediately clear which firmware packages we need to keep when forking a new stable branch. (Where we delete testing devices at the moment...) We might end up deleting firmware packages that are actually used by one of the devices in community. - When backporting devices to the stable we cannot just cherry-pick the commit that moved the device to community (since it does not contain the firmware package). Instead we need to cherry-pick earlier commits as well, which may touch a lot of deleted files in the testing directory. Let's make this consistent by also placing the firmware packages in the device/* directory. We already have the common firmware- prefix to distinguish them from device/kernel packages, which are already both under the device/* directory.
51 lines
1.5 KiB
51 lines
1.5 KiB
pkgdesc="Firmware for BQ Aquaris X5"
subpackages="$pkgname-modem $pkgname-venus $pkgname-wcnss $pkgname-wcnss-nv:wcnss_nv"
arch="aarch64 armv7"
options="!check !strip !archcheck !tracedeps pmb:cross-native"
package() {
# parent package is empty
mkdir -p "$pkgdir"
modem() {
pkgdesc="BQ Aquaris X5 modem firmware"
install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/modem.* -t "$subpkgdir/$_fwdir"
install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/mba.* -t "$subpkgdir/$_fwdir"
venus() {
pkgdesc="BQ Aquaris X5 video firmware"
install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/venus.mdt "$srcdir"/venus.b* \
-t "$subpkgdir/$_fwdir"/qcom/venus-1.8
wcnss() {
pkgdesc="BQ Aquaris X5 WiFi/BT firmware"
install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/wcnss.* -t "$subpkgdir/$_fwdir"
wcnss_nv() {
pkgdesc="BQ Aquaris X5 WiFi/BT firmware configuration"
case "$CARCH" in
# WCNSS_cfg.dat etc are only needed on downstream (armv7)
armv7) files="WCNSS_*" ;;
*) files="WCNSS_qcom_wlan_nv.bin" ;;
install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/$files -t "$subpkgdir/$_fwdir"/wlan/prima
sha512sums="7f426e5fdb20319ed22c16be1ce13d069532bdfb8dc754a735c2a019342758b1f0210614dfeaa1d850802083a550ec8a6931d3572d203267cae8ec59f6613d82 picmt_firmware_files.tar.xz"