#!/bin/sh -e # Copyright 2018 Oliver Smith # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Config: pmbootstrap tag (or branch) tag="master" # Get download URL and pmaports path url="https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/pmbootstrap/-/archive/$tag/pmbootstrap-$tag.tar.bz2" pmaports="$(cd $(dirname $0)/..; pwd -P)" # Set up binfmt_misc echo "Setting-up binfmt_misc" sudo mount -t binfmt_misc none /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc # Download pmbootstrap (to /tmp/pmbootstrap) echo "Downloading pmbootstrap ($tag): $url" cd /tmp wget -q -O "pmb.tar.bz2" "$url" tar -xf "pmb.tar.bz2" mv pmbootstrap-* pmbootstrap # Install to $PATH and init sudo ln -s /tmp/pmbootstrap/pmbootstrap.py /usr/bin/pmbootstrap echo "Initializing pmbootstrap with aports at '$pmaports'" yes '' | pmbootstrap -q --aports "$pmaports" init