font pango:monospace 8 new_window 1pixel mode "workspace" { bindsym a workspace 1 bindsym s workspace 2 bindsym d workspace 3 bindsym f workspace 4 bindsym g workspace 5 bindsym Left workspace prev bindsym Right workspace next bindsym Shift+Left move container to workspace prev bindsym Shift+Right move container to workspace next bindsym q mode "command" } mode "command" { bindsym t exec i3-sensible-terminal; mode "default" bindsym d exec dmenu_run; mode "default" bindsym q mode "default" bindsym k kill; mode "default" bindsym b exec netsurf bindsym r restart bindsym Left focus left bindsym Right focus right bindsym Up focus up bindsym Down focus down bindsym Shift+Left move left bindsym Shift+Right move right bindsym Shift+Up move up bindsym Shift+Down move down bindsym h split h bindsym v split v bindsym w mode "workspace" } # Enter command mode bindsym Shift+space mode "command" # This is the slidey button on the side bindsym XF86ScreenSaver exec --no-startup-id # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status # finds out, if available) bar { position top status_command exec ~/.config/i3/ colors { background #000000 statusline #ffffff separator #009900 focused_workspace #009900 #009900 #ffffff inactive_workspace #003300 #003300 #dddddd urgent_workspace #990000 #990000 #fffff } } exec_always --no-startup-id feh --bg-scale ~/.config/i3/wallpaper.jpg