#!/usr/bin/env python3 from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw import configparser import os import sys def make_splash(width, height, filename, landscape=False, text="", config_file=None, center=False): print("Creating ({}x{}) splashscreen {}".format(width, height, os.path.basename(filename))) config = configparser.ConfigParser() if config_file is not None: config.read(config_file) im = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), color=config.get('background', 'color', fallback=0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) font_size = int(width / 13) logo_size = int(width / 10) text_size = int(width / 30) name = config.get('name', 'text', fallback='postmarketOS') logo = config.get('logo', 'text', fallback='♻') name_font = check_font(config, 'name') logo_font = check_font(config, 'logo') text_font = check_font(config, 'text') name_font = ImageFont.truetype(name_font, font_size) logo_font = ImageFont.truetype(logo_font, logo_size) text_font = ImageFont.truetype(text_font, text_size) name_width, name_height = draw.textsize(name, font=name_font) logo_width, logo_height = draw.textsize(logo, font=logo_font) draw.text(((width - (name_width + logo_width)) / 2 + logo_width, (height - name_height) / 2), name, config.get('name', 'color', fallback='#ffffff'), font=name_font) draw.text(((width - (name_width + logo_width)) / 2, (height - name_height) / 2), logo, config.get('logo', 'color', fallback='#009900'), font=logo_font) if text != "" and text is not None: text_top = (height / 2) + name_height _, line_height = draw.textsize('A', font=text_font) text_left = width * 0.05 for hardcoded_line in text.replace("\\n", "\n").splitlines(): lines = visual_split(hardcoded_line, text_font, width * 0.9) for line in lines: if center: line_width, _ = draw.textsize(line, font=text_font) text_left = (width / 2) - (line_width / 2) draw.text((text_left, text_top), line, fill=config.get('text', 'color', fallback='#cccccc'), font=text_font) text_top += line_height + (text_size * 0.4) del draw im.save(filename, format='PPM') def check_font(config, section): fallback_font = '/usr/share/fonts/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf' font_file = config.get(section, 'font', fallback=fallback_font) if not os.path.isfile(font_file): print("Font file '{}' does not exist ({}).".format(font_file, section), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) return font_file def visual_split(text, font, width, response_type='list'): font = font words = text.split() word_lengths = [(word, font.getsize(word)[0]) for word in words] space_length = font.getsize(' ')[0] lines = [''] line_length = 0 for word, length in word_lengths: if line_length + length <= width: lines[-1] = '{line}{word} '.format(line=lines[-1], word=word) line_length += length + space_length else: lines.append('{word} '.format(word=word)) line_length = length + space_length if response_type == 'list': return [line.strip() for line in lines] elif response_type == 'str': return '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in lines) else: raise ValueError('Invalid response type. Valid values are "list" and "str".') if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Splash generator for postmarketOS") parser.add_argument('width', type=int) parser.add_argument('height', type=int) parser.add_argument('filename') parser.add_argument('--landscape', action='store_true', help='Rotate splash screen for landscape device') parser.add_argument('--text', type=str, help='Additional text for the splash screen') parser.add_argument('--center', action='store_true', help='Center text') parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, help='Config file for splash screen style') args = parser.parse_args() make_splash(args.width, args.height, args.filename, args.landscape, args.text, args.config, args.center)