#!/sbin/ash # Copyright 2017 Attila Szöllősi # # This file is part of postmarketos-android-recovery-installer. # # postmarketos-android-recovery-installer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # postmarketos-android-recovery-installer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with postmarketos-android-recovery-installer. If not, see . # shellcheck source=pmos_install_functions . /tmp/postmarketos/bin/pmos_install_functions "$1" "$2" # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "$WORKING_DIR"/install_options exec > "$WORKING_DIR"/pmos.log 2>&1 set -ex ui_print "postmarketOS recovery installer" ui_print "Extracting partition info from fstab..." extract_partition_table ui_print "Entering working directory..." cd "$WORKING_DIR" ui_print "Extracting files..." unzip -o "$ZIP" mkdir /lib ui_print "Symlinking .so files to /lib/..." ln -s "$WORKING_DIR"/lib/* /lib/ ui_print "Unmounting /$INSTALL_PARTITION..." umount_install_partition ui_print "Creating partition table on $INSTALL_DEVICE..." # parted returns nonzero even when command executed successfully partition_install_device || : if [ "$FDE" = "true" ] then ui_print "Generating temporary keyfile with random data..." dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/urandom of="$WORKING_DIR"/lukskey ui_print "Initializing LUKS device..." cryptsetup luksFormat --use-urandom -c "$CIPHER" -q "$ROOT_PARTITION" "$WORKING_DIR"/lukskey ui_print "Opening LUKS partition..." cryptsetup luksOpen -d "$WORKING_DIR"/lukskey "$ROOT_PARTITION" pm_crypt ui_print "Formatting LUKS partition..." make_ext4fs -L 'pmOS_root' /dev/mapper/pm_crypt ui_print "Mounting LUKS partition..." mount -t ext4 -rw /dev/mapper/pm_crypt /"$INSTALL_PARTITION" else ui_print "Formatting root partition..." make_ext4fs -L 'pmOS_root' "$ROOT_PARTITION" ui_print "Mounting root partition..." mount -t ext4 -rw "$ROOT_PARTITION" /"$INSTALL_PARTITION" fi ui_print "Formatting pmOS_boot..." mkfs.ext2 -q -L 'pmOS_boot' "$PMOS_BOOT" ui_print "Mounting pmOS_boot..." mkdir /"$INSTALL_PARTITION"/boot mount -t ext2 -rw "$PMOS_BOOT" /"$INSTALL_PARTITION"/boot || { ui_print "Failed to format/mount ext2 partition." ui_print "Trying ext4..." make_ext4fs -L 'pmOS_boot' "$PMOS_BOOT" mount -t ext4 -rw "$PMOS_BOOT" /"$INSTALL_PARTITION"/boot } ui_print "Installing rootfs..." tar -xf rootfs.tar.gz -C /"$INSTALL_PARTITION" if [ "$FLASH_BOOTIMG" = "true" ] then ui_print "Flashing boot.img..." dd if=boot.img of="$BOOT" fi if [ "$FDE" = "true" ] then ui_print "Creating a symlink for password setting script in /sbin/..." ln -s "$WORKING_DIR"/bin/pmos_setpw /sbin/ ui_print "Do not forget to add a password to the LUKS partition!" ui_print "Run the command: pmos_setpw from the terminal/adb shell!" fi ui_print "Installation done."