# Reference: <https://postmarketos.org/deviceinfo> # Please use double quotes only. You can source this file in shell # scripts. deviceinfo_format_version="0" deviceinfo_name="Google Oak Chromebook" deviceinfo_manufacturer="Google" deviceinfo_codename="google-oak" deviceinfo_year="2017" deviceinfo_dtb="mediatek/mt8173-elm*" deviceinfo_arch="aarch64" # Device related # chassis does not make sense here, will probably be removed (pmb#2255) deviceinfo_chassis="convertible" deviceinfo_keyboard="true" deviceinfo_external_storage="true" deviceinfo_screen_width="1366" deviceinfo_screen_height="768" # Bootloader related deviceinfo_flash_method="none" deviceinfo_kernel_cmdline="console=null" deviceinfo_cgpt_kpart="/boot/vmlinuz.kpart" deviceinfo_cgpt_kpart_start="8192" deviceinfo_cgpt_kpart_size="65536" # We are supposed to use "oak" board here, but lazor dts does # not include oak compatible which results in loading a wrong # dtb. "mt8173" board may result in including dtbs that are for # mt8173 but not related to Chrome OS devices which would increase # image size. This doesn't happen for us because we provide only # dtbs from deviceinfo_dtb variable and nothing more, so use "mt8173" # board here. deviceinfo_depthcharge_board="mt8173" deviceinfo_generate_depthcharge_image="true"