# Reference: https://postmarketos.org/uipkg # Maintainer: Miles Alan pkgname=postmarketos-ui-sxmo-de-sway pkgver=1.11.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Simple Mobile: Mobile environment based on SXMO and running on sway" url="http://sr.ht/~mil/Sxmo" arch="noarch !armhf" license="MIT" depends=" sxmo-common bemenu foot grim mako seatd seatd-openrc slurp swaybg swayidle sxmo-sway wayout wl-clipboard wob wtype wvkbd xwayland " install="$pkgname.post-install $pkgname.pre-deinstall" _pmb_groups=" seat " _pmb_recommends=" w3m sfeed adwaita-icon-theme clickclack firefox-esr font-noto font-noto-emoji imv megapixels mobile-config-firefox postprocessd ttyescape " provides="postmarketos-ui-sxmo" provider_priority=10 options="!check" # has no tests # bonsai requires hare which doesnt work on all arches # refer to https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=hare&branch=edge&repo=&arch=&maintainer= # and add arches here as they become available. Bonsai should always be preferred # cause it fixes alot of issues. If bonsai is not installed, sxmo will fallback # to the old buggy shell script. case "$CARCH" in x86_64|aarch64) depends="$depends bonsai" ;; esac package() { mkdir -p "$pkgdir" mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/etc/sway/config.d }