This also updates the hash in linux-postmarketos-mainline, because the
hash changed upstream (they updated their git version server-side?).
Closes#441. Adjust bootimg_analyze code:
* Install mkbootimg (which now provides unpackbootimg) instead of
unpackbootimg. In theory, pmbootstrap should recognize this
automatically, however right now it does not yet handle this case.
* The file names of the extracted files have changed.
* Automatically generate a calibration matrix for libinput
This takes the calibration matrix for wayland and divides the pixel
offsets by the device width/height.
* Bump pkgrels of devices using devicepkg-dev
This causes new packages to be generated, using the new devicepkg-dev
* Testsuite: Run UIs in Qemu and check running processes (and other changes)
* When `pmbootstrap qemu` gets killed, it now takes down the Qemu process with it
* `test/` got a new optional `--build` parameter, which makes
it build all changed packages instead of just checking the checksums
* We run this before running the testsuite now, so all changed packages get
built before running tests (otherwise tests would hang without any output
while a changed package is building)
* New testcase, that zaps all chroots, installs a specific UI (xfce4 and
plasma-mobile currently, easy to extend), runs it via Qemu and checks the
running processes via SSH.
* Version checking testcase: rewritten to include Alpine's testsuite file in
our source tree, so we don't need to clone their git repo anymore. Now it
is enabled for Travis.
* All this gives us a nice 10% code coverage boost
* Increased the `hello-world` pkgrel to verify that the Travis job is working.
* Various fixes
* Build device-packages for the device arch and don't raise an
exception, but print a note if --ignore-depends is not specified
and therefore the kernel gets installed, too.
* Don't use --force when building in Travis (because abuild doesn't
check the checksums then. Bug report on the way.)
* Don't run the building process in the background, but wait for its
* Exit with 1 when showing usage in
It used to have an entry for /mnt/pmbootstrap-packages, which only
makes sense while working on the chroot with pmbootstrap. After the
installation on the device, there's no repo in that path.
Furthermore, empty lines were added to the recovery installer script
for readability (thanks @ata2001!)
* Fail if mkbootimg/uboot-tools are not installed, but creating a
boot.img file / u-boot legacy image was requested via deviceinfo
* Fail if /boot/dt.img is missing, but we have a qcdt device
* Fail if the dtb file specified in deviceinfo does not exist
* Fail if mkbootimg etc. exit with error code
* Don't try to add the ext4 module into the initramfs. We always
compile it into the kernel. Instead, kconfig_check makes sure it
is enabled now. (fixes#1037)
* Add a note that modprobe warnings can be ignored mostly
Fixes#893. Changes:
* New action: "pmbootstrap pkgrel_bump"
* pmbootstrap detects missing soname depends when trying to install
anyting, and suggests "pkgrel_bump --auto" to fix it
* Testcase checks the pmOS binary package repo
for soname breakage, so we see it when CI runs for new PRs
* libsamsung-ipc: bump pkgrel because of soname bump
Add a blobtools option to the deviceinfo file for creating specific
blobs for the Asus TF101 tablet. This will make it easier to flash
afterwards with ADB.
This is for making a kernel image for the TF101 easier. See also:
The TF101 does not support normal Android boot images and instead needs
a blob to be created.
Also added the watchdog-kick package:
Some devices (namely Nokia N9/950) use more than one watchdog, and
watchdog-kick package kicks all of /dev/watchdogs? every 10 seconds so
they don't reset the device
* Using full diff skipping v4.15-rc1
cgit doesn't generate proper patches for binary files (one was added in
v4.15-rc1 and removed in v4.15-rc5 because it also introduced a new
build-time dependency which is now solved). For 4.16 the "old" source
lines can be re-added but until then a full diff skipping v4.15-rc1
is needed.
* Add patch from linux-next to fix the build on some machines
( was not executable, see #950)
* Changed usb-shell behavior, it wait for some user action before continue booting
* Rename usb-shell to debug-shell and changed port to 23
* Add `` script to static code analysis
* Enable eth0 interface in initramfs (qemu)
* Add additional script to run a shell in order to be able to kill it from a telnet session
* Rename deviceinfo variable flash_methods to flash_method
* Update pmb.config.deviceinfo_attributes / add sanity check
* Add test case that parses all deviceinfo files
Also removed the Alpine maintainer (as we usually do so we don't
annoy him) and changed the pkgver to 9999 (this package is present
in upstream Alpine, we don't want it to get replaced when Alpine
updates their version).
* Added a lot more Luna packages. It is now possible to start Luna, complete the first use app, and use the system. ARM support still broken.
* Cleanup & testing fixes. Starting in a fresh qemu environment works, but isn't quite deterministic. See wiki page for details
Add qt5-qtbase with OpenGL ES2 enabled and adjust the
upstream compatibility test case.
* Test case: don't get the qt5-qtbase version from any APKINDEX, but
only from Alpine's community APKINDEX
* Test case: If the pkgver is 9999, look at _pkgver
* Upgrade Qt libs to 5.9.3
* Add test case to make sure we are always in sync with Alpine's QT
and update qt5-qtsensors, too.
* Remove qt5-qtquickcontrols2 (it's in Alpine now)