Prepare for better device categorization by moving everything to testing
subdir first.
[skip-ci]: chicken-egg problem: passing pmaports CI depends on pmbootstrap MR
depends on this MR
Related: postmarketos#16
* Add support for osk-sdl
* Use latest commit from bitrvmpd
* Add udev rules, scripts for charging led
* Add (hacky) udev rule for jack detection
* Add pulseaudio files
* Silence substream kernel messages
* Change charging script path
* Move adsp-audio dependency to firmware to avoid watchdog
[ci:skip-build]: already built successfully in CI
* Added initial audio support (generated by xml2ucm)
* Fixed splash screen size (720x1280), which also fixes the screen
showing "posma"
* Firmware files are added (contains ADSP and WCNSS firmwares), these
* files are from Developer ROM 03/29 by Xiaomi.
* Kernel updated to 3.18.138.
* Modernized GCC, it'll now compile with the latest GCC from Alpine.
[ci:skip-build]: already built successfully in CI
device-xiaomi-santoni: use mdss-fb-init-hack to refresh the display, and
swapfile to fix "out of memory" when loading proprietary blobs.
I have tested the kernel, USB Networking, Display, USB OTG, Wi-Fi (with
proprietary blobs) works fine, through I haven't figured out how to get
Bluetooth and among of other stuff to work. Audio works. For more
information on how to get Wi-Fi and Audio to work, check out the wiki
page for this device, I have updated it.
[ci:skip-build]: already built successfully in CI