2017-12-01 19:10:58 +00:00
case $pkgver in
*.*.*) _kernver=${pkgver%.*};;
*.*) _kernver=$pkgver;;
2018-02-17 18:26:31 +01:00
2017-12-01 19:10:58 +00:00
2018-02-17 18:26:31 +01:00
arch="x86_64 armhf aarch64"
2017-12-01 19:10:58 +00:00
pkgdesc="Linux for pmOS supported chipsets (LTS)"
2018-02-17 18:26:31 +01:00
Package kernel-scripts separately (#1234)
We have two methods of cross-compiling:
* native: everything runs with the host architecture, QEMU is not
involved. This is the fastest, but requires the build system to be
working with it. We use this for all linux-* packages currently.
* distcc: everything runs through QEMU emulating the target arch,
*except* for the compiler. This is the most compatible approach
working with all packages.
When compiling `linux-*` packages natively, kernel scripts needed
during the build process get generated. Some of these are C files that
get compiled as executables. In native mode, these get compied to the
native architecture, in distcc mode to the target architecture.
The problem is, that we need these scripts compiled for the target
architecture in the kernel's dev package in order to compile kernel
modules outside of the kernel's package (e.g. wireguard).
It is not possible to just rewrite this logic to generate target-arch
binaries when running in native mode, because these binaries require
musl-dev, linux-headers and some other packages to be installed for the
target architecture inside the native chroot.
We solve this by introducing a new `kernel-scripts` package. which
contains just the binary scripts. In case the dev package was
cross-compiled, it depends on `kernel-scripts` and symlinks these
binaries. The `kernel-scripts` package always gets compiled in distcc
mode since it does not have a `linux-` prefix.
Fixes #1230.
2018-02-16 21:00:37 +00:00
makedepends="perl sed installkernel bash gmp-dev bc linux-headers elfutils-dev file"
2017-12-01 19:10:58 +00:00
options="!strip !check !tracedeps"
if [ "${pkgver%.0}" = "$pkgver" ]; then
2018-02-14 23:20:40 +00:00
2017-12-01 19:10:58 +00:00
case "$_carch" in
aarch64*) _carch="arm64" ;;
arm*) _carch="arm" ;;
ppc*) _carch="powerpc" ;;
s390*) _carch="s390" ;;
prepare() {
local _patch_failed=
cd "$ksrcdir"
if [ "$_kernver" != "$pkgver" ]; then
msg "Applying patch-$pkgver.xz"
unxz -c < "$srcdir"/patch-$pkgver.xz | patch -p1 -N
# first apply patches in specified order
for i in $source; do
case $i in
msg "Applying $i..."
if ! patch -s -p1 -N -i "$srcdir"/$i; then
echo $i >>failed
if ! [ -z "$_patch_failed" ]; then
error "The following patches failed:"
cat failed
return 1
mkdir -p "$srcdir"/build
cp -v "$srcdir"/$_config "$srcdir"/build/.config
make -C "$ksrcdir" O="$srcdir"/build ARCH="$_carch" HOSTCC="$HOSTCC" \
# this is so we can do: 'abuild menuconfig' to reconfigure kernel
menuconfig() {
cd "$srcdir"/build
make ARCH="$_carch" menuconfig
cp .config "$startdir"/$_config
build() {
cd "$srcdir"/build
make ARCH="$_carch" CC="${CC:-gcc}" \
KBUILD_BUILD_VERSION="$((pkgrel + 1 ))-postmarketOS" \
package() {
cd "$srcdir/build/arch/${_carch}/boot"
if [ "$CARCH" == "aarch64" ]; then
install -Dm644 "$srcdir/build/arch/${_carch}/boot/Image" \
install -Dm644 "$srcdir/build/arch/${_carch}/boot/"*zImage \
install -D "$srcdir/build/include/config/kernel.release" \
cd "$srcdir"/build
local _install
case "$CARCH" in
aarch64*|arm*) _install="modules_install dtbs_install" ;;
*) _install="modules_install" ;;
make -j1 $_install \
ARCH="$_carch" \
INSTALL_MOD_PATH="$pkgdir" \
dev() {
# copy the only the parts that we really need for build 3rd party
# kernel modules and install those as /usr/src/linux-headers,
# simlar to what ubuntu does
# this way you dont need to install the 300-400 kernel sources to
# build a tiny kernel module
pkgdesc="Headers and script for third party modules for postmarketos kernel"
depends="gmp-dev bash perl"
local dir="$subpkgdir"/usr/src/linux-headers-${_abi_release}
# first we import config, run prepare to set up for building
# external modules, and create the scripts
mkdir -p "$dir"
cp "$srcdir"/$_config "$dir"/.config
make -j1 -C "$srcdir"/linux-$_kernver O="$dir" ARCH="$_carch" HOSTCC="$HOSTCC" \
olddefconfig prepare modules_prepare scripts
# needed for 3rd party modules
# https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11143
case "$CARCH" in
ppc*) (cd "$dir" && make arch/powerpc/lib/crtsavres.o);;
# remove the stuff that points to real sources. we want 3rd party
# modules to believe this is the soruces
rm "$dir"/Makefile "$dir"/source
# copy the needed stuff from real sources
# this is taken from ubuntu kernel build script
# http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/ubuntu-zesty.git/tree/debian/rules.d/3-binary-indep.mk
cd "$srcdir"/linux-$_kernver
find . -path './include/*' -prune \
-o -path './scripts/*' -prune -o -type f \
\( -name 'Makefile*' -o -name 'Kconfig*' -o -name 'Kbuild*' -o \
-name '*.sh' -o -name '*.pl' -o -name '*.lds' \) \
-print | cpio -pdm "$dir"
cp -a scripts include "$dir"
find $(find arch -name include -type d -print) -type f \
| cpio -pdm "$dir"
install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/build/Module.symvers \
mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/lib/modules/${_abi_release}
ln -sf /usr/src/linux-headers-${_abi_release} \
Package kernel-scripts separately (#1234)
We have two methods of cross-compiling:
* native: everything runs with the host architecture, QEMU is not
involved. This is the fastest, but requires the build system to be
working with it. We use this for all linux-* packages currently.
* distcc: everything runs through QEMU emulating the target arch,
*except* for the compiler. This is the most compatible approach
working with all packages.
When compiling `linux-*` packages natively, kernel scripts needed
during the build process get generated. Some of these are C files that
get compiled as executables. In native mode, these get compied to the
native architecture, in distcc mode to the target architecture.
The problem is, that we need these scripts compiled for the target
architecture in the kernel's dev package in order to compile kernel
modules outside of the kernel's package (e.g. wireguard).
It is not possible to just rewrite this logic to generate target-arch
binaries when running in native mode, because these binaries require
musl-dev, linux-headers and some other packages to be installed for the
target architecture inside the native chroot.
We solve this by introducing a new `kernel-scripts` package. which
contains just the binary scripts. In case the dev package was
cross-compiled, it depends on `kernel-scripts` and symlinks these
binaries. The `kernel-scripts` package always gets compiled in distcc
mode since it does not have a `linux-` prefix.
Fixes #1230.
2018-02-16 21:00:37 +00:00
# cross-compiling: delete binaries with host arch and replace them with
# symlinks to binaries with the target arch (packaged in kernel-scripts)
if [ -n "$CROSS_COMPILE" ]; then
msg "Symlinking binary scripts..."
depends="$depends kernel-scripts"
cd "$dir/scripts"
local i
for i in $(find . -type f); do
local type="$(file -b --mime-type "$i")"
[ "$type" != "application/x-sharedlib" ] && continue
local native="/usr/bin/kernel-scripts/$(echo "$i" | cut -d '/' -f 2-)"
ln -svf "$native" "$i"
2017-12-01 19:10:58 +00:00
sha512sums="bf67ff812cc3cb7e5059e82cc5db0d9a7c5637f7ed9a42e4730c715bf7047c81ed3a571225f92a33ef0b6d65f35595bc32d773356646df2627da55e9bc7f1f1a linux-4.9.tar.xz
7de482169eb64cca001c298091471d803421dfef5835fa9a693840bd96083bdc42bc12a5217ececb5780ac285cf23674f2bd008183e651b81a7fc2882b819f01 config-postmarketos-lts.armhf
f7dcf05c3c3042c6105748bcbe60ff8c02fac91c7de260a51b568c983df7f2a69c2bde6ebc3ddc4b7283e4aba7e1a8b0e9e4baff6ab863553dc3767679f54f62 config-postmarketos-lts.aarch64
d1e6ca8faee80641a2e882b3b9b0009b05a73adee8e939ace17be7879f8a87f4f2e7cb7bbbb9590e9b6c1491ed076505dbef599c0dc9e71fe71a8d451a7b635e config-postmarketos-lts.x86_64
f22ec263901248adb0b660e5ea6f9c550f28f53dcd27d4a5148a932bce3b92f91cd921ff1d62096ac78c235e7abbeafa7ae33fc4f042e7d876e1fd58945554ce patch-4.9.65.xz"