4751 lines
140 KiB
4751 lines
140 KiB
replace binary DrvGen with python 3 version.
scripts have been upgraded from python 2 to 3 using futurize.
diff --git a/scripts/drvgen/drvgen.mk b/scripts/drvgen/drvgen.mk
index cdc47873434..261174fa51e 100644
--- a/scripts/drvgen/drvgen.mk
+++ b/scripts/drvgen/drvgen.mk
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ DRVGEN_FILE_LIST := $(addprefix $(DRVGEN_OUT)/,$(ALL_DRVGEN_FILE))
-DRVGEN_TOOL := $(srctree)/tools/dct/DrvGen
+DRVGEN_TOOL := $(srctree)/tools/dct/DrvGen.py
DRVGEN_PREBUILT_CHECK := $(filter-out $(wildcard $(addprefix $(DRVGEN_PREBUILT_PATH)/,$(ALL_DRVGEN_FILE))),$(addprefix $(DRVGEN_PREBUILT_PATH)/,$(ALL_DRVGEN_FILE)))
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ drvgen: $(DRVGEN_FILE_LIST)
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
- $(DRVGEN_TOOL) $(DWS_FILE) $(dir $@) $(dir $@) cust_dtsi
+ $(python) $(DRVGEN_TOOL) $(DWS_FILE) $(dir $@) $(dir $@) cust_dtsi
diff --git a/tools/dct/DrvGen.py b/tools/dct/DrvGen.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..500ea40172c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/DrvGen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os, sys
+import getopt
+import traceback
+import subprocess
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from obj.ChipObj import ChipObj
+from obj.ChipObj import Everest
+from obj.ChipObj import Olympus
+from obj.ChipObj import KiboPlus
+from obj.ChipObj import Rushmore
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+from utility.util import log
+def usage():
+ print('''
+usage: DrvGen [dws_path] [file_path] [log_path] [paras]...
+options and arguments:
+dws_path : dws file path
+file_path : where you want to put generated files
+log_path : where to store the log files
+paras : parameter for generate wanted file
+def is_oldDws(path, gen_spec):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Can not find %s' %(path))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ try:
+ root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(dws_path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log(LogLevel.warn, '%s is not xml format, try to use old DCT!' %(dws_path))
+ if len(gen_spec) == 0:
+ log(LogLevel.warn, 'Please use old DCT UI to gen all files!')
+ return True
+ old_dct = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'old_dct', 'DrvGen')
+ cmd = old_dct + ' ' + dws_path + ' ' + gen_path + ' ' + log_path + ' ' + gen_spec[0]
+ if 0 == subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True):
+ return True
+ else:
+ log(LogLevel.error, '%s format error!' %(dws_path))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return False
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '')
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ msg = 'Too less arguments!'
+ usage()
+ log(LogLevel.error, msg)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ dws_path = ''
+ gen_path = ''
+ log_path = ''
+ gen_spec = []
+ # get DWS file path from parameters
+ dws_path = os.path.abspath(args[0])
+ # get parameters from input
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ gen_path = os.path.dirname(dws_path)
+ log_path = os.path.dirname(dws_path)
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ gen_path = os.path.abspath(args[1])
+ log_path = os.path.dirname(dws_path)
+ elif len(args) == 3:
+ gen_path = os.path.abspath(args[1])
+ log_path = os.path.abspath(args[2])
+ elif len(args) >= 4:
+ gen_path = os.path.abspath(args[1])
+ log_path = os.path.abspath(args[2])
+ for i in range(3,len(args)):
+ gen_spec.append(args[i])
+ log(LogLevel.info, 'DWS file path is %s' %(dws_path))
+ log(LogLevel.info, 'Gen files path is %s' %(gen_path))
+ log(LogLevel.info, 'Log files path is %s' %(log_path))
+ for item in gen_spec:
+ log(LogLevel.info, 'Parameter is %s' %(item))
+ # check DWS file path
+ if not os.path.exists(dws_path):
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Can not find "%s", file not exist!' %(dws_path))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if not os.path.exists(gen_path):
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Can not find "%s", gen path not exist!' %(gen_path))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if not os.path.exists(log_path):
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Can not find "%s", log path not exist!' %(log_path))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if is_oldDws(dws_path, gen_spec):
+ sys.exit(0)
+ chipId = ChipObj.get_chipId(dws_path)
+ chipObj = None
+ if cmp(chipId, 'MT6797') == 0:
+ chipObj = Everest(dws_path, gen_path)
+ elif cmp(chipId, 'MT6757') == 0:
+ chipObj = Olympus(dws_path, gen_path)
+ elif cmp(chipId, 'KIBOPLUS') == 0:
+ chipObj = KiboPlus(dws_path, gen_path)
+ elif cmp(chipId, 'MT6570') == 0:
+ chipObj = Rushmore(dws_path, gen_path)
+ else:
+ chipObj = ChipObj(dws_path, gen_path)
+ if not chipObj.parse():
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Parse %s fail!' %(dws_path))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if not chipObj.generate(gen_spec):
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Generate files fail!')
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6335PMUMP.cmp b/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6335PMUMP.cmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1acb3a47ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6335PMUMP.cmp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+CHIP = MT6335
+NUM_LDO = 11
+FUNCTION = pmic_set_register_value
+INCLUDE_HEADER = linux/types.h:mach/mt_typedefs.h:mach/upmu_common.h:mach/upmu_hw.h:mach/mt_pm_ldo.h
diff --git a/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6350PMUMP.cmp b/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6350PMUMP.cmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00692159051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6350PMUMP.cmp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+CHIP = MT6350
+NUM_LDO = 18
+FUNCTION = pmic_set_register_value
+INCLUDE_HEADER = linux/types.h:mach/mt_typedefs.h:mach/upmu_common.h:mach/upmu_hw.h:mach/mt_pm_ldo.h
diff --git a/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6351PMUMP.cmp b/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6351PMUMP.cmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5177a0be983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/config/PMIC_MT6351PMUMP.cmp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+CHIP = MT6351
+NUM_LDO = 8
+FUNCTION = pmic_set_register_value
+INCLUDE_HEADER = linux/types.h:mach/mt_typedefs.h:mach/upmu_common.h:mach/upmu_hw.h:mach/mt_pm_ldo.h
diff --git a/tools/dct/config/PMIC_NCPMUMP.cmp b/tools/dct/config/PMIC_NCPMUMP.cmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4e48b25cfab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/config/PMIC_NCPMUMP.cmp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+FUNCTION = pmic_set_register_value
+INCLUDE_HEADER = linux/types.h:mach/mt_typedefs.h:mach/upmu_common.h:mach/upmu_hw.h:mach/mt_pm_ldo.h
diff --git a/tools/dct/config/YuSu.cmp b/tools/dct/config/YuSu.cmp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..35fd5227b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/config/YuSu.cmp
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+HOME = 102
+BACK = 158
+CALL = 231
+ENDCALL = 107
+MUTE = 113
+MENU = 139
+UP = 103
+DOWN = 108
+LEFT = 105
+RIGHT = 106
+OK = 352
+FOCUS = 211
+CAMERA = 212
+POWER = 116
+AT = 228
+POUND = 523
+STAR = 227
+DEL = 111
+TAB = 15
+ENTER = 28
+COMMA = 51
+DOT = 52
+SLASH = 53
+SPACE = 57
+SEARCH = 217
+SYM = 127
+0 = 11
+1 = 2
+2 = 3
+3 = 4
+4 = 5
+5 = 6
+6 = 7
+7 = 8
+8 = 9
+9 = 10
+A = 30
+B = 48
+C = 46
+D = 32
+E = 18
+F = 33
+G = 34
+H = 35
+I = 23
+J = 36
+K = 37
+L = 38
+M = 50
+N = 49
+O = 24
+P = 25
+Q = 16
+R = 19
+S = 31
+T = 20
+U = 22
+V = 47
+W = 17
+X = 45
+Y = 21
+Z = 44
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/ClkData.py b/tools/dct/data/ClkData.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e33ede82200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/data/ClkData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class ClkData:
+ _varList = ['DISABLE', 'SW_CONTROL', 'HW_CONTROL']
+ _count = 0
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__varName = ''
+ self.__current = ''
+ self.__curList = []
+ def set_defVarName(self, idx):
+ self.__varName = self._varList[idx]
+ def set_varName(self, name):
+ self.__varName = name
+ def set_defCurrent(self, idx):
+ self.__current = self.__curList[idx]
+ def set_current(self, current):
+ self.__current = current
+ def get_varName(self):
+ return self.__varName
+ def get_current(self):
+ return self.__current
+ def set_curList(self, cur_list):
+ self.__curList = cur_list
+ def get_curList(self):
+ return self.__curList
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/EintData.py b/tools/dct/data/EintData.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..8459876e16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/data/EintData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class EintData:
+ _count = 0
+ _map_table = {}
+ _mode_map = {}
+ _int_eint = {}
+ _builtin_map = {}
+ _builtin_eint_count = 0
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__varName = ''
+ self.__debounce_time = ''
+ self.__polarity = ''
+ self.__sensitive_level = ''
+ self.__debounce_enable = ''
+ def set_varName(self, varName):
+ self.__varName = varName
+ def get_varName(self):
+ return self.__varName
+ def set_debounceTime(self, time):
+ self.__debounce_time = time
+ def get_debounceTime(self):
+ return self.__debounce_time
+ def set_polarity(self, polarity):
+ self.__polarity = polarity
+ def get_polarity(self):
+ return self.__polarity
+ def set_sensitiveLevel(self, level):
+ self.__sensitive_level = level
+ def get_sensitiveLevel(self):
+ return self.__sensitive_level
+ def set_debounceEnable(self, enable):
+ self.__debounce_enable = enable
+ def get_debounceEnable(self):
+ return self.__debounce_enable
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_mapTable(map):
+ EintData._map_table = map
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_mapTable():
+ return EintData._map_table
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_modeName(gpio_num, mode_idx):
+ key = 'gpio%s' %(gpio_num)
+ if key in EintData._mode_map.keys():
+ list = EintData._mode_map[key]
+ if mode_idx < len(list) and mode_idx >= 0:
+ return list[mode_idx]
+ return None
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_modeMap(map):
+ for (key, value) in map.items():
+ list = []
+ for item in value:
+ list.append(item[6:len(item)-1])
+ map[key] = list
+ EintData._mode_map = map
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_modeMap():
+ return EintData._mode_map
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_gpioNum(num):
+ if len(EintData._map_table):
+ for (key,value) in EintData._map_table.items():
+ if num == value:
+ return key
+ return -1
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/GpioData.py b/tools/dct/data/GpioData.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..94ac4e6f182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/data/GpioData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class GpioData:
+ _count = 0
+ _modNum = 8
+ _specMap = {}
+ _freqMap = {}
+ _mapList = []
+ _modeMap = {}
+ _smtMap = {}
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__defMode = 0
+ self.__eintMode = False
+ self.__modeVec = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']
+ self.__inPullEn = True
+ self.__inPullSelHigh = False
+ self.__defDirInt = 0
+ self.__defDir = 'IN'
+ self.__inEn = True
+ self.__outEn = False
+ self.__outHigh = False
+ self.__varNames = []
+ self.__smtNum = -1
+ self.__smtEn = False
+ self.__iesEn = True
+ def get_defMode(self):
+ return self.__defMode
+ def set_defMode(self, mode):
+ self.__defMode = mode
+ def get_eintMode(self):
+ return self.__eintMode
+ def set_eintMode(self, flag):
+ self.__eintMode = flag
+ def get_modeVec(self):
+ return self.__modeVec
+ def set_modeVec(self, vec):
+ self.__modeVec = vec
+ def get_inPullEn(self):
+ return self.__inPullEn
+ def set_inpullEn(self, flag):
+ self.__inPullEn = flag
+ def get_inPullSelHigh(self):
+ return self.__inPullSelHigh
+ def set_inpullSelHigh(self, flag):
+ self.__inPullSelHigh = flag
+ def get_defDir(self):
+ return self.__defDir
+ def set_defDir(self, dir):
+ self.__defDir = dir
+ def get_inEn(self):
+ return self.__inEn
+ def set_inEn(self, flag):
+ self.__inEn = flag
+ def get_outEn(self):
+ return self.__outEn
+ def set_outEn(self, flag):
+ self.__outEn = flag
+ def get_outHigh(self):
+ return self.__outHigh
+ def set_outHigh(self, outHigh):
+ self.__outHigh = outHigh
+ def get_varNames(self):
+ return self.__varNames
+ def set_varNames(self, names):
+ self.__varNames = names
+ def set_smtEn(self, flag):
+ self.__smtEn = flag
+ def get_smtEn(self):
+ return self.__smtEn
+ def get_iesEn(self):
+ return self.__iesEn
+ def set_iesEn(self, flag):
+ self.__iesEn = flag
+ def set_smtNum(self, num):
+ self.__smtNum = num
+ def get_smtNum(self):
+ return self.__smtNum
+ def ge_defDirInt(self):
+ if self.__defDir == 'IN':
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_modeName(key, idx):
+ if key in GpioData._modeMap.keys():
+ value = GpioData._modeMap[key]
+ return value[idx]
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/I2cData.py b/tools/dct/data/I2cData.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..322eea63a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/data/I2cData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class BusData:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__speed = ''
+ self.__enable = False
+ def set_speed(self, speed):
+ self.__speed = speed
+ def set_enable(self, flag):
+ self.__enable = flag
+ def get_speed(self):
+ return self.__speed
+ def get_enable(self):
+ return self.__enable
+class I2cData:
+ _i2c_count = 0
+ _channel_count = 0
+ _busData = {}
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__varname = ''
+ self.__channel = ''
+ self.__address = ''
+ def set_varName(self, name):
+ self.__varname = name
+ def set_channel(self, channel):
+ self.__channel = channel
+ def set_address(self, addr):
+ self.__address = addr
+ def get_varName(self):
+ return self.__varname
+ def get_channel(self):
+ return self.__channel
+ def get_address(self):
+ return self.__address
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/KpdData.py b/tools/dct/data/KpdData.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..4d18f7dee1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/data/KpdData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class KpdData:
+ _row = -1
+ _col = -1
+ _row_ext = -1
+ _col_ext = -1
+ _gpioNum = -1
+ _util = ''
+ _homeKey = ''
+ _keyType = ''
+ _pressTime = -1
+ _dinHigh = False
+ _matrix = []
+ _matrix_ext = []
+ _useEint = False
+ _downloadKeys = []
+ _keyValueMap = {}
+ _usedKeys = []
+ _modeKeys = {'META':None, 'RECOVERY':None, 'FACTORY':None}
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__varNames = []
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_row(row):
+ KpdData._row = row
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_row():
+ return KpdData._row
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_col(col):
+ KpdData._col = col
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_col():
+ return KpdData._col
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_row_ext(row):
+ KpdData._row_ext = row
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_row_ext():
+ return KpdData._row_ext
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_col_ext(col):
+ KpdData._col_ext = col
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_col_ext():
+ return KpdData._col_ext
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_matrix(matrix):
+ KpdData._matrix = matrix
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_matrix_ext(matrix):
+ KpdData._matrix_ext = matrix
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_matrix_ext():
+ return KpdData._matrix_ext
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_matrix():
+ return KpdData._matrix
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_downloadKeys(keys):
+ KpdData._downloadKeys = keys
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_downloadKeys():
+ return KpdData._downloadKeys
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_modeKeys():
+ return KpdData._modeKeys
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_gpioNum(num):
+ KpdData._gpioNum = num
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_gpioNum():
+ return KpdData._gpioNum
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_utility(util):
+ KpdData._util = util
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_utility():
+ return KpdData._util
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_homeKey(home):
+ KpdData._homeKey = home
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_homeKey():
+ return KpdData._homeKey
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_useEint(flag):
+ KpdData._useEint = flag
+ @staticmethod
+ def getUseEint():
+ return KpdData._useEint
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_gpioDinHigh(flag):
+ KpdData._dinHigh = flag
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_gpioDinHigh():
+ return KpdData._dinHigh
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_pressTime(time):
+ KpdData._pressTime = time
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_pressTime():
+ return KpdData._pressTime
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_keyType(keyType):
+ KpdData._keyType = keyType
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_keyType():
+ return KpdData._keyType
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_keyVal(key):
+ if key in KpdData._keyValueMap.keys():
+ return KpdData._keyValueMap[key]
+ return 0
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/Md1EintData.py b/tools/dct/data/Md1EintData.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..654009bae33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/data/Md1EintData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from data.EintData import EintData
+class Md1EintData(EintData):
+ def __init__(self):
+ EintData.__init__(self)
+ self.__dedicatedEn = False
+ self.__srcPin = ''
+ self.__socetType = ''
+ def set_dedicatedEn(self, value):
+ if value == 'Disable':
+ self.__dedicatedEn = False
+ else:
+ self.__dedicatedEn = True
+ def get_dedicatedEn(self):
+ return self.__dedicatedEn
+ def set_srcPin(self, pin):
+ self.__srcPin = pin
+ def get_srcPin(self):
+ return self.__srcPin
+ def set_socketType(self, type):
+ self.__socetType = type
+ def get_socketType(self):
+ return self.__socetType
+ def set_sensitiveLevel(self, level):
+ EintData.set_sensitiveLevel(self, level)
+ def get_sensitiveLevel(self):
+ return EintData.get_sensitiveLevel(self)
+ def set_debounceEnable(self, enable):
+ EintData.set_debounceEnable(self, enable)
+ def get_debounceEnable(self):
+ return EintData.get_debounceEnable(self)
+ def set_polarity(self, polarity):
+ EintData.set_polarity(self, polarity)
+ def get_polarity(self):
+ return EintData.get_polarity(self)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/PmicData.py b/tools/dct/data/PmicData.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c1978aa3801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/data/PmicData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class PmicData:
+ _var_list = []
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__ldoName = ''
+ self.__defEn = -1
+ self.__nameList = []
+ def set_ldoName(self, name):
+ self.__ldoName = name
+ def get_ldoName(self):
+ return self.__ldoName
+ def set_defEnable(self, number):
+ self.__defEn = number
+ def get_defEnable(self):
+ return self.__defEn
+ def set_nameList(self, name_list):
+ self.__nameList = name_list
+ def get_nameList(self):
+ return self.__nameList
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/PowerData.py b/tools/dct/data/PowerData.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5c64b49e3ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/data/PowerData.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+class PowerData:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__varName = ''
+ def set_varName(self, name):
+ self.__varName = name
+ def get_varName(self):
+ return self.__varName
diff --git a/tools/dct/data/__init__.py b/tools/dct/data/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/AdcObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/AdcObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c94592c01fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/AdcObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from obj.ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+from utility.util import log
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+from utility.util import sorted_key
+class AdcObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self, 'cust_adc.h', 'cust_adc.dtsi')
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ pass
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.get_cfgInfo()
+ self.read(node)
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ try:
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if node.nodeName == 'count':
+ count = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ continue
+ subNode = node.getElementsByTagName('varName')
+ if len(subNode):
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, node.nodeName, subNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ except:
+ msg = 'read adc content fail!'
+ log(LogLevel.error, msg)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys())
+ for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''#define AUXADC_%s_CHANNEL\t\t\t%s\n''' %(value.upper(), key[len(key) - 1])
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''&auxadc {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tadc_channel@ {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\t\tcompatible = "mediatek,adc_channel";\n'''
+ # sort by the key, or the sequence is dissorted
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys())
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if value == "TEMPERATURE":
+ gen_str += '''\t\tmediatek,%s0 = <%d>;\n''' %(value.lower(), string.atoi(key[len(key) -1]))
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''\t\tmediatek,%s = <%d>;\n''' %(value.lower(), string.atoi(key[len(key) -1]))
+ gen_str += '''\t\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\t};\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/ChipObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/ChipObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..37e7db31757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/ChipObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os, sys
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from .GpioObj import GpioObj
+from .EintObj import EintObj
+from .AdcObj import AdcObj
+from .ClkObj import ClkObj
+from .ClkObj import ClkObj_Everest
+from .ClkObj import ClkObj_Olympus
+from .ClkObj import ClkObj_Rushmore
+from .I2cObj import I2cObj
+from .PmicObj import PmicObj
+from .Md1EintObj import Md1EintObj
+from .PowerObj import PowerObj
+from .KpdObj import KpdObj
+from .ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+from utility.util import log
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+para_map = {'adc':['adc_h', 'adc_dtsi'],\
+ 'clk':['clk_buf_h', 'clk_buf_dtsi'],\
+ 'eint':['eint_h', 'eint_dtsi'],\
+ 'gpio':['gpio_usage_h', 'gpio_boot_h', 'gpio_dtsi', 'scp_gpio_usage_h', 'pinfunc_h', \
+ 'pinctrl_h', 'gpio_usage_mapping_dtsi', 'gpio_usage_mapping_dtsi'],\
+ 'i2c':['i2c_h', 'i2c_dtsi'],\
+ 'md1_eint':['md1_eint_h', 'md1_eint_dtsi'],\
+ 'kpd':['kpd_h', 'kpd_dtsi'],\
+ 'pmic':['pmic_drv_h', 'pmic_drv_c', 'pmic_dtsi'],\
+ 'power':['power_h']}
+class ChipObj:
+ def __init__(self, path, dest):
+ self.__path = path
+ ModuleObj.set_genPath(dest)
+ self.__objs = {}
+ self.init_objs()
+ def init_objs(self):
+ self.__objs['adc'] = AdcObj()
+ self.__objs['clk'] = ClkObj()
+ self.__objs["gpio"] = GpioObj()
+ # eint obj need gpio data
+ self.__objs["eint"] = EintObj(self.__objs['gpio'])
+ self.__objs["i2c"] = I2cObj()
+ self.__objs["md1_eint"] = Md1EintObj()
+ self.__objs["pmic"] = PmicObj()
+ self.__objs["power"] = PowerObj()
+ self.__objs["kpd"] = KpdObj()
+ def replace_obj(self, tag, obj):
+ if not tag in self.__objs.keys():
+ return False
+ self.__objs[tag] = obj
+ def append_obj(self, tag, obj):
+ if tag in self.__objs.keys():
+ return False
+ self.__objs[tag] = obj
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_chipId(path):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ msg = '%s is not a available path!' %(path)
+ log(LogLevel.error, msg)
+ return False
+ data = xml.dom.minidom.parse(path)
+ root = data.documentElement
+ # get 'general' node
+ node = root.getElementsByTagName('general')
+ return node[0].getAttribute('chip')
+ def parse(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.__path):
+ msg = '%s is not a available path!' %(self.__path)
+ log(LogLevel.error, msg)
+ return False
+ data = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.__path)
+ root = data.documentElement
+ # get 'general' node
+ node = root.getElementsByTagName('general')
+ # get chip name and project name
+ ModuleObj.set_chipId(node[0].getAttribute('chip'))
+ msg = 'Chip ID : %s' %(node[0].getAttribute('chip'))
+ log(LogLevel.info, msg)
+ msg = 'Project Info: %s' %(node[0].getElementsByTagName('proj')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ log(LogLevel.info, msg)
+ # initialize the objects mapping table
+ self.init_objs()
+ # get module nodes from DWS file
+ nodes = node[0].getElementsByTagName('module')
+ for node in nodes:
+ tag = node.getAttribute('name')
+ obj = self.create_obj(tag)
+ if obj == None:
+ msg = 'can not find %s node in DWS!' %(tag)
+ log(LogLevel.error, msg)
+ return False
+ obj.parse(node)
+ return True
+ def generate(self, paras):
+ if len(paras) == 0:
+ for obj in self.__objs.values():
+ obj.gen_files()
+ self.gen_custDtsi()
+ else:
+ self.gen_spec(paras)
+ return True
+ def create_obj(self, tag):
+ obj = None
+ if tag in self.__objs.keys():
+ obj = self.__objs[tag]
+ return obj
+ def gen_spec(self, paras):
+ if cmp(paras[0], 'cust_dtsi') == 0:
+ self.gen_custDtsi()
+ return True
+ for para in paras:
+ idx = 0
+ name = ''
+ if para.strip() != '':
+ for value in para_map.values():
+ if para in value:
+ name = para_map.keys()[idx]
+ break
+ idx += 1
+ if name != '':
+ log(LogLevel.info, 'Start to generate %s file...' %(para))
+ obj = self.__objs[name]
+ obj.gen_spec(para)
+ log(LogLevel.info, 'Generate %s file successfully!' %(para))
+ else:
+ log(LogLevel.error, '%s can not be recognized!' %(para))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return True
+ def gen_custDtsi(self):
+ log(LogLevel.info, 'Start to generate cust_dtsi file...')
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), 'cust.dtsi'), 'w')
+ gen_str = ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ sorted_list = sorted(self.__objs.keys())
+ for tag in sorted_list:
+ if cmp(tag, 'gpio') == 0:
+ gpioObj = self.create_obj(tag)
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeHeader(gpioObj.get_dtsiFileName())
+ gen_str += gpioObj.fill_mapping_dtsiFile()
+ else:
+ obj = self.create_obj(tag)
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeHeader(obj.get_dtsiFileName())
+ gen_str += obj.fill_dtsiFile()
+ gen_str += '''\n\n'''
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ log(LogLevel.info, 'Generate cust_dtsi file successfully!')
+class Everest(ChipObj):
+ def __init__(self, dws_path, gen_path):
+ ChipObj.__init__(self, dws_path, gen_path)
+ self.init_objs()
+ def init_objs(self):
+ ChipObj.init_objs(self)
+ ChipObj.replace_obj(self, 'clk', ClkObj_Everest())
+ def parse(self):
+ return ChipObj.parse(self)
+ def generate(self, paras):
+ return ChipObj.generate(self, paras)
+class Olympus(ChipObj):
+ def __init__(self, dws_path, gen_path):
+ ChipObj.__init__(self, dws_path, gen_path)
+ def init_objs(self):
+ ChipObj.init_objs(self)
+ ChipObj.replace_obj(self, 'clk', ClkObj_Olympus())
+ def parse(self):
+ return ChipObj.parse(self)
+ def generate(self, paras):
+ return ChipObj.generate(self, paras)
+class KiboPlus(ChipObj):
+ def __init__(self, dws_path, gen_path):
+ ChipObj.__init__(self, dws_path, gen_path)
+ def init_objs(self):
+ ChipObj.init_objs(self)
+ ChipObj.replace_obj(self, 'clk', ClkObj_Olympus())
+ def parse(self):
+ return ChipObj.parse(self)
+ def generate(self, paras):
+ return ChipObj.generate(self, paras)
+class Rushmore(ChipObj):
+ def __init__(self, dws_path, gen_path):
+ ChipObj.__init__(self, dws_path, gen_path)
+ def init_objs(self):
+ ChipObj.init_objs(self)
+ ChipObj.replace_obj(self, 'clk', ClkObj_Rushmore())
+ def parse(self):
+ return ChipObj.parse(self)
+ def generate(self, paras):
+ return ChipObj.generate(self, paras)
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/ClkObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/ClkObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1192c6210bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/ClkObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import configparser
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from .ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+from data.ClkData import ClkData
+from utility.util import log
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+from utility.util import sorted_key
+class ClkObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self, 'cust_clk_buf.h', 'cust_clk_buf.dtsi')
+ #self.__prefix_cfg = 'driving_current_pmic_clk_buf'
+ self.__suffix = '_BUF'
+ self.__count = -1
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if node.nodeName == 'count':
+ continue
+ varNode = node.getElementsByTagName('varName')
+ curNode = node.getElementsByTagName('current')
+ key = re.findall(r'\D+', node.nodeName)[0].upper() + self.__suffix + '%s' %(re.findall(r'\d+', node.nodeName)[0])
+ data = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if len(varNode):
+ data.set_varName(varNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(curNode):
+ data.set_current(curNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, key, data)
+ return True
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ count = string.atoi(cp.get('CLK_BUF', 'CLK_BUF_COUNT'))
+ self.__count = count
+ ops = cp.options('CLK_BUF')
+ for op in ops:
+ if op == 'clk_buf_count':
+ self.__count = string.atoi(cp.get('CLK_BUF', op))
+ ClkData._count = string.atoi(cp.get('CLK_BUF', op))
+ continue
+ value = cp.get('CLK_BUF', op)
+ var_list = value.split(':')
+ data = ClkData()
+ data.set_curList(var_list[2:])
+ data.set_defVarName(string.atoi(var_list[0]))
+ data.set_defCurrent(string.atoi(var_list[1]))
+ key = op[16:].upper()
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, key, data)
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.get_cfgInfo()
+ self.read(node)
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''typedef enum {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_DISABLE,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_SW_CONTROL,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_HW_CONTROL\n'''
+ gen_str += '''} MTK_CLK_BUF_STATUS;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''typedef enum {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_AUTO_K = -1,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_0,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_1,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_2,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_3\n'''
+ gen_str += '''} MTK_CLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_STATUS_PMIC\t\tCLOCK_BUFFER_%s\n''' %(key[5:], value.get_varName().upper())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ idx = value.get_curList().index(value.get_current())
+ if cmp(value.get_curList()[0], DEFAULT_AUTOK) == 0:
+ idx -= 1
+ if idx >= 0:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_%d\n''' %(key, idx)
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_AUTO_K\n''' %(key)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''&pmic_clock_buffer_ctrl {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,clkbuf-quantity = <%d>;\n''' %(self.__count)
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,clkbuf-config = <'''
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys())
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ if key.find('PMIC') == -1:
+ continue
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''%d ''' %(ClkData._varList.index(value.get_varName()))
+ gen_str = gen_str.rstrip()
+ gen_str += '''>;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,clkbuf-driving-current = <'''
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys())
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ if key.find('PMIC') == -1:
+ continue
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ idx = value.get_curList().index(value.get_current())
+ if cmp(value.get_curList()[0], DEFAULT_AUTOK) == 0:
+ idx -= 1
+ if idx < 0:
+ gen_str += '''(%d) ''' %(-1)
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''%d ''' %(idx)
+ gen_str = gen_str.rstrip()
+ gen_str += '''>;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
+class ClkObj_Everest(ClkObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ClkObj.__init__(self)
+ self.__rf = 'RF'
+ self.__pmic = 'PMIC'
+ def parse(self, node):
+ ClkObj.parse(self, node)
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ClkObj.gen_files(self)
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''typedef enum {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_DISABLE,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_SW_CONTROL,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_HW_CONTROL\n'''
+ gen_str += '''} MTK_CLK_BUF_STATUS;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''typedef enum {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_0_4MA,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_0_9MA,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_1_4MA,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_1_9MA\n'''
+ gen_str += '''} MTK_CLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find(self.__pmic) != -1:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_STATUS_PMIC\t\t\t\tCLOCK_BUFFER_%s\n''' %(key[5:], value.get_varName())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find(self.__pmic) != -1:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_%sMA\n''' %(key, value.get_current().replace('.', '_'))
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find(self.__rf) != -1:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_STATUS\t\tCLOCK_BUFFER_%s\n''' %(key[3:], value.get_varName())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find(self.__rf) != -1:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_%sMA\n''' %(key, value.get_current().replace('.', '_'))
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = ClkObj.fill_dtsiFile(self)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''&rf_clock_buffer_ctrl {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,clkbuf-quantity = <%d>;\n''' %(ClkData._count)
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,clkbuf-config = <'''
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys())
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find(self.__rf) != -1:
+ gen_str += '''%d ''' %(ClkData._varList.index(value.get_varName()))
+ gen_str.rstrip()
+ gen_str += '''>;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,clkbuf-driving-current = <'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find(self.__rf) != -1:
+ idx = value.get_curList().index(value.get_current())
+ if cmp(value.get_curList()[0], DEFAULT_AUTOK) == 0:
+ idx -= 1
+ gen_str += '''%d ''' %(idx)
+ gen_str.rstrip()
+ gen_str += '''>;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
+class ClkObj_Olympus(ClkObj_Everest):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ClkObj_Everest.__init__(self)
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ ClkObj_Everest.get_cfgInfo(self)
+ def parse(self, node):
+ ClkObj_Everest.parse(self, node)
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ClkObj_Everest.gen_files(self)
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''typedef enum {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_DISABLE,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_SW_CONTROL,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_HW_CONTROL\n'''
+ gen_str += '''} MTK_CLK_BUF_STATUS;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''typedef enum {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_AUTO_K = -1,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_0,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_1,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_2,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_3\n'''
+ gen_str += '''} MTK_CLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find('PMIC') != -1:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_STATUS_PMIC\t\tCLOCK_BUFFER_%s\n''' %(key[5:], value.get_varName())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find('RF') != -1:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_STATUS\t\t\t\tCLOCK_BUFFER_%s\n''' %(key[3:], value.get_varName())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ if key.find('PMIC') != -1:
+ continue
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ idx = value.get_curList().index(value.get_current())
+ if cmp(value.get_curList()[0], DEFAULT_AUTOK) == 0:
+ idx -= 1
+ if idx >= 0:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_%d\n''' %(key, idx)
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_AUTO_K\n''' %(key)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ if key.find('RF') != -1:
+ continue
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ idx = value.get_curList().index(value.get_current())
+ if cmp(value.get_curList()[0], DEFAULT_AUTOK) == 0:
+ idx -= 1
+ if idx >= 0:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_%d\n''' %(key, idx)
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_AUTO_K\n''' %(key)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
+class ClkObj_Rushmore(ClkObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ClkObj.__init__(self)
+ self.__suffix = '_BUF'
+ def parse(self, node):
+ ClkObj.parse(self, node)
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ count = string.atoi(cp.get('CLK_BUF', 'CLK_BUF_COUNT'))
+ self.__count = count
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if node.nodeName == 'count':
+ continue
+ varNode = node.getElementsByTagName('varName')
+ curNode = node.getElementsByTagName('current')
+ key = re.findall(r'\D+', node.nodeName)[0].upper() + self.__suffix + '%s' %(re.findall(r'\d+', node.nodeName)[0])
+ data = ClkData()
+ if len(varNode):
+ data.set_varName(varNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ #if len(curNode):
+ #data.set_current(curNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, key, data)
+ return True
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''typedef enum {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_DISABLE,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_SW_CONTROL,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLOCK_BUFFER_HW_CONTROL\n'''
+ gen_str += '''} MTK_CLK_BUF_STATUS;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''typedef enum {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_AUTO_K = -1,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_0,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_1,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_2,\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_3\n'''
+ gen_str += '''} MTK_CLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if key.find('RF') != -1:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_STATUS\t\t\t\tCLOCK_BUFFER_%s\n''' %(key[3:], value.get_varName())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ if key.find('RF') != -1:
+ continue
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ idx = value.get_curList().index(value.get_current())
+ if cmp(value.get_curList()[0], DEFAULT_AUTOK) == 0:
+ idx -= 1
+ if idx >= 0:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_%d\n''' %(key, idx)
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DRIVING_CURR\t\tCLK_BUF_DRIVING_CURR_AUTO_K\n''' %(key)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''&rf_clock_buffer_ctrl {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,clkbuf-quantity = <%d>;\n''' %(self.__count)
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,clkbuf-config = <'''
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys())
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ if key.find('RF') == -1:
+ continue
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''%d ''' %(ClkData._varList.index(value.get_varName()))
+ gen_str = gen_str.rstrip()
+ gen_str += '''>;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/EintObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/EintObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..c977b7a5c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/EintObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+import os
+import string
+import configparser
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from data.EintData import EintData
+from data.GpioData import GpioData
+from utility.util import log
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+from utility.util import compare
+from obj.ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+from obj.GpioObj import GpioObj
+class EintObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self, gpio_obj):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self, 'cust_eint.h', 'cust_eint.dtsi')
+ self.__gpio_obj = gpio_obj
+ self.__count = 0
+ self.__map_count = 0
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if cmp(node.nodeName, 'count') == 0:
+ self.__count = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ continue
+ varNode = node.getElementsByTagName('varName')
+ detNode = node.getElementsByTagName('debounce_time')
+ polNode = node.getElementsByTagName('polarity')
+ senNode = node.getElementsByTagName('sensitive_level')
+ deeNode = node.getElementsByTagName('debounce_en')
+ data = EintData()
+ if len(varNode):
+ data.set_varName(varNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(detNode):
+ data.set_debounceTime(detNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(polNode):
+ data.set_polarity(polNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(senNode):
+ data.set_sensitiveLevel(senNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(deeNode):
+ data.set_debounceEnable(deeNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, node.nodeName, data)
+ return True
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.get_cfgInfo()
+ self.read(node)
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ def gen_spec(self, para):
+ ModuleObj.gen_spec(self, para)
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ ops = cp.options('GPIO')
+ map = {}
+ mode_map = {}
+ for op in ops:
+ value = cp.get('GPIO', op)
+ list = re.split(r' +|\t+', value)
+ map[string.atoi(re.findall(r'\d+', op)[0])] = string.atoi(list[len(list)-2])
+ mode_map[op] = list[0:len(list)-2]
+ EintData.set_mapTable(map)
+ EintData.set_modeMap(mode_map)
+ if cp.has_option('EINT', 'EINT_MAP_COUNT'):
+ self.__map_count = string.atoi(cp.get('EINT', 'EINT_MAP_COUNT'))
+ if cp.has_option('EINT', 'INTERNAL_EINT'):
+ info = cp.get('EINT', 'INTERNAL_EINT')
+ str_list = info.split(':')
+ for item in str_list:
+ sub_list = item.split('/')
+ EintData._int_eint[sub_list[0]] = sub_list[1]
+ if cp.has_option('EINT', 'BUILTIN_EINT'):
+ info = cp.get('EINT', 'BUILTIN_EINT')
+ str_list = info.split(':')
+ for builtin_item in str_list:
+ builtin_list = builtin_item.split('/')
+ #EintData._builtin_map[builtin_list[0]] = builtin_list[1]
+ temp = 'BUILTIN_%s' %(builtin_list[0])
+ if cp.has_option('EINT', temp):
+ info = cp.get('EINT', temp)
+ str_list = info.split(':')
+ temp_map = {}
+ for item in str_list:
+ sub_list = item.split('/')
+ temp_map[sub_list[0]] = sub_list[1] + ':' + builtin_list[1]
+ EintData._builtin_map[builtin_list[0]] = temp_map
+ EintData._builtin_eint_count += len(temp_map)
+ #def compare(self, value):
+ #return string.atoi(value[4:])
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ gen_str += '''#ifdef __cplusplus\n'''
+ gen_str += '''extern \"C\" {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#endif\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINTF_TRIGGER_RISING\t\t\t1\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINTF_TRIGGER_FALLING\t\t\t2\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINTF_TRIGGER_HIGH\t\t\t4\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINTF_TRIGGER_LOW\t\t\t8\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_DEBOUNCE_DISABLE\t\t\t0\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_DEBOUNCE_ENABLE\t\t\t1\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n\n'''
+ sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key=compare)
+ for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_%s_NUM\t\t\t%s\n''' %(value.get_varName().upper(), key[4:])
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_%s_DEBOUNCE_CN\t\t%s\n''' %(value.get_varName().upper(), value.get_debounceTime())
+ temp = ''
+ polarity = value.get_polarity()
+ sensitive = value.get_sensitiveLevel()
+ if cmp(polarity, 'High') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Edge') == 0:
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'Low') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Edge') == 0:
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'High') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Level') == 0:
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'Low') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Level') == 0:
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_%s_TYPE\t\t\t%s\n''' %(value.get_varName().upper(), temp)
+ temp = ''
+ if cmp(value.get_debounceEnable(), 'Disable') == 0:
+ elif cmp(value.get_debounceEnable(), 'Enable') == 0:
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_%s_DEBOUNCE_EN\t\t%s\n\n''' %(value.get_varName().upper(), temp)
+ gen_str += '''#ifdef __cplusplus\n'''
+ gen_str += '''}\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#endif\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_mappingTable(self):
+ gen_str = '''&eintc {\n'''
+ count = 0
+ if self.__map_count == 0:
+ for i in range(0, string.atoi(self.__count)):
+ if EintData.get_gpioNum(i) >= 0:
+ count += 1
+ count += len(EintData._int_eint)
+ else:
+ count = self.__map_count
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,mapping_table_entry = <%d>;\n''' %(count)
+ gen_str += '''\t\t\t/* <gpio_pin, eint_pin> */\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,mapping_table = '''
+ sorted_list = sorted(EintData.get_mapTable().keys())
+ for key in sorted_list:
+ value = EintData.get_mapTable()[key]
+ if value != -1:
+ gen_str += '''<%d %d>,\n\t\t\t\t\t''' %(key, value)
+ for (key, value) in EintData._int_eint.items():
+ gen_str += '''<%s %s>,\n\t\t\t\t\t''' %(value, key)
+ gen_str = gen_str[0:len(gen_str)-7]
+ gen_str += ''';\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,builtin_entry = <%d>;\n''' %(EintData._builtin_eint_count)
+ if len(EintData._builtin_map) == 0:
+ gen_str += '''};\n\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ gen_str += '''\t\t\t\t\t/* gpio, built-in func mode, built-in eint */\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,builtin_mapping = '''
+ for (key, value) in EintData._builtin_map.items():
+ for (sub_key, sub_value) in value.items():
+ gen_str += '''<%s %s %s>, /* %s */\n\t\t\t\t\t''' %(sub_key, sub_value[0:1], key, sub_value)
+ gen_str = gen_str[0:gen_str.rfind(',')]
+ gen_str += ';'
+ gen_str += '''};\n\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def get_gpioNum(self, eint_num):
+ for (key, value) in EintData.get_mapTable().items():
+ if cmp(eint_num, value) == 0:
+ return key
+ return -1
+ def refGpio(self, eint_num, flag):
+ gpio_vec= []
+ gpio_num = EintData.get_gpioNum(string.atoi(eint_num))
+ if gpio_num >= 0:
+ gpio_vec.append(gpio_num)
+ if flag:
+ item_data = self.__gpio_obj.get_gpioData(gpio_num)
+ mode_idx = item_data.get_defMode()
+ mode_name = EintData.get_modeName(gpio_num, mode_idx)
+ if re.match(r'GPIO[\d]+', mode_name) or re.match(r'EINT[\d]+', mode_name):
+ return gpio_vec
+ for key in EintData._builtin_map.keys():
+ if string.atoi(eint_num) == string.atoi(key):
+ temp_map = EintData._builtin_map[key]
+ for key in temp_map.keys():
+ gpio_vec.append(key)
+ if flag:
+ for item in temp_map.keys():
+ item_data = self.__gpio_obj.get_gpioData(string.atoi(item))
+ if item_data.get_defMode() == string.atoi(temp_map[item].split(':')[0]):
+ gpio_vec = []
+ gpio_vec.append(item)
+ return gpio_vec
+ break
+ return gpio_vec
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += self.fill_mappingTable()
+ sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key=compare)
+ for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''&%s {\n''' %(value.get_varName().lower())
+ gen_str += '''\tinterrupt-parent = <&eintc>;\n'''
+ temp = ''
+ polarity = value.get_polarity()
+ sensitive = value.get_sensitiveLevel()
+ if cmp(polarity, 'High') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Edge') == 0:
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'Low') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Edge') == 0:
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'High') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Level') == 0:
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'Low') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Level') == 0:
+ gen_str += '''\tinterrupts = <%s %s>;\n''' %(self.refGpio(key[4:], True)[0], temp)
+ gen_str += '''\tdebounce = <%s %d>;\n''' %(self.refGpio(key[4:], True)[0], string.atoi(value.get_debounceTime()) * 1000)
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/GpioObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/GpioObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..fa37e00168c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/GpioObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import string
+import configparser
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from data.GpioData import GpioData
+from data.EintData import EintData
+from .ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+from . import ChipObj
+from utility.util import compare
+from utility.util import sorted_key
+class GpioObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self,'cust_gpio_boot.h', 'cust_gpio.dtsi')
+ self.__fileName = 'cust_gpio_usage.h'
+ self.__filePinfunc = '%s-pinfunc.h' %(ModuleObj.get_chipId().lower())
+ self.__filePinCtrl = 'pinctrl-mtk-%s.h' %(ModuleObj.get_chipId().lower())
+ self.__fileScp = 'cust_scp_gpio_usage.h'
+ self.__fileMap = 'cust_gpio_usage_mapping.dtsi'
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_cmpPath())
+ # get GPIO_FREQ section
+ keys= cp.options('GPIO_FREQ')
+ for key in keys:
+ value = cp.get('GPIO_FREQ', key)
+ GpioData._freqMap[key] = value
+ # get GPIO_MODE section
+ keys = cp.options('GPIO_MODE')
+ for key in keys:
+ value = cp.get('GPIO_MODE', key)
+ GpioData._specMap[key] = value
+ GpioData._mapList = cp.options('GPIO_VARIABLES_MAPPING')
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ ops = cp.options('GPIO')
+ for op in ops:
+ value = cp.get('GPIO', op)
+ list = re.split(r' +|\t+', value)
+ tmp_list = list[0:len(list)-2]
+ temp = []
+ for item in tmp_list:
+ str = item[6:len(item)-1]
+ temp.append(str)
+ GpioData._modeMap[op] = temp
+ data = GpioData()
+ data.set_smtNum(string.atoi(list[len(list)-1]))
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, op.lower(), data)
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if cmp(node.nodeName, 'count') == 0:
+ GpioData._count = string.atoi(node.childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ continue
+ eintNode = node.getElementsByTagName('eint_mode')
+ defmNode = node.getElementsByTagName('def_mode')
+ modsNode = node.getElementsByTagName('mode_arr')
+ inpeNode = node.getElementsByTagName('inpull_en')
+ inpsNode = node.getElementsByTagName('inpull_selhigh')
+ defdNode = node.getElementsByTagName('def_dir')
+ diriNode = node.getElementsByTagName('in')
+ diroNode = node.getElementsByTagName('out')
+ outhNode = node.getElementsByTagName('out_high')
+ var0Node = node.getElementsByTagName('varName0')
+ var1Node = node.getElementsByTagName('varName1')
+ var2Node = node.getElementsByTagName('varName2')
+ smtNode = node.getElementsByTagName('smt')
+ iesNode = node.getElementsByTagName('ies')
+ num = string.atoi(node.nodeName[4:])
+ if num >= len(ModuleObj.get_data(self)):
+ break
+ data = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[node.nodeName]
+ if len(eintNode):
+ flag = False
+ if cmp(eintNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'true') == 0:
+ flag = True
+ data.set_eintMode(flag)
+ if len(defmNode):
+ data.set_defMode(string.atoi(defmNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue))
+ if len(modsNode):
+ str = modsNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ temp_list = []
+ for i in range(0, len(str)):
+ temp_list.append(str[i])
+ data.set_modeVec(temp_list)
+ if len(inpeNode):
+ flag = False
+ if cmp(inpeNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'true') == 0:
+ flag = True
+ data.set_inpullEn(flag)
+ if len(inpsNode):
+ flag = False
+ if cmp(inpsNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'true') == 0:
+ flag = True
+ data.set_inpullSelHigh(flag)
+ if len(defdNode):
+ data.set_defDir(defdNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(diriNode):
+ flag = False
+ if cmp(diriNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'true') == 0:
+ flag = True
+ data.set_inEn(flag)
+ if len(diroNode):
+ flag = False
+ if cmp(diroNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'true') == 0:
+ flag = True
+ data.set_outEn(flag)
+ if len(outhNode):
+ flag = False
+ if cmp(outhNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'true') == 0:
+ flag = True
+ data.set_outHigh(flag)
+ temp_list= []
+ if len(var0Node) != 0 and len(var0Node[0].childNodes) != 0:
+ temp_list.append(var0Node[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(var1Node) != 0 and len(var1Node[0].childNodes) != 0:
+ temp_list.append(var1Node[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(var2Node) != 0 and len(var2Node[0].childNodes) != 0:
+ temp_list.append(var2Node[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ data.set_varNames(temp_list)
+ if len(smtNode):
+ flag = False
+ if cmp(smtNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'true') == 0:
+ flag = True
+ data.set_smtEn(flag)
+ if len(iesNode):
+ flag = False
+ if cmp(iesNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'true') == 0:
+ flag = True
+ data.set_iesEn(flag)
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, node.nodeName, data)
+ return True
+ def get_gpioData(self, idx):
+ if idx >= GpioData._count or idx < 0:
+ return None
+ key = 'gpio%s' %(idx)
+ return ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.get_cfgInfo()
+ self.read(node)
+ def isMuxMode(self, key, index, modIdx):
+ mode_name = GpioData.get_modeName(key, index)
+ modIdx.append(index)
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ self.gen_cFile()
+ self.gen_specFiles()
+ def gen_spec(self, para):
+ if para == 'gpio_usage_h':
+ self.gen_cFile()
+ elif para == 'gpio_boot_h':
+ self.gen_hFile()
+ elif para == 'gpio_dtsi':
+ self.gen_dtsiFile()
+ elif para == 'scp_gpio_usage_h':
+ self.gen_scpUsage()
+ elif para == 'pinctrl_h':
+ self.gen_pinCtrl()
+ elif para == 'pinfunc_h':
+ self.gen_pinFunc()
+ elif para == 'gpio_usage_mapping_dtsi':
+ self.gen_mapDtsi()
+ def gen_cFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), self.__fileName), 'w')
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeHeader(self.__fileName)
+ gen_str += self.fill_cFile()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeTail(self.__fileName)
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ def gen_specFiles(self):
+ self.gen_pinFunc()
+ self.gen_pinCtrl()
+ self.gen_scpUsage()
+ self.gen_mapDtsi()
+ def gen_pinFunc(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), self.__filePinfunc), 'w')
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeHeader(self.__filePinfunc)
+ gen_str += self.fill_pinfunc_hFile()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeTail(self.__filePinfunc)
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ def gen_pinCtrl(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), self.__filePinCtrl), 'w')
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeHeader(self.__filePinCtrl)
+ gen_str += self.fill_pinctrl_hFile()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeTail(self.__filePinCtrl)
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ def gen_scpUsage(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), self.__fileScp), 'w')
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeHeader(self.__fileScp)
+ gen_str += self.fill_cFile()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeTail(self.__fileScp)
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ def gen_mapDtsi(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), self.__fileMap), 'w')
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ gen_str += self.fill_mapping_dtsiFile()
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''//Configuration for GPIO SMT(Schmidt Trigger) Group output start\n'''
+ temp_list = []
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ #for value in ModuleObj.get_data(self).values():
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ num = value.get_smtNum()
+ if num in temp_list or num < 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ temp_list.append(num)
+ if value.get_smtEn():
+ gen_str += '''#define GPIO_SMT_GROUP_%d\t\t1\n''' %(num)
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''#define GPIO_SMT_GROUP_%d\t\t0\n''' %(num)
+ gen_str += '''\n\n'''
+ sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key = compare)
+ for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if self.is_i2cPadPin(value.get_modeName(key, value.get_defMode())):
+ value.set_inpullEn(False)
+ value.set_outHigh(False)
+ value.set_inpullSelHigh(False)
+ gen_str += '''//Configuration for %s\n''' %(key.upper())
+ mode_name = GpioData.get_modeName(key, value.get_defMode())
+ val = ''
+ if mode_name != '':
+ flag = False
+ #val = ''
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ flag = True
+ value.get_modeVec()[value.get_defMode()]
+ if flag:
+ if value.get_modeVec()[value.get_defMode()] == '1':
+ val = str(value.get_defMode())
+ elif value.get_modeVec()[value.get_defMode()] == '2':
+ val = str(value.get_defMode() + GpioData._modNum)
+ else:
+ val = str(value.get_defMode())
+ if len(val) < 2:
+ val = '0' + val
+ pull_en = ''
+ if value.get_inPullEn():
+ pull_en = 'ENABLE'
+ else:
+ pull_en = 'DISABLE'
+ pull_sel = ''
+ if value.get_inPullSelHigh():
+ pull_sel = 'UP'
+ else:
+ pull_sel = 'DOWN'
+ out_high = ''
+ if value.get_outHigh():
+ out_high = 'ONE'
+ else:
+ out_high = 'ZERO'
+ smt_en = ''
+ if value.get_smtEn():
+ smt_en = 'ENABLE'
+ else:
+ smt_en= 'DISABLE'
+ ies_en = ''
+ if value.get_iesEn():
+ ies_en = 'ENABLE'
+ else:
+ ies_en = 'DISABLE'
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_MODE\t\t\tGPIO_MODE_%s\n''' %(key.upper(), val)
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DIR\t\t\tGPIO_DIR_%s\n''' %(key.upper(), value.get_defDir())
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_PULLEN\t\tGPIO_PULL_%s\n''' %(key.upper(), pull_en)
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_PULL\t\t\tGPIO_PULL_%s\n''' %(key.upper(), pull_sel)
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_DATAOUT\t\tGPIO_OUT_%s\n''' %(key.upper(), out_high)
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_SMT\t\t\tGPIO_SMT_%s\n''' %(key.upper(), smt_en)
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_IES\t\t\tGPIO_IES_%s\n\n''' %(key.upper(), ies_en)
+ return gen_str
+ def is_i2cPadPin(self, name):
+ if re.match(r'^SCL\d+$', name) or re.match(r'^SDA\d+$', name):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def fill_cFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key = compare)
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ #for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ for varName in value.get_varNames():
+ gen_str += '''#define %s\t\t\t(%s | 0x80000000)\n''' %(varName.upper(), key.upper())
+ if value.get_eintMode():
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_M_EINT\t\tGPIO_MODE_00\n''' %(varName)
+ temp_list = []
+ for item in GpioData._specMap.keys():
+ regExp = '[_A-Z0-9:]*%s[_A-Z0-9:]*' %(item.upper())
+ pat = re.compile(regExp)
+ for i in range(0, GpioData._modNum):
+ list = value.get_modeVec()
+ mode_name = GpioData.get_modeName(key, i)
+ if list[i] == '1':
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ mode_name = mode_name.split('//')[0]
+ elif list[i] == '2':
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ mode_name = mode_name.split('//')[1]
+ if pat.match(mode_name):
+ if cmp(item, 'eint') == 0 and ((value.get_eintMode() or mode_name.find('MD_EINT') != -1)):
+ continue
+ gen_str += '''#define %s%s\t\tGPIO_MODE_0%d\n''' %(varName.upper(), GpioData._specMap[item].upper(), i)
+ temp_list.append(i)
+ break
+ if not value.get_eintMode():
+ list = value.get_modeVec()
+ for i in range(0,GpioData._modNum):
+ mode_name = GpioData.get_modeName(key, i)
+ if list[i] == '0':
+ continue
+ elif list[i] == '1':
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ mode_name = mode_name.split('//')[0]
+ elif list[i] == '2':
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ mode_name = mode_name.split('//')[1]
+ if not i in temp_list:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_M_%s\t\tGPIO_MODE_0%d\n''' %(varName, re.sub(r'\d{0,3}$', '', mode_name), i)
+ regExp = r'CLKM\d'
+ pat = re.compile(regExp)
+ for i in range(0, GpioData._modNum):
+ mode = GpioData.get_modeName(key, i)
+ if pat.match(mode):
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_CLK\t\tCLK_OUT%s\n''' %(varName, mode[4:])
+ temp = ''
+ if varName in GpioData._freqMap.keys():
+ temp = GpioData._freqMap[varName]
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''#define %s_FREQ\t\t%s\n''' %(varName, temp)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''&pio {\n\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tgpio_pins_default: gpiodef{\n\t};\n\n'''
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key = compare)
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ #for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''\t%s: gpio@%s {\n''' %(key.lower(), key[4:])
+ gen_str += '''\t\tpins_cmd_dat {\n'''
+ mode = value.get_defMode()
+ mode_name = GpioData.get_modeName(key, mode)
+ mode_val = value.get_modeVec()[mode]
+ if mode_val == '1':
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ mode_name = mode_name.split('//')[0]
+ elif mode_val == '2':
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ mode_name = mode_name.split('//')[1]
+ gen_str += '''\t\t\tpins = <PINMUX_GPIO%s__FUNC_%s>;\n''' %(key[4:], mode_name)
+ gen_str += '''\t\t\tslew-rate = <%d>;\n''' %(value.ge_defDirInt())
+ temp = ''
+ if not value.get_inPullEn():
+ temp = 'bias-disable;'
+ gen_str += '''\t\t\t%s\n''' %(temp)
+ if value.get_inPullSelHigh():
+ temp = '11'
+ else:
+ temp = '00'
+ gen_str += '''\t\t\tbias-pull-down = <%s>;\n''' %(temp)
+ if value.get_outHigh():
+ temp = 'high'
+ else:
+ temp = 'low'
+ gen_str += '''\t\t\toutput-%s;\n''' %(temp)
+ gen_str += '''\t\t\tinput-schmitt-enable = <%d>;\n''' %(value.get_smtEn())
+ gen_str += '''\t\t};\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\t};\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n\n'''
+ gen_str += '''&gpio {\n'''
+ lineLen = 0
+ gen_str += '''\tpinctrl-names = "default",'''
+ lineLen += 30
+ for i in range(0, GpioData._count-1):
+ gen_str += '''"gpio%d",''' %(i)
+ if i < 10:
+ lineLen += 8
+ elif i < 100:
+ lineLen += 9
+ elif i >= 100:
+ lineLen += 10
+ if lineLen > 100:
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ lineLen = 0
+ gen_str += '''"gpio%d";\n''' %(GpioData._count-1)
+ gen_str += '''\tpinctrl-0 = <&gpio_pins_default>;\n'''
+ for i in range(1, GpioData._count):
+ gen_str += '''\tpinctrl-%d = <&gpio%d>;\n''' %(i, i-1)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_pinfunc_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''#include \"mt65xx.h\"\n\n'''
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key = compare)
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ #for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ for i in range(0, GpioData._modNum):
+ mode_name = GpioData.get_modeName(key, i)
+ if mode_name != '':
+ lst = []
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ lst = mode_name.split('//')
+ else:
+ lst.append(mode_name)
+ for j in range(0, len(lst)):
+ gen_str += '''#define PINMUX_GPIO%s__FUNC_%s (MTK_PIN_NO(%s) | %d)\n''' %(key[4:], lst[j], key[4:], (i + j*8))
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_pinctrl_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''#include <linux/pinctrl/pinctrl.h>\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#include <pinctrl-mtk-common.h>\n\n'''
+ gen_str += '''static const struct mtk_desc_pin mtk_pins_%s[] = {\n''' %(ModuleObj.get_chipId().lower())
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key = compare)
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ #for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''\tMTK_PIN(\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\t\tPINCTRL_PIN(%s, \"%s\"),\n''' %(key[4:], key.upper())
+ gen_str += '''\t\tNULL, \"%s\",\n''' %(ModuleObj.get_chipId().lower())
+ for i in range(0, GpioData._modNum):
+ mode_name = GpioData.get_modeName(key, i)
+ if mode_name != '':
+ lst = []
+ if mode_name.find('//') != -1:
+ lst = mode_name.split('//')
+ else:
+ lst.append(mode_name)
+ for j in range(0, len(lst)):
+ gen_str += ''',\n\t\tMTK_FUNCTION(%d, "%s")''' %(i + j * 8, lst[j])
+ gen_str += '''\n\t),\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_mapping_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''&gpio_usage_mapping {\n'''
+ #sorted_list = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key = compare)
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ #for key in sorted_list:
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ for varName in value.get_varNames():
+ if varName != '' and varName.lower() in GpioData._mapList:
+ gen_str += '''\t%s = <%s>;\n''' %(varName, key[4:])
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/I2cObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/I2cObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5e0f9aa9908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/I2cObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import string
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import configparser
+from .ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+#from utility import util
+from utility.util import sorted_key
+from data.I2cData import I2cData
+from data.I2cData import BusData
+from . import ChipObj
+class I2cObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self, 'cust_i2c.h', 'cust_i2c.dtsi')
+ self.__busList = []
+ self.__bBusEnable = True
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ I2cData._i2c_count = string.atoi(cp.get('I2C', 'I2C_COUNT'))
+ I2cData._channel_count = string.atoi(cp.get('I2C', 'CHANNEL_COUNT'))
+ if cp.has_option('Chip Type', 'I2C_BUS'):
+ flag = cp.get('Chip Type', 'I2C_BUS')
+ if flag == '0':
+ self.__bBusEnable = False
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if cmp(node.nodeName, 'count') == 0:
+ self.__count = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ continue
+ if node.nodeName.find('bus') != -1:
+ speedNode = node.getElementsByTagName('speed_kbps')
+ enableNode = node.getElementsByTagName('pullPushEn')
+ data = BusData()
+ if len(speedNode):
+ data.set_speed(speedNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(enableNode):
+ data.set_enable(enableNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ self.__busList.append(data)
+ elif node.nodeName.find('device') != -1:
+ nameNode = node.getElementsByTagName('varName')
+ channelNode = node.getElementsByTagName('channel')
+ addrNode = node.getElementsByTagName('address')
+ data = I2cData()
+ if len(nameNode):
+ data.set_varName(nameNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(channelNode):
+ data.set_channel(channelNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(addrNode):
+ data.set_address(addrNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, node.nodeName, data)
+ return True
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.get_cfgInfo()
+ self.read(node)
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ def gen_spec(self, para):
+ ModuleObj.gen_spec(self, para)
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ for i in range(0, I2cData._channel_count):
+ gen_str += '''#define I2C_CHANNEL_%d\t\t\t%d\n''' %(i, i)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ #sorted_lst = sorted(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys(), key=compare)
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ temp = ''
+ if value.get_address().strip() == '':
+ temp = 'TRUE'
+ else:
+ temp = 'FALSE'
+ gen_str += '''#define I2C_%s_AUTO_DETECT\t\t\t%s\n''' %(value.get_varName(), temp)
+ gen_str += '''#define I2C_%s_CHANNEL\t\t\t%s\n''' %(value.get_varName(), value.get_channel())
+ gen_str += '''#define I2C_%s_SLAVE_7_BIT_ADDR\t\t%s\n''' %(value.get_varName(), value.get_address().upper())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ for i in range(0, I2cData._channel_count):
+ gen_str += '''&i2c%d {\n''' %(i)
+ gen_str += '''\t#address-cells = <1>;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\t#size-cells = <0>;\n'''
+ if self.__bBusEnable:
+ gen_str += '''\tclock-frequency = <%d>;\n''' %(string.atoi(self.__busList[i].get_speed()) * 1000)
+ temp_str = ''
+ if cmp(self.__busList[i].get_enable(), 'false') == 0:
+ temp_str = 'use-open-drain'
+ elif cmp(self.__busList[i].get_enable(), 'true') == 0:
+ temp_str = 'use-push-pull'
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,%s;\n''' %(temp_str)
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ channel = 'I2C_CHANNEL_%d' %(i)
+ if cmp(value.get_channel(), channel) == 0 and cmp(value.get_varName(), 'NC') != 0 and value.get_address().strip() != '':
+ gen_str += '''\t%s@%s {\n''' %(value.get_varName().lower(), value.get_address()[2:].lower())
+ gen_str += '''\t\tcompatible = \"mediatek,%s\";\n''' %(value.get_varName().lower())
+ gen_str += '''\t\treg = <%s>;\n''' %(value.get_address().lower())
+ gen_str += '''\t\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\t};\n\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n\n'''
+ return gen_str
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/KpdObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/KpdObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..06adf15bc96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/KpdObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import string
+import configparser
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from .ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+from utility.util import log
+from data.KpdData import KpdData
+class KpdObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self, 'cust_kpd.h', 'cust_kpd.dtsi')
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_cmpPath())
+ ops = cp.options('Key_definition')
+ for op in ops:
+ KpdData._keyValueMap[op.upper()] = string.atoi(cp.get('Key_definition', op))
+ KpdData._keyValueMap['NC'] = 0
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ if cp.has_option('KEYPAD_EXTEND_TYPE', 'KEY_ROW'):
+ KpdData.set_row_ext(string.atoi(cp.get('KEYPAD_EXTEND_TYPE', 'KEY_ROW')))
+ if cp.has_option('KEYPAD_EXTEND_TYPE', 'KEY_COLUMN'):
+ KpdData.set_col_ext(string.atoi(cp.get('KEYPAD_EXTEND_TYPE', 'KEY_COLUMN')))
+ return True
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if node.nodeName == 'row':
+ row = string.atoi(node.childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ KpdData.set_row(row)
+ if node.nodeName == 'column':
+ col = string.atoi(node.childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ KpdData.set_col(col)
+ if node.nodeName == 'keyMatrix':
+ content = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ content = content.replace('\t', '')
+ rows = content.split('''\n''')
+ matrix = []
+ for row in rows:
+ for item in row.split(' '):
+ matrix.append(item)
+ KpdData.set_matrix(matrix)
+ for item in matrix:
+ if cmp(item, 'NC') != 0:
+ KpdData._usedKeys.append(item)
+ KpdData._usedKeys.append('POWER')
+ if node.nodeName == "keyMatrix_ext":
+ content = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ content = content.replace('\t', '')
+ rows = content.split('''\n''')
+ matrix = []
+ for row in rows:
+ for item in row.split(' '):
+ matrix.append(item)
+ KpdData.set_matrix_ext(matrix)
+ if node.nodeName == 'downloadKey':
+ keys = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ KpdData.set_downloadKeys(keys.split(' '))
+ if node.nodeName == 'modeKey':
+ value = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ keys = value.split(' ')
+ KpdData._modeKeys['META'] = keys[0]
+ KpdData._modeKeys['RECOVERY'] = keys[1]
+ KpdData._modeKeys['FACTORY'] = keys[2]
+ if node.nodeName == 'pwrKeyEint_gpioNum':
+ num = string.atoi(node.childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ KpdData.set_gpioNum(num)
+ if node.nodeName == 'pwrKeyUtility':
+ util = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ KpdData.set_utility(util)
+ if node.nodeName == 'home_key':
+ if len(node.childNodes) != 0:
+ home = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ else:
+ home = ''
+ KpdData.set_homeKey(home)
+ if node.nodeName == 'bPwrKeyUseEint':
+ flag = False
+ if node.childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'false':
+ flag = False
+ else:
+ flag = True
+ KpdData.set_useEint(flag)
+ if node.nodeName == 'bPwrKeyGpioDinHigh':
+ flag = False
+ if node.childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'false':
+ KpdData.set_gpioDinHigh(flag)
+ if node.nodeName == 'pressPeriod':
+ time = string.atoi(node.childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ KpdData.set_pressTime(time)
+ if node.nodeName == 'keyType':
+ keyType = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ KpdData.set_keyType(keyType)
+ return True
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.get_cfgInfo()
+ self.read(node)
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ def gen_spec(self, para):
+ ModuleObj.gen_spec(self, para)
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''#include <linux/input.h>\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#include <cust_eint.h>\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_YES\t\t1\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_NO\t\t0\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/* available keys (Linux keycodes) */\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_CALL\t\tKEY_SEND\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_ENDCALL\tKEY_END\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#undef KEY_OK\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_OK\t\tKEY_REPLY /* DPAD_CENTER */\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_FOCUS\tKEY_HP\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_AT\t\tKEY_EMAIL\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_POUND\t228\t//KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_STAR\t227\t//KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_DEL\t\tKEY_BACKSPACE\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KEY_SYM\t\tKEY_COMPOSE\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_KEY_DEBOUNCE\t%d\n''' %(KpdData.get_pressTime())
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_PWRKEY_MAP\tKEY_%s\n''' %(KpdData.get_utility())
+ # do not gen this macro if the home key is null
+ if KpdData.get_homeKey() != '':
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_PMIC_RSTKEY_MAP\tKEY_%s\n''' %(KpdData.get_homeKey())
+ if cmp(KpdData.get_keyType(), 'EXTEND_TYPE') != 0:
+ gen_str += '''#define MTK_PMIC_PWR_KEY\t%d\n''' %(KpdData.get_col() - 1)
+ if KpdData.get_homeKey() != '':
+ gen_str += '''#define MTK_PMIC_RST_KEY\t\t%d\n''' %(2*KpdData.get_col() - 1)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_USE_EXTEND_TYPE\tKPD_NO\n'''
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''#define MTK_PMIC_PWR_KEY\t%d\n''' %(KpdData.get_col_ext() - 1)
+ if KpdData.get_keyType() != '':
+ gen_str += '''#define MTK_PMIC_RST_KEY\t\t%d\n''' %(2*KpdData.get_col_ext() - 1)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_USE_EXTEND_TYPE\tKPD_YES\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/* HW keycode [0 ~ 71] -> Linux keycode */\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_INIT_KEYMAP()\t\\\n'''
+ gen_str += '''{\t\\\n'''
+ if KpdData.get_keyType() == 'NORMAL_TYPE':
+ for key in KpdData.get_matrix():
+ if cmp(key, 'NC') != 0:
+ gen_str += '''\t[%d] = KEY_%s,\t\\\n''' %(KpdData.get_matrix().index(key), key)
+ else:
+ for key in KpdData.get_matrix_ext():
+ if cmp(key, 'NC') != 0:
+ gen_str += '''\t[%d] = KEY_%s,\t\\\n''' %(KpdData.get_matrix_ext().index(key), key)
+ gen_str += '''}\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/***********************************************************/\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/****************Preload Customation************************/\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/***********************************************************/\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_PWRKEY_EINT_GPIO\tGPIO%d\n''' %(KpdData.get_gpioNum())
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_PWRKEY_GPIO_DIN\t%d\n''' %(int(KpdData.get_gpioDinHigh()))
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ for key in KpdData.get_downloadKeys():
+ if cmp(key, 'NC') != 0:
+ dlIdx = KpdData.get_downloadKeys().index(key)
+ mtxIdx = self.get_matrixIdx(key)
+ gen_str += '''#define KPD_DL_KEY%d\t%d\t/* KEY_%s */\n''' %(dlIdx+1, mtxIdx, key)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/***********************************************************/\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/****************Uboot Customation**************************/\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/***********************************************************/\n'''
+ for (key, value) in KpdData.get_modeKeys().items():
+ if cmp(value, 'NC') != 0:
+ idx = self.get_matrixIdx(value)
+ #idx = KpdData.get_matrix().index(value)
+ gen_str += '''#define MT65XX_%s_KEY\t%d\t/* KEY_%s */\n''' %(key, idx, value)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def get_matrixIdx(self, value):
+ if KpdData.get_keyType() == 'NORMAL_TYPE':
+ if cmp(value, 'POWER') == 0:
+ return KpdData.get_col() - 1
+ elif cmp(value, KpdData.get_homeKey()) == 0:
+ return 2 * KpdData.get_col() - 1
+ else:
+ return KpdData.get_matrix().index(value)
+ elif KpdData.get_keyType() == 'EXTEND_TYPE':
+ if cmp(value, 'POWER') == 0:
+ return KpdData.get_col_ext() - 1
+ elif cmp(value, KpdData.get_homeKey()) == 0:
+ return 2 * KpdData.get_col_ext() - 1
+ else:
+ return KpdData.get_matrix_ext().index(value)
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = '''&keypad {\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-key-debounce = <%d>;\n''' %(KpdData.get_pressTime())
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-sw-pwrkey = <%d>;\n''' %(KpdData._keyValueMap[KpdData.get_utility()])
+ if KpdData.get_keyType() == 'NORMAL_TYPE':
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-hw-pwrkey = <%d>;\n''' %(KpdData.get_col()-1)
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-hw-pwrkey = <%d>;\n''' %(KpdData.get_col_ext()-1)
+ #gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-sw-rstkey = <%d>;\n''' %(KpdData._keyValueMap[KpdData.get_homeKey()])
+ if KpdData.get_homeKey() != '':
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-sw-rstkey = <%d>;\n''' %(KpdData.get_keyVal(KpdData.get_homeKey()))
+ if KpdData.get_keyType() == 'NORMAL_TYPE':
+ if KpdData.get_homeKey() != '':
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-hw-rstkey = <%d>;\n''' %(2*KpdData.get_col() - 1)
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-use-extend-type = <0>;\n'''
+ else:
+ if KpdData.get_homeKey() != '':
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-hw-rstkey = <%d>;\n''' %(2*KpdData.get_col_ext() - 1)
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-use-extend-type = <1>;\n'''
+ #gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-use-extend-type = <0>;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\t/*HW Keycode [0~%d] -> Linux Keycode*/\n''' %(KpdData.get_row() * KpdData.get_col() - 1)
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-hw-map-num = <%d>;\n''' %(KpdData.get_row() * KpdData.get_col())
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-hw-init-map = <'''
+ if KpdData.get_keyType() == 'NORMAL_TYPE':
+ for key in KpdData.get_matrix():
+ idx = KpdData._keyValueMap[key]
+ gen_str += '''%d ''' %(idx)
+ else:
+ for key in KpdData.get_matrix_ext():
+ idx = KpdData._keyValueMap[key]
+ gen_str += '''%d ''' %(idx)
+ gen_str.rstrip()
+ gen_str += '''>;\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-pwrkey-eint-gpio = <%d>;\n''' %(KpdData.get_gpioNum())
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-pwkey-gpio-din = <%d>;\n''' %(int(KpdData.get_gpioDinHigh()))
+ for key in KpdData.get_downloadKeys():
+ if cmp(key, 'NC') == 0:
+ continue
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-hw-dl-key%d = <%s>;\n''' %(KpdData.get_downloadKeys().index(key), self.get_matrixIdx(key))
+ for (key, value) in KpdData.get_modeKeys().items():
+ if cmp(value, 'NC') == 0:
+ continue
+ gen_str += '''\tmediatek,kpd-hw-%s-key = <%d>;\n''' %(key.lower(), self.get_matrixIdx(value))
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/Md1EintObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/Md1EintObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e4660fc94b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/Md1EintObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import configparser
+import string
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from utility import util
+from utility.util import sorted_key
+from .ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+from data.Md1EintData import Md1EintData
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+class Md1EintObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self, 'cust_eint_md1.h', 'cust_md1_eint.dtsi')
+ self.__srcPin = {}
+ self.__bSrcPinEnable = True
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ # ConfigParser accept ":" and "=", so SRC_PIN will be treated specially
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ if cp.has_option('Chip Type', 'MD1_EINT_SRC_PIN'):
+ flag = cp.get('Chip Type', 'MD1_EINT_SRC_PIN')
+ if flag == '0':
+ self.__bSrcPinEnable = False
+ if(self.__bSrcPinEnable):
+ for option in cp.options('SRC_PIN'):
+ value = cp.get('SRC_PIN', option)
+ value = value[1:]
+ temp = value.split('=')
+ self.__srcPin[temp[0]] = temp[1]
+ else:
+ self.__srcPin[''] = '-1'
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ try:
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if cmp(node.nodeName, 'count') == 0:
+ self.__count = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ continue
+ varNode = node.getElementsByTagName('varName')
+ detNode = node.getElementsByTagName('debounce_time')
+ polNode = node.getElementsByTagName('polarity')
+ senNode = node.getElementsByTagName('sensitive_level')
+ deeNode = node.getElementsByTagName('debounce_en')
+ dedNode = node.getElementsByTagName('dedicated_en')
+ srcNode = node.getElementsByTagName('srcPin')
+ sktNode = node.getElementsByTagName('socketType')
+ data = Md1EintData()
+ if len(varNode):
+ data.set_varName(varNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(detNode):
+ data.set_debounceTime(detNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(polNode):
+ data.set_polarity(polNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(senNode):
+ data.set_sensitiveLevel(senNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(deeNode):
+ data.set_debounceEnable(deeNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(dedNode):
+ data.set_dedicatedEn(dedNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(srcNode) and len(srcNode[0].childNodes):
+ data.set_srcPin(srcNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(sktNode) and len(sktNode[0].childNodes):
+ data.set_socketType(sktNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, node.nodeName, data)
+ except:
+ msg = 'read md1_eint content fail!'
+ util.log(LogLevel.error, msg)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.get_cfgInfo()
+ self.read(node)
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD_LEVEL_SENSITIVE\t\t0\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD_EDGE_SENSITIVE\t\t1\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ if self.__bSrcPinEnable:
+ for (key, value) in self.__srcPin.items():
+ gen_str += '''#define %s\t\t%s\n''' %(key, value)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_POLARITY_LOW\t\t0\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_POLARITY_HIGH\t\t1\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE\t\t0\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_EDGE_SENSITIVE\t\t1\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ count = 0
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if cmp(value.get_varName(), 'NC') == 0:
+ continue
+ num = key[4:]
+ count += 1
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_%s_NAME\t\t\t"%s"\n''' %(num, value.get_varName())
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_%s_NUM\t\t\t%s\n''' %(num, num)
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_%s_DEBOUNCE_CN\t\t%s\n''' %(num, value.get_debounceTime())
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_%s_POLARITY\t\tCUST_EINT_POLARITY_%s\n''' %(num, value.get_polarity().upper())
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_%s_SENSITIVE\t\tCUST_EINT_MD_%s_SENSITIVE\n''' %(num, value.get_sensitiveLevel().upper())
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_%s_DEBOUNCE_EN\t\tCUST_EINT_DEBOUNCE_%s\n''' %(num, value.get_debounceEnable().upper())
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_%s_DEDICATED_EN\t\t%s\n''' %(num, int(value.get_dedicatedEn()))
+ if self.__bSrcPinEnable:
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_%s_SRCPIN\t\t\t%s\n''' %(num, value.get_srcPin())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''#define CUST_EINT_MD1_CNT\t\t\t%d\n''' %(count)
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ gen_str += '''&eintc {\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if cmp(value.get_varName(), 'NC') == 0:
+ continue
+ num = key[4:]
+ gen_str += '''\t%s@%s {\n''' %(value.get_varName(), num)
+ gen_str += '''\t\tcompatible = \"mediatek,%s-eint\";\n''' %(value.get_varName())
+ type = 1
+ polarity = value.get_polarity()
+ sensitive = value.get_sensitiveLevel()
+ if cmp(polarity, 'High') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Edge') == 0:
+ type = 1
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'Low') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Edge') == 0:
+ type = 2
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'High') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Level') == 0:
+ type = 4
+ elif cmp(polarity, 'Low') == 0 and cmp(sensitive, 'Level') == 0:
+ type = 8
+ gen_str += '''\t\tinterrupts = <%s %d>;\n''' %(num, type)
+ gen_str += '''\t\tdebounce = <%s %d>;\n''' %(num, (string.atoi(value.get_debounceTime()))*1000)
+ gen_str += '''\t\tdedicated = <%s %d>;\n''' %(num, int(value.get_dedicatedEn()))
+ if self.__bSrcPinEnable:
+ gen_str += '''\t\tsrc_pin = <%s %s>;\n''' %(num, self.__srcPin[value.get_srcPin()])
+ else:
+ gen_str += '''\t\tsrc_pin = <%s %s>;\n''' %(num, -1)
+ gen_str += '''\t\tsockettype = <%s %s>;\n''' %(num, value.get_socketType())
+ gen_str += '''\t\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\t};\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/ModuleObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/ModuleObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..cc09f6cb8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/ModuleObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os, sys
+import time
+import re
+import string
+from utility import version
+from utility.util import log
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+class ModuleObj:
+ _chip_id = ''
+ _gen_path = ''
+ def __init__(self, name1, name2):
+ self.__hName = name1
+ self.__dtsiName = name2
+ self.__data = {}
+ def get_hFileName(self):
+ return self.__hName
+ def get_dtsiFileName(self):
+ return self.__dtsiName
+ def get_cfgInfo(self, section):
+ pass
+ def set_data(self, key, value):
+ self.__data[key] = value
+ def get_data(self):
+ return self.__data
+ def gen_files(self):
+ self.gen_hFile()
+ self.gen_dtsiFile()
+ def gen_hFile(self):
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), ModuleObj.get_hFileName(self)), 'w')
+ gen_str = ''
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeHeader(ModuleObj.get_hFileName(self))
+ gen_str += self.fill_hFile()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeTail(ModuleObj.get_hFileName(self))
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ def gen_dtsiFile(self):
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), ModuleObj.get_dtsiFileName(self)), 'w')
+ gen_str = ''
+ gen_str = ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeHeader(ModuleObj.get_dtsiFileName(self))
+ gen_str += self.fill_dtsiFile()
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ def gen_spec(self, para):
+ if re.match(r'.*_h$', para):
+ self.gen_hFile()
+ elif re.match(r'.*_dtsi', para):
+ self.gen_dtsiFile()
+ elif re.match(r'.*_c', para):
+ self.gen_cFile()
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_figPath():
+ figPath = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'config', ModuleObj.get_chipId() + '.fig')
+ if not os.path.exists(figPath) or not os.path.isfile(figPath):
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Can not find %s.fig file!' %(ModuleObj.get_chipId()))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return figPath
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_cmpPath():
+ cmpPath = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'config', 'YuSu.cmp')
+ if not os.path.exists(cmpPath) or not os.path.isfile(cmpPath):
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Can not find YuSu.cmp file!')
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return cmpPath
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_chipId():
+ return ModuleObj._chip_id
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_chipId(id):
+ ModuleObj._chip_id = id
+ @staticmethod
+ def set_genPath(path):
+ ModuleObj._gen_path = path
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_genPath():
+ return ModuleObj._gen_path
+ @staticmethod
+ def writeComment():
+ stamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
+ ver_info = version.VER_MAIN + '.' + version.VER_SUB + '.' + version.BUILD_SN
+ gen_str = '''/*\n * Generated by MTK SP DrvGen Version: '''
+ gen_str += ver_info
+ gen_str += ''' for '''
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.get_chipId()
+ gen_str += '''.\n'''
+ gen_str += ''' * '''
+ gen_str += stamp
+ gen_str += '''\n * Do Not Modify The File.\n'''
+ gen_str += ''' * Copyright Mediatek Inc. (c) 2016.\n*/\n\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ @staticmethod
+ def writeHeader(name):
+ str = ''
+ if re.match(r'.*\.h$', name):
+ name = string.replace(name, '.', '_')
+ name = string.replace(name, '-', '_')
+ str += '''#ifndef __%s\n''' %(name.upper())
+ str += '''#define __%s\n''' %(name.upper())
+ str += '''\n'''
+ elif re.match(r'.*\.dtsi$', name):
+ str += '''/*************************\n'''
+ str += ''' * %s File\n''' %(name.replace('cust_', '').replace('.', ' ').upper())
+ str += '''*************************/\n\n'''
+ return str
+ @staticmethod
+ def writeTail(name):
+ if re.match(r'.*\.h$', name):
+ gen_str = '''\n\n#endif /* %s */\n''' %('__' + string.replace(name, '.', '_').upper())
+ return gen_str
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/PmicObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/PmicObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..4b5a96630c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/PmicObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import sys, os
+import re
+import configparser
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from .ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+from data.PmicData import PmicData
+from utility.util import log
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+from utility.util import compare
+from utility.util import sorted_key
+class PmicObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self, 'pmic_drv.h', 'cust_pmic.dtsi')
+ self.__fileName = 'pmic_drv.c'
+ self.__chipName = ''
+ self.__defLdo = ''
+ self.__appCount = -1
+ self.__func = ''
+ self.__paraList = []
+ self.__headerList = []
+ def get_cfgInfo(self):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_cmpPath())
+ PmicData._var_list = cp.options('APPLICATION')
+ if self.__chipName == '':
+ return
+ #parse the pmic config file
+ cmpPath = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'config', self.__chipName + '.cmp')
+ if not os.path.exists(cmpPath) or not os.path.isfile(cmpPath):
+ log(LogLevel.error, 'Can not find %s pmic config file!' %(self.__chipName))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ cp.read(cmpPath)
+ self.__defLdo = cp.get('PMIC_TABLE', 'LDO_APPNAME_DEFAULT')
+ self.__headerList = cp.get('PMIC_TABLE', 'INCLUDE_HEADER').split(':')
+ self.__func = cp.get('PMIC_TABLE', 'FUNCTION')
+ for i in range(1, cp.getint('PMIC_TABLE', 'NUM_LDO')+1):
+ key = 'LDO_NAME%d' %(i)
+ self.__paraList.append(cp.get(key, 'PARAMETER_NAME'))
+ #parse app count in fig file
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_chipId() + '.fig')
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ self.__appCount = cp.getint('Chip Type', 'PMIC_APP_COUNT')
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if cmp(node.nodeName, 'chip') == 0:
+ if len(node.childNodes) == 0:
+ break
+ self.__chipName = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
+ continue
+ if cmp(node.nodeName, 'count') == 0:
+ continue
+ ldoNode = node.getElementsByTagName('ldoVar')
+ defNode = node.getElementsByTagName('defEn')
+ data = PmicData()
+ if len(ldoNode):
+ data.set_ldoName(ldoNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ if len(defNode):
+ number = -1
+ if cmp(defNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'SKIP') == 0:
+ number = 0
+ elif cmp(defNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'OFF') == 0:
+ number = 1
+ else:
+ number = 2
+ data.set_defEnable(number)
+ name_list = []
+ for i in range(0, 6):
+ key = 'varName%d' %(i)
+ nameNode = node.getElementsByTagName(key)
+ if len(nameNode):
+ name_list.append(nameNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ data.set_nameList(name_list)
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, node.nodeName, data)
+ return True
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.read(node)
+ self.get_cfgInfo()
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ self.gen_cFile()
+ def gen_cFile(self):
+ fp = open(os.path.join(ModuleObj.get_genPath(), self.__fileName), 'w')
+ gen_str = ''
+ gen_str += ModuleObj.writeComment()
+ gen_str += self.fill_cFile()
+ fp.write(gen_str)
+ fp.close()
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ used = []
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ for name in value.get_nameList():
+ if name.strip() != '':
+ used.append(name)
+ gen_str += '''#define PMIC_APP_%s\t\t\t%s_POWER_LDO_%s\n''' %(name, self.__chipName[5:11], value.get_ldoName())
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''/**********Output default name********************/\n'''
+ for varName in PmicData._var_list:
+ if not varName.upper() in used:
+ gen_str += '''#define PMIC_APP_%s\t\t\t%s\n''' %(varName.upper(), self.__defLdo)
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ gen_str += '''&mt_pmic_%s_ldo_reg {\n''' %(value.get_ldoName().lower())
+ gen_str += '''\tregulator-name = \"%s\";\n''' %((value.get_ldoName().replace('_', '')).lower())
+ gen_str += '''\tregulator-default-on = <%d>; /* 0:skip, 1: off, 2:on */\n''' %(value.get_defEnable())
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''&kd_camera_hw1 {\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ for varName in value.get_nameList():
+ #for i in range(0, self.__appCount):
+ bExisted = False
+ postFix = ''
+ #varName = value.get_nameList()[i]
+ if varName.find('CAMERA') != -1:
+ postFix = varName[varName.rfind('_')+1:]
+ bExisted = True
+ if varName.find('MAIN_CAMERA') != -1:
+ gen_str += '''\tvcam%s-supply = <&mt_pmic_%s_ldo_reg>;\n''' %(postFix.lower(), value.get_ldoName().lower())
+ if varName.find('SUB_CAMERA') != -1:
+ gen_str += '''\tvcam%s_main2-supply = <&mt_pmic_%s_ldo_reg>;\n''' %(postFix.lower(), value.get_ldoName().lower())
+ gen_str += '''\tvcam%s_sub-supply = <&mt_pmic_%s_ldo_reg>;\n''' %(postFix.lower(), value.get_ldoName().lower())
+ #if bExisted == True:
+ #gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n\n'''
+ gen_str += '''&touch {\n'''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ for name in value.get_nameList():
+ if name.find('TOUCH') != -1:
+ gen_str += '''\tvtouch-supply = <&mt_pmic_%s_ldo_reg>;\n''' %(value.get_ldoName().lower())
+ gen_str += '''\tstatus = \"okay\";\n'''
+ gen_str += '''};\n'''
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_cFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ for header in self.__headerList:
+ gen_str += '''#include <%s>\n''' %(header)
+ gen_str += '''\n'''
+ gen_str += '''void pmu_drv_tool_customization_init(void)\n'''
+ gen_str += '''{\n'''
+ idx = 0
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if value.get_defEnable() != 0:
+ gen_str += '''\t%s(%s,%d);\n''' %(self.__func, self.__paraList[idx], value.get_defEnable()-1)
+ idx += 1
+ gen_str += '''}\n'''
+ return gen_str
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/PowerObj.py b/tools/dct/obj/PowerObj.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..925075e9cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/obj/PowerObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import sys,os
+import re
+import string
+import configparser
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from . import ChipObj
+from data.PowerData import PowerData
+from utility.util import log
+from utility.util import LogLevel
+from utility.util import sorted_key
+from .ModuleObj import ModuleObj
+class PowerObj(ModuleObj):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ModuleObj.__init__(self, 'cust_power.h', 'cust_power.dtsi')
+ self.__list = {}
+ def getCfgInfo(self):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
+ cp.read(ModuleObj.get_figPath())
+ self.__list = cp.options('POWER')
+ self.__list = self.__list[1:]
+ self.__list = sorted(self.__list)
+ def read(self, node):
+ nodes = node.childNodes
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if node.nodeName == 'count':
+ continue
+ varNode = node.getElementsByTagName('varName')
+ data = PowerData()
+ data.set_varName(varNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue)
+ ModuleObj.set_data(self, node.nodeName, data)
+ return True
+ def parse(self, node):
+ self.getCfgInfo()
+ self.read(node)
+ def gen_files(self):
+ ModuleObj.gen_files(self)
+ def gen_spec(self, para):
+ if re.match(r'.*_h$', para):
+ self.gen_hFile()
+ # power module has no DTSI file
+ def gen_dtsiFile(self):
+ pass
+ def fill_hFile(self):
+ gen_str = ''
+ for key in sorted_key(ModuleObj.get_data(self).keys()):
+ value = ModuleObj.get_data(self)[key]
+ if value.get_varName() == '':
+ continue
+ idx = string.atoi(key[5:])
+ name = self.__list[idx]
+ gen_str += '''#define GPIO_%s\t\tGPIO_%s\n''' %(name.upper(), value.get_varName())
+ return gen_str
+ def fill_dtsiFile(self):
+ return ''
diff --git a/tools/dct/obj/__init__.py b/tools/dct/obj/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
diff --git a/tools/dct/utility/__init__.py b/tools/dct/utility/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
diff --git a/tools/dct/utility/util.py b/tools/dct/utility/util.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..388336f2d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/utility/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import print_function
+import re
+import string
+class LogLevel:
+ info = 1
+ warn = 2
+ error = 3
+def log(level, msg):
+ if level == LogLevel.info:
+ print(LEVEL_INFO + msg)
+ elif level == LogLevel.warn:
+ print(LEVEL_WARN + msg)
+ elif level == LogLevel.error:
+ print(LEVEL_ERROR + msg)
+def compare(value):
+ lst = re.findall(r'\d+', value)
+ if len(lst) != 0:
+ return string.atoi(lst[0])
+ # if can not find numbers
+ return value
+def sorted_key(lst):
+ return sorted(lst, key=compare)
diff --git a/tools/dct/utility/version.py b/tools/dct/utility/version.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..976e5dd9654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/dct/utility/version.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+VER_MAIN = '3'
+VER_SUB = '4'
+BUILD_SN = '160808'