[import_images] Rewrote import_images

This commit is contained in:
ayakael 2018-07-12 16:56:06 -08:00
parent 7f742eeec5
commit b4ed3f664d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 575626A4AE5F4026

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@ -9,7 +9,12 @@
# is labeled 1.<ext>, and the cover is named folder.jpg
# import_images </path/to/album>
# import_images </path/to/import/dir> </path/to/img> </path/to/cue> [<options>]
# -a </path/to/accurip/log
# -l </path/to/eac/log
# -c </path/to/cover/img
# DEPENDENCIES src/print_meta_mtag src/add_bom src/fix_apos src/gen_cover src/file_name src/cueparser
@ -17,39 +22,25 @@
import_images() {
local FOLDER="${1}"
_msg EXEC "Processing ${FOLDER}"
local flacList=($(find "${FOLDER}" -name '*.flac' | sed 's|.flac||'))
[[ ${#flacList[@]} -eq 0 ]] && { _msg FAIL "No such file or directory"; return 1; }
local TRACK_DIR="${1}"
local IMG="${2}"
local CUE="${3}"; shift 3
while true; do
case ${1} in
(-a) local ACCURIP="${2}"; shift 2;;
(-c) local COVER="${2}"; shift 2;;
(-l) local LOG="${2}"; shift 2;;
(*) break ;;
for flac in ${flacList[@]}; do
# Sanity check
[[ -f "${flac}.cue" ]] || { _msg FAIL "No cue file present"; return 1; }
[[ -f "${flac}.accurip" ]] || { _msg FAIL "No accurip file present"; return 1; }
[[ -f "${flac}.log" ]] || { _msg FAIL "No EAC log file present"; return 1; }
# Determines file name based on image's CHKSUM and acts accordingly
cat ${flac}.flac > output.flac 2>/dev/null
metaflac --remove-all --dont-use-padding "output.flac"
local SHA256=$(sha256sum ${flac}.flac 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f1)
local SOURCE=$(grep "CTDB TOCID:" ${flac}.accurip 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed 's|]||')
local FILE_NAME=$(file_name ${SOURCE} ${SHA256})
mv "output.flac" ${FILE_NAME}.flac > /dev/null 2>&1
cat "${flac}.cue" | iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 | sed '1s/^\(\xef\xbb\xbf\)\?/\xef\xbb\xbf/' | awk "!/FILE/{print} /FILE/{print \"FILE ${FILE_NAME}.flac WAVE\"}" > ${FILE_NAME}.cue 2> /dev/null
cat "${flac}.accurip" | iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 > ${FILE_NAME}.accurip
cat "${flac}.log" | iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 > ${FILE_NAME}.log
add_bom ${FILE_NAME}.cue
# Generates METADATA and MTAG
local METADATA="$(cueparser ${FILE_NAME}.flac ${FILE_NAME}.cue);BATCHNUMBER=$(echo "${FOLDER}" | awk 'BEGIN{RS="/";}{print $0}' | grep batch | sed 's|.*_|_|' | sed -e 's/_0*//g');"
print_meta_mtag "${FILE_NAME}" ${METADATA} > ${FILE_NAME}.tags
add_bom ${FILE_NAME}.tags
fix_apos ${FILE_NAME}.tags
gen_cover "${FOLDER}" > ${FILE_NAME}.png
local EXIT="$?"
[[ ${EXIT} -eq 1 ]] && { echo "No folder.jpg in directory. Placeholder created"; local ERR=true; }
[[ ${EXIT} -eq 2 ]] && { echo "folder.jpg is under 480x480 in quality"; local ERR=true; }
local pathList=(${IMG} ${CUE} ${ACCURIP} ${COVER} ${LOG})
for path in ${pathList[@]}; do
[[ -f ${path} ]] || return 1
for path in ${pathList[@]}; do
cp "${path}" "$(sed 's|.*/.||' <<< ${TRACK_DIR})"