diff --git a/src/print_meta_mtag b/src/print_meta_mtag index 2f009c2..ac2c102 100644 --- a/src/print_meta_mtag +++ b/src/print_meta_mtag @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ print_meta_mtag() { # If list of Tags isn't giving, assumes that we want to output all tags, and thus this # generates all tags present in MTAG file - [[ -z "${tagList[@]}" ]] && local tagList=($(awk 'BEGIN{RS="[,]?\n";FS=" : "}{if($1!~"@"){print $1}}' ${FILE} | tr -d '[]{}" ' | awk '!seen[$0]++' | tail -n +3)) + [[ -z "${tagList[@]}" ]] && local tagList=($(awk 'BEGIN{RS="[,]?\n";FS=" : "}{if($1!~"@"){print $1}}' ${FILE} | tr -d '[]{}" ' | awk '!seen[$0]++' | sed '/^&/d' | tail -n +2 )) # Goes through every tag, determines it's original value, and then prints out.