# Contributor: Kay Thomas # Maintainer: Kay Thomas pkgname=thelounge pkgver=4.4.1 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client" url="https://thelounge.chat" # x86: textrels # s390x: fails to check # riscv64: fails to build arch="all !x86 !s390x !riscv64" license="MIT" depends="nodejs" makedepends="yarn npm python3" subpackages="$pkgname-openrc" pkgusers="thelounge" pkggroups="thelounge" install="$pkgname.pre-install $pkgname.post-install" source="$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz no-version-test.patch thelounge.initd " options="net" # npm prepare() { default_prepare yarn install --frozen-lockfile } build() { NODE_ENV=production yarn run build } check() { CI=yes yarn run test:mocha } package() { yarn install --production --ignore-scripts --prefer-offline NODE_ENV=production npm install --unsafe-perm -g --prefix "$pkgdir"/usr # Remove incorrect symlink, copy correct files rm "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/node_modules/thelounge mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/node_modules/thelounge cp -a index.js client public node_modules dist package.json "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/node_modules/thelounge/ # cleanup unused files find "$pkgdir" -type f -a \( \ -name "*.ts" \ -o -name "webpack*" \ -o -name "tsconfig*" \ -o -name "babel.config*" \ -o -name "README*" \ -o -name "CHANGELOG*" \ -o -name "*.map" \ -o -name "LICENSE" \ \) \ -delete # Set home location echo /var/lib/thelounge > \ "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/node_modules/$pkgname/.thelounge_home # Add default config # this is only read from 'home' so we have to just put everything in var/lib install -dm755 -o thelounge -g thelounge \ "$pkgdir"/var/lib/thelounge install -m644 -o thelounge -g thelounge \ "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/node_modules/$pkgname/dist/defaults/config.js \ "$pkgdir"/var/lib/thelounge/config.js install -Dm755 "$srcdir"/$pkgname.initd \ "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/$pkgname } sha512sums=" 7695121a713a23688bc6f52dae2574bab1288eea930fd50d4dd85037233e9f23bd8e460980c69cdd14ea8648da4720d84e8196547b6a18e69d2f478b43d6e29a thelounge-4.4.1.tar.gz cbf80e23b0af8f0185699d6b03816c645c51b85fff7f163d3cd3d00296ed816b6ab01529b359fbfd549a79e8adb72bbc83bc7a389cf13e0afd50636ff79a138e no-version-test.patch f367d27ebcc412ff03c12ae98e50aeae5051fb5ffa9da6220f664c59993ed0e330b55b3b41fe941d546634901163d006e318891b4b886f6c49a93e0888fccd3e thelounge.initd "