# Maintainer: Antoine Martin (ayakael) # Contributor: Jakub Jirutka # Contributor: Antoine Martin (ayakael) pkgname=gitlab-foss _pkgname=${pkgname%-foss} pkgver=16.2.3 _gittag=v$pkgver pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="A version control for your server" url="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss" arch="!armv7 x86_64" license="MIT" # ruby-irb is needed only for Rails console (gitlab-rails console) depends=" $pkgname-assets=$pkgver-r$pkgrel ca-certificates cmd:dpkg-deb exiftool git>=2.40.0 gitaly~=16.2 gitlab-shell~=14.24 graphicsmagick http-parser procps py-docutils python3 redis>=2.8 ruby3.0 ruby3.0-bigdecimal ruby3.0-bundler ruby3.0-fiddle ruby3.0-io-console ruby3.0-irb ruby3.0-json ruby3.0-rake ruby3.0-webrick shared-mime-info tzdata " makedepends=" cmd:chrpath cmake file-dev go gpgme-dev icu-dev libffi-dev libgcrypt-dev libpq-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev linux-headers nodejs openssl-dev protobuf-dev re2-dev ruby3.0-dev ruby3.0-grpc=~1.42.0 ruby3.0-rugged=~ yarn>=1.2.0 " pkgusers="git" pkggroups="git www-data" install="$pkgname.pre-install $pkgname.post-install $pkgname.post-upgrade" subpackages="$pkgname-assets::noarch $pkgname-openrc" source="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/archive/$_gittag/gitlab-foss-$_gittag.tar.gz database-config.patch $_pkgname.initd $_pkgname.mailroom.initd $_pkgname.rails.initd $_pkgname.sidekiq.initd $_pkgname.workhorse.initd $_pkgname.confd $_pkgname.logrotate bin-wrapper.in " builddir="$srcdir/gitlab-foss-$_gittag" _prefix="usr/lib/bundles/$_pkgname" export BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT=true export BUNDLE_FORCE_RUBY_PLATFORM=true export BUNDLE_FROZEN=true export BUNDLE_JOBS=${JOBS:-2} prepare() { local sysgemdir=$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.default_dir') default_prepare # The default log level is very chatty. sed -i 's/^\(\s*config.log_level\s*=\).*$/\1 :warn/' \ config/environments/production.rb # This is not needed, the secret_token is generated by the # gitlab-shell package. It also makes problems in the build phase. rm config/initializers/gitlab_shell_secret_token.rb # Remove all locale files except en. find locale -type d -mindepth 1 ! -name en -exec rm -rf {} + # Allow use of any bundler sed -i -e '/BUNDLED/,+1d' Gemfile.lock # Some gems are broken, so we copy our fixed version # instead of installing it from RubyGems using Bundler. for i in grpc rugged; do mkdir -p vendor/gems/$i/src/ruby/lib/$i cp -r "$sysgemdir"/gems/$i-*/* vendor/gems/$i/ cp "$sysgemdir"/specifications/$i-*.gemspec \ vendor/gems/$i/$i.gemspec cp "$sysgemdir"/extensions/*/*/$i-*/$i/*.so \ vendor/gems/$i/src/ruby/lib/$i/ done } build() { local bundle_without='exclude development kerberos mysql test' cd "$builddir"/workhorse make cd "$builddir" msg "Installing Ruby gems..." bundle config --local without "$bundle_without" bundle config --local build.ffi --enable-system-libffi bundle config --local build.gpgme --use-system-libraries bundle config --local build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries \ --with-xml2-include=/usr/include/libxml2 \ --with-xslt-include=/usr/include/libxslt bundle config --local build.ruby-magic --enable-system-libraries bundle config --local build.google-protobuf --with-cflags=-D__va_copy=va_copy bundle config --local path "vendor/bundle" bundle install --no-cache # Replace bundled CA bundle with symlink. ( cd vendor/bundle/ruby/*/gems/aws-sdk-core-*/ rm ca-bundle.crt ln -s /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ca-bundle.crt ) # Remove faulty RPATH. chrpath -d vendor/bundle/ruby/*/extensions/*/*/ruby-magic-*/magic/magic.so # cp grpc lib cp vendor/gems/grpc/src/ruby/lib/grpc/grpc_c.so vendor/bundle/ruby/*/gems/grpc-*/src/ruby/lib/grpc/grpc_c.so # Patch installed gem gitlab-markup to use python3. # Option "-S" causes that Python cannot find docutils module. sed -i 's/python2 -S/python3/g' \ vendor/bundle/ruby/*/gems/gitlab-markup-*/lib/github/markups.rb # Remove non-sense require of code for tests from top-level module # (we're gonna delete tests from the package). sed -i '/require .carrierwave\/test\/matchers./d' \ vendor/bundle/ruby/*/gems/carrierwave-*/lib/carrierwave.rb msg "Installing npm modules..." yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile # Since we have moved assets gems into a group, they are not implicitly # loaded by default. This will be reverted after compiling assets. sed -i.bak '/Bundler.require(\*Rails.groups/s/)/, :assets)/' \ config/application.rb # assets:precompile and gettext:compile bootstraps the app, # so they needs configs. cp config/gitlab.yml.example config/gitlab.yml cp config/database.yml.postgresql config/database.yml cp config/secrets.yml.example config/secrets.yml # The configured path is not readable for the user building # the package, so we must remove it; GitLab will use the default path. sed -i '/^\s*secret_file:.*/d' config/gitlab.yml ( export NODE_ENV=production export RAILS_ENV=production export SKIP_STORAGE_VALIDATION=true export USE_DB=false export NO_SOURCEMAPS=true export NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=3584" msg "Compiling GetText PO files..." bundle exec rake gettext:compile msg "Compiling assets (this will take few minutes)..." bundle exec rake gitlab:assets:compile ) # Revert changes. mv config/application.rb.bak config/application.rb msg "Cleaning assets gems..." bundle config --local without 'exclude development kerberos mysql test assets' bundle clean # Create executables in bin/*. # See also https://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/6149. bundle binstubs --force bundler gitlab-mail_room puma sidekiq # Cleanup rm config/database.yml config/gitlab.yml config/secrets.yml } package() { local destdir="$pkgdir/$_prefix" local datadir="$pkgdir/var/lib/gitlab" local file dest install -d -m755 "$destdir" "$destdir"/bin install -d -m755 -o git -g git \ "$datadir" \ "$pkgdir"/etc/gitlab \ "$pkgdir"/var/log/gitlab \ "$datadir"/pages install -d -m700 -o git -g git \ "$datadir"/artifacts \ "$datadir"/builds \ "$datadir"/ci_secure_files \ "$datadir"/dependency_proxy \ "$datadir"/encrypted_settings \ "$datadir"/external-diffs \ "$datadir"/lfs-objects \ "$datadir"/packages \ "$datadir"/pages \ "$datadir"/terraform_state \ "$datadir"/uploads \ "$pkgdir"/var/tmp/gitlab \ "$pkgdir"/var/tmp/gitlab/downloads \ "$pkgdir"/var/tmp/gitlab/backups install -d -m0750 -o git -g www-data \ "$datadir"/pages install -d -m02770 -o git -g git \ "$datadir"/repositories # Install application files. # Note: *VERSION files and doc directory are required (Help in GitLab # menu refers to the doc directory). cp -rl .bundle config.ru Gemfile* INSTALLATION_TYPE Rakefile ./*VERSION \ app data db doc fixtures config lib locale metrics_server public sidekiq_cluster vendor gems \ "$destdir"/ install -m755 -t "$destdir"/bin/ \ bin/bundle \ bin/mail_room \ bin/metrics-server \ bin/rails \ bin/rake \ bin/sidekiq \ bin/sidekiq-cluster \ bin/sidekiqmon \ bin/puma cd "$destdir" # Not needed in runtime since we have already compiled all assets. rm -r app/assets rm -r vendor/assets find public/assets -name '*.vue' -delete find public/assets -type d -exec rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty '{}' \; # These load gems in the assets group. rm config/initializers/sprockets.rb # Remove more stuff not neeeded in production. rm -r lib/support rm -r db/fixtures/development find lib/tasks -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name cache.rake ! -name setup.rake -delete find lib/tasks/gitlab \( -name 'generate_docs.*' \ -o -name 'shell.*' \ -o -name 'test.*' \) -delete cd "$destdir"/vendor/bundle/ruby/*/ # Remove tests, documentations and other useless files. find gems/ \( -name 'doc' \ -o -name 'spec' \ -o -name 'test' \) \ -type d -maxdepth 2 -exec rm -fr "{}" + find gems/ \( -name 'README*' \ -o -name 'CHANGELOG*' \ -o -name 'CONTRIBUT*' \ -o -name '*LICENSE*' \ -o -name 'Rakefile' \ -o -name '.*' \) \ -type f -delete # Remove bundled libgit2 sources. rm -r gems/rugged-*/vendor/libgit2 # Remove assets, they are already compiled. rm -r gems/tanuki_emoji-*/app/assets # Remove build logs and cache. rm -rf build_info/ cache/ find extensions/ \( -name gem_make.out -o -name mkmf.log \) -delete cd "$destdir" # Install and symlink config files. for file in cable.yml.example \ database.yml.postgresql \ gitlab.yml.example \ puma.rb.example \ resque.yml.example \ sidekiq.yml.example \ initializers/smtp_settings.rb.sample do dest="$(basename "${file%.*}")" install -m640 -g git -D config/$file "$pkgdir"/etc/gitlab/$dest ln -sf /etc/gitlab/$dest "$pkgdir"/$_prefix/config/${file%.*} done # This file will be generated by the post-install script, just prepare symlink. ln -sf /etc/gitlab/secrets.yml config/secrets.yml # These shouldn't be necessary, they are all configurable, but OmniBus # creates them too, so just to be sure... ln -sf /etc/gitlab/gitlab_kas_secret .gitlab_kas_secret ln -sf /etc/gitlab/gitlab_pages_secret .gitlab_pages_secret ln -sf /etc/gitlab/gitlab_shell_secret .gitlab_shell_secret ln -sf /etc/gitlab/gitlab_workhorse_secret .gitlab_workhorse_secret # Some paths are hard-coded in GitLab, so we must make symlinks. :( ln -sf /var/lib/gitlab/uploads public/uploads ln -sf /var/log/gitlab log ln -sf /var/tmp/gitlab tmp cat > "$datadir"/.profile <<-EOF export RAILS_ENV=production export NODE_ENV=production export EXECJS_RUNTIME=Disabled EOF # Install wrapper scripts to /usr/bin. local name; for name in rake rails; do sed "s/__COMMAND__/$name/g" "$srcdir"/bin-wrapper.in \ > "$builddir"/gitlab-$name install -m755 -D "$builddir"/gitlab-$name "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/gitlab-$name done cd "$builddir"/workhorse # Install workhorse. make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" PREFIX=/usr install -m644 config.toml.example "$pkgdir"/etc/gitlab/workhorse.toml for file in $_pkgname $_pkgname.rails $_pkgname.sidekiq $_pkgname.mailroom $_pkgname.workhorse; do install -m755 -D "$srcdir"/$file.initd "$pkgdir"/etc/init.d/$file done install -m644 -D "$srcdir"/$_pkgname.confd \ "$pkgdir"/etc/conf.d/$_pkgname install -m644 -D "$srcdir"/$_pkgname.logrotate \ "$pkgdir"/etc/logrotate.d/$_pkgname } assets() { depends="" amove $_prefix/public/assets } sha512sums=" 8439f019a23bf8cccc26371177fa86fb7a43710bcec8f85fb921c3c666ca8ff2cfb45ea147e52d30eeadedfbfcc0a6abec1443e2f2f0bcc46cdb3fd3cfade1f8 gitlab-foss-v16.2.3.tar.gz cdba615287c0a024c6589b5142543856393c8e5df3d21d2158908b34857d3d56581fe0bd66fa31cd3ff756c60f9f65f235c8ec7615a0970f7a87bbeb41be93ed database-config.patch 55b0667d3969113ffd6860652ee8bdb9a534c25f413f33b2739e922c886988e7cea72c1c00c7eecf29fcff3682b1324156365605ffc6aae45d1e0ccddf96288b gitlab.initd 1f451b67a5d5e58650b0fe862a2b65cfb8bff5502b37d94ae90619c1ff9affbecf24428303a2849bebce5f94bef37078f0e5710e344bbab616134e910938384a gitlab.mailroom.initd b6a6d9ba20557e61efa24f2d5a489873fefbb981f7d4465794a857b2971263c08ec29cc001c372522cdc0d48245e59751307c9f44f6ef4d87bf2e3ec5c23fb1c gitlab.rails.initd cb4ec100f0ea7ffcbb37aead8423e636629e2f4848b2974a7b2468e96cb1081ca732ac336417b08dd943afb961df888c73af1334dcbe054dfd361e74f492fd86 gitlab.sidekiq.initd 85c4e257a030832bd70ad1e257ae7cb568b31e01201fc845abac02d00f02492ca694be1fa2bf743dd8c8623e6a79d36adee3f4de02040134c11158a6001c064b gitlab.workhorse.initd 4dc00b16462f30591297fcb535fc364185d3ed76e9956597f0423a8dfd8a9a351f6ac29d9f0c73052c11324fba4768eb89a21c6bef4da99f15baaea8c9ab8407 gitlab.confd 57f258246925fbef0780caebdf005983c72fe3db1ab3242a1e00137bd322f5ec6c0fd958db7178b8fc22103d071f550d6f71f08422bcd9e859d2a734b2ecef00 gitlab.logrotate a944c3886388ba1574bf8c96b6de4d9f24ef4a83f553c31a224e17a3b01f2a5c65b60c59b7ed7ca4b25670c60ea8dd41b96a8a623d909d2bb09bdf2520ed7f23 bin-wrapper.in "