#!/sbin/openrc-run name="GitLab Pages" description="A daemon used to serve static websites for GitLab users" : ${pages_user:=${user:-"git"}} : ${pages_root:="/var/lib/gitlab/pages"} : ${pages_logfile:="/var/log/gitlab/pages.log"} command="/usr/bin/gitlab-pages" # Note: The rest of the options is set in start_pre(). command_args=" -pages-domain=$pages_domain -pages-root=$pages_root -redirect-http=${pages_redirect_http:-true} -use-http2=${pages_use_http2:-true} " command_background="yes" start_stop_daemon_args=" --chdir $pages_root --user $pages_user --stdout $pages_logfile --stderr $pages_logfile" pidfile="/run/gitlab-pages.pid" depend() { use net } start_pre() { local item for item in $pages_listen_http; do command_args="$command_args -listen-http=$item" done for item in $pages_listen_https; do command_args="$command_args -listen-https=$item" done for item in $pages_listen_proxy; do command_args="$command_args -listen-proxy=$item" done command_args="$command_args $(optif -metrics-address "$pages_metrics_address") $(optif -root-cert "$pages_root_cert") $(optif -root-key "$pages_root_key")" checkpath -m 640 -o $pages_user -f "$pages_logfile" } optif() { test -n "$2" && printf '%s/n' "$1=$2" || true }