# dotnet6-build

This is the .NET 6.0 package for Alpine Linux.

Please report any issues [using Gitlab](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues/new) and tag @ayakael

# Building info

## Generated packages
* dotnet6-build (aimed for internal use as bootstrap)
* dotnet6-build-artifacts (aimed for internal use as bootstrap)
* dotnet6-sdk
* dotnet6-templates (required by sdk)
* dotnet-zsh-completion
* dotnet-bash-completion
* dotnet-doc
* netstandard21-targeting-pack

## How to build dotnet6 on Alpine
As dotnet is a self-hosting compiler (thus it compiles using itself), it requires a bootstrap
for the initial build. To solve this problem, this package follows the `stage0` proposal
outlined [here](https://lists.alpinelinux.org/~alpine/devel/%3C33KG0XO61I4IL.2Z7RTAZ5J3SY6%408pit.net%3E)

The goal of `stage0` is to bootstrap dotnet with as little intervention as possible, thus allowing
seamless Alpine upgrades. Unfortunately, upstream only builds bootstraps for Alpine on `x86_64`,
`aarch64`, and `armv7`. Thus, `dotnet6-cross`, a non-standard (read: never to be included in aports) aport, was created to
faciliate cross-compiling bootstraps from `x86_64` to other dotnet supported platforms. 
It is [available here](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/ayakael/dotnet6-cross)

In summary, dotnet6 is built using four different aports, three of which are in aports proper:

* `dotnet6-cross` [available here](https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/ayakael/dotnet6-cross)
Builds minimum components for dotnet6, and packages these in a tar.gz that `dotnet6-stage0` then uses to build full bootstrap.
* `community/dotnet6-stage0`
Builds full bootstrap for dotnet6, and packages these in an initial `dotnet6-stage0-bootstrap` package that `dotnet6-build`
pulls if `dotnet6-build` has not been built before.
* `community/dotnet6-build
Builds full and packages dotnet6 fully using either stage0 or previoulsy built dotnet6 build.
* `community/dotnet6-runtime
As abuild does not allow different versions for subpackages, a different aport is required to 
package runtime bits from dotnet6-build.

# Specification

This package follows [package naming and contents suggested by upstream](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/build/distribution-packaging),
with two exceptions. It installs dotnet to `/usr/lib/dotnet` (aka `$_libdir`). 
In addition, the package is named `dotnet6` as opposed to `dotnet-6.0`
to match Alpine Linux naming conventions for packages with many installable versions

# Contributing

The steps below are for the final package. Please only contribute to a
pre-release version if you know what you are doing. Original instructions

## General Changes

1. Fork the main aports repo.

2. Checkout the forked repository.

    - `git clone ssh://git@gitlab.alpinelinux.org/$USER/aports
    - `cd community/dotnet6-build`

3. Make your changes. Don't forget to add a changelog.

4. Do local builds.

    - `abuild -r`

5. Fix any errors that come up and rebuild until it works locally.

6. Commit the changes to the git repo in a git branch

	- `git checkout -b dotnet6/<name>`
    - `git add` any new patches
    - `git remove` any now-unnecessary patches
    - `git commit -m 'community/dotnet6-build: descriptive description'`
    - `git push`

7. Create a merge request with your changes, tagging @ayakael for review.

8. Once the tests in the pull-request pass, and reviewers are happy, your changes
   will be merged.

## Updating to an new upstream release

1. Fork the main aports repo.

2. Checkout the forked repository.

    - `git clone ssh://git@gitlab.alpinelinux.org/$USER/aports
    - `cd community/dotnet6-build`

3. Build the new upstream source tarball. Update the versions in the
   APKBUILD file, and then create a snapshot. After build, update checksum.

    - `abuild snapshot`
    - `abuild checksum`

4. Do local builds.

    - `abuild -r`

5. Fix any errors that come up and rebuild until it works locally. Any
   patches that are needed at this point should be added to the APKBUILD file
   in `_patches` variable.

6. Upload the source archive to a remote location, and update `source` variable.

7. Commit the changes to the git repo in a git branch.

	- `git checkout -b dotnet6/<name>`	
    - `git add` any new patches
    - `git remove` any now-unnecessary patches
    - `git commit -m 'community/dotnet6-build: upgrade to <new-version>`
    - `git push`

8. Create a merge request with your changes, tagging @ayakael for review.

9. Once the tests in the pull-request pass, and reviewers are happy, your changes
   will be merged.

# Testing

This package uses CI tests as defined in `check()` function. Creating a
merge-request or running a build will fire off tests and flag any issues.

The tests themselves are contained in this external repository: