user/freescout: drop due migration to ilot iports
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 0 additions and 443 deletions
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
# Maintainer: Antoine Martin (ayakael) <>
# Contributor: Antoine Martin (ayakael) <>
pkgdesc="Free self-hosted help desk & shared mailbox"
_php_mods="-fpm -mbstring -xml -imap -zip -gd -curl -intl -tokenizer -pdo_pgsql -openssl -session -iconv -fileinfo -dom -pcntl"
depends="$_php ${_php_mods//-/$_php-} nginx postgresql pwgen"
makedepends="composer pcre"
install="$ $ $pkgname.pre-install"
build() {
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
package() {
local logdir="/var/log/$pkgname"
local datadir="/var/lib/$pkgname"
local wwwdir="/usr/share/webapps/$pkgname"
local confdir="/etc/$pkgname"
# Make directories
install -dm 755 \
"$pkgdir"/$wwwdir \
"$pkgdir"/$confdir \
"$pkgdir"/$logdir \
# Copy and ln operations
cp $builddir/* -R "$pkgdir"/$wwwdir/.
for i in storage/app storage/framework bootstrap/cache \
public/css/builds public/js/builds public/modules Modules; do
if [ -d "$pkgdir"$wwwdir/$i ]; then
if [ ! -d "$pkgdir"/$datadir/${i%/*} ]; then
mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/$datadir/${i%/*}
mv "$pkgdir"$wwwdir/$i "$pkgdir"/$datadir/$i
mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/$datadir/$i
ln -s $datadir/$i "$pkgdir"/$wwwdir/$i
ln -s /etc/freescout/freescout.conf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/webapps/freescout/.env
ln -s $wwwdir/storage/app/public "$pkgdir"/$wwwdir/public/storage
# log dir
rm -R "$pkgdir"/$wwwdir/storage/logs
ln -s "$logdir" "$pkgdir"/$wwwdir/storage/logs
# Permission settings
chown -R freescout:www-data "$pkgdir"/$datadir "$pkgdir"/$logdir
# config files
install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/freescout.nginx \
install -Dm640 "$builddir"/.env.example \
sed -i 's|APP_KEY.*|APP_KEY=@@SECRET_KEY@@|' "$pkgdir"/etc/freescout/freescout.conf
chown root:www-data "$pkgdir"/etc/freescout/freescout.conf
# Install wrapper script to /usr/bin.
install -m755 -D "$srcdir"/ "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/freescout-manage
11d81fa670bd67a7db9f5bff3a067a1d1cf3c812a34c805a3fc83edc978ded3accc8334581eca1e73cf0ad95f8e289278add57de096528728e2989135b3057a3 freescout-1.8.139.tar.gz
e4af6c85dc12f694bef2a02e4664e31ed50b2c109914d7ffad5001c2bbd764ef25b17ecaa59ff55ef41bccf17169bf910d1a08888364bdedd0ecc54d310e661f freescout.nginx
3416da98d71aea5a7093913ea34e783e21ff05dca90bdc5ff3d00c548db5889f6d0ec98441cd65ab9f590be5cd59fdd0d7f1c98b5deef7bb3adbc8db435ec9bf rename-client-to-membre-fr-en.patch
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
if [ "$(id -un)" != 'freescout' ]; then
exec su freescout -c '"$0" "$@"' -- php artisan "$@"
exec php artisan "$@"
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /usr/share/webapps/freescout/public;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
error_log /var/www/html/storage/logs/web-server.log;
# Max. attachment size.
# It must be also set in PHP.ini via "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size" directives.
client_max_body_size 20M;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.0-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
# Uncomment this location if you want to improve attachments downloading speed.
# Also make sure to set APP_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENTS_VIA=nginx in the .env file.
#location ^~ /storage/app/attachment/ {
# internal;
# alias /var/www/html/storage/app/attachment/;
location ~* ^/storage/attachment/ {
expires 1M;
access_log off;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
location ~* ^/(?:css|js)/.*\.(?:css|js)$ {
expires 2d;
access_log off;
add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate";
# The list should be in sync with /storage/app/public/uploads/.htaccess and /config/app.php
location ~* ^/storage/.*\.((?!(jpg|jpeg|jfif|pjpeg|pjp|apng|bmp|gif|ico|cur|png|tif|tiff|webp|pdf|txt|diff|patch|json|mp3|wav|ogg|wma)).)*$ {
add_header Content-disposition "attachment; filename=$2";
default_type application/octet-stream;
location ~* ^/(?:css|fonts|img|installer|js|modules|[^\\\]+\..*)$ {
expires 1M;
access_log off;
add_header Cache-Control "public";
location ~ /\. {
deny all;
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
set -eu
if [ $(grep '@@SECRET_KEY@@' "$config_file") ]; then
echo "* Generating random secret in $config_file" >&2
secret_key="$(freescout-manage key:generate --show)"
sed -i "s|@@SECRET_KEY@@|$secret_key|" "$config_file"
if [ "${0##*.}" = 'post-upgrade' ]; then
cat >&2 <<-EOF
* To finish Freescout upgrade run:
* freescout-manage freescout:after-app-update
cat >&2 <<-EOF
* 1. Adjust settings in /etc/freescout/freescout.conf
* 2. Make sure cgi.fix_pathinfo=0 is set in /etc/php8x/php.ini is set
* 3. Create database for Freescout:
* psql -c "CREATE ROLE freescout PASSWORD 'top-secret' INHERIT LOGIN;"
* psql -c "CREATE DATABASE freescout OWNER freescout ENCODING 'UTF-8';"
* 4. Clear application cache and apply .env file changes:
* freescout-manage freescout:clear-cache
* 5. Create tables:
* freescout-manage migrate
* 6. Create admin user
* freescout-manage freescout:create-user
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
if ! getent group freescout 1>/dev/null; then
echo '* Creating group freescout' 1>&2
addgroup -S freescout
if ! id freescout 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then
echo '* Creating user freescout' 1>&2
adduser -DHS -G freescout -h "$freescout_dir" -s /bin/sh \
-g "added by apk for freescout" freescout
passwd -u freescout 1>/dev/null # unlock
if ! id -Gn freescout | grep -Fq www-data; then
echo '* Adding user freescout to group www-data' 1>&2
addgroup freescout www-data
exit 0
@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/resources/lang/en.json b/resources/lang/en.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82d26052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/lang/en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ ":person changed the customer to :customer": ":person changed the member to :customer",
+ ":person changed the customer to :customer in conversation #:conversation_number": ":person changed the member to :customer in conversation #:conversation_number",
+ "Auto reply to customer": "Auto reply to member",
+ "Change Customer": "Change Member",
+ "Change the customer to :customer_email?": "Change the member to :customer_email?",
+ "Create a new customer": "Create a new member",
+ "Customer": "Member",
+ "Customer Name": "Member Name",
+ "Customer Profile": "Member Profile",
+ "Customer changed": "Member changed",
+ "Customer saved successfully.": "Member saved successfully",
+ "Customer viewed :when": "Member viewed :when",
+ "Customers": "Members",
+ "Customers email this address for help (e.g.": "Members email this address for help (e.g.",
+ "Email :tag_email_begin:email:tag_email_end has been moved from another customer: :a_begin:customer:a_end.": "Email :tag_email_begin:email:tag_email_end has been moved from another member: :a_begin:customer:a_end.",
+ "Email to customer": "Email to member",
+ "Emails to Customers": "Emails to Members",
+ "Error sending email to customer": "Error sending email to member",
+ "Message not sent to customer": "Message not sent to member",
+ "Name that will appear in the <strong>From<\/strong> field when a customer views your email.": "Name that will appear in the <strong>From<\/strong> field when a member views your email.",
+ "No customers found": "No members found",
+ "No customers found. Would you like to create one?": "No members found. Would you like to create one?",
+ "Notify :person when a customer replies…": "Notify :person when a member replies…",
+ "Notify me when a customer replies…": "Notify me when a member replies…",
+ "Search for a customer by name or email": "Search for a member by name or email",
+ "Sending emails need to be configured for the mailbox in order to send emails to customers and support agents": "Sending emails need to be configured for the mailbox in order to send emails to members and support agents",
+ "This number is not visible to customers. It is only used to track conversations within :app_name": "This number is not visible to members. It is only used to track conversations within :app_name",
+ "This reply will go to the customer. :%switch_start%Switch to a note:switch_end if you are replying to :user_name.": "This reply will go to the member. :%switch_start%Switch to a note:switch_end if you are replying to :user_name.",
+ "This text will be added to the beginning of each email reply sent to a customer.": "This text will be added to the beginning of each email reply sent to a member.",
+ "When a customer emails this mailbox, application can send an auto reply to the customer immediately.<br\/><br\/>Only one auto reply is sent per new conversation.": "When a member emails this mailbox, application can send an auto reply to the member immediately.<br\/><br\/>Only one auto reply is sent per new conversation."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/lang/fr.json.orig b/resources/lang/fr.json
index ff8d9d4..98d158f 100644
--- a/resources/lang/fr.json.orig
+++ b/resources/lang/fr.json
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
":person added a note to conversation #:conversation_number": ":person a ajouté une note à la conversation #:conversation_number",
":person assigned :assignee conversation #:conversation_number": ":person a assigné :assignee à la conversation #:conversation_number",
":person assigned to :assignee": ":person a assigné :assignee",
- ":person changed the customer to :customer": ":person a changé le client en :customer",
- ":person changed the customer to :customer in conversation #:conversation_number": ":person a changé le client en :customer dans la conversation #:conversation_number",
+ ":person changed the customer to :customer": ":person a changé le membre en :customer",
+ ":person changed the customer to :customer in conversation #:conversation_number": ":person a changé le membre en :customer dans la conversation #:conversation_number",
":person created a draft": ":person a créé un brouillon",
":person deleted": ":person supprimée",
":person edited :creator's draft": ":person a modifié brouillon de :creator",
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
"Auto Reply": "Réponse Automatique",
"Auto Reply status saved": "Statut de réponse automatique enregistré",
"Auto replies don't include your mailbox signature, so be sure to add your contact information if necessary.": "Les réponses automatiques n'incluent pas la signature de votre boîte aux lettres, assurez-vous d'ajouter vos coordonnées si nécessaire.",
- "Auto reply to customer": "Réponse automatique au client",
+ "Auto reply to customer": "Réponse automatique au membre",
"Back": "Retour",
"Back to folder": "Retour au dossier",
"Background Jobs": "Emplois d'arrière-plan",
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@
"Cancel": "Annuler",
"Cc": "Cc",
"Change": "Modifier",
- "Change Customer": "Changer de client",
+ "Change Customer": "Changer de membre",
"Change address in mailbox settings": "Modifier l'adresse dans les paramètres de la boîte aux lettres",
"Change default redirect": "Modifier la redirection par défaut",
- "Change the customer to :customer_email?": "Changer le client en :customer_email ?",
+ "Change the customer to :customer_email?": "Changer le membre en :customer_email ?",
"Change your password": "Changer votre mot de passe",
"Chat": "Tchat",
"Check Connection": "Vérifier la connexion",
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
"Create a New User": "Créer un nouvel utilisateur",
"Create a Password": "Créer un mot de passe",
"Create a mailbox": "Créer une boîte de réception",
- "Create a new customer": "Créer un nouveau client",
+ "Create a new customer": "Créer un nouveau membre",
"Create symlink manually": "Créer un lien symbolique manuellement",
"Created At": "Créé à",
"Created by :person": "Créé par :person",
@@ -190,14 +190,14 @@
"Current Password": "Mot de passe actuel",
"Custom From Name": "Nom de l'expéditeur personnalisé",
"Custom Name": "Nom personnalisé",
- "Customer": "Client",
- "Customer Name": "Nom du client",
- "Customer Profile": "Profil client",
- "Customer changed": "Client changé",
- "Customer saved successfully.": "Client enregistré avec succès.",
- "Customer viewed :when": "Client vu :when",
- "Customers": "Clients",
- "Customers email this address for help (e.g.": "Les clients utilisent cette adresse par e-mail pour obtenir de l'aide (par exemple,",
+ "Customer": "Membre",
+ "Customer Name": "Nom du membre",
+ "Customer Profile": "Profil membre",
+ "Customer changed": "Membre changé",
+ "Customer saved successfully.": "Membre enregistré avec succès.",
+ "Customer viewed :when": "Membre vu :when",
+ "Customers": "Membres",
+ "Customers email this address for help (e.g.": "Les membres utilisent cette adresse par e-mail pour obtenir de l'aide (par exemple,",
"Daily": "Quotidien",
"Dashboard": "Tableau de bord",
"Date": "Date",
@@ -247,15 +247,15 @@
"Edit User": "Modifier l'utilisateur",
"Edited by :whom :when": "Édité par :whom :when",
"Email": "Email",
- "Email :tag_email_begin:email:tag_email_end has been moved from another customer: :a_begin:customer:a_end.": "Email :tag_email_begin:email:tag_email_end a été déplacé depuis un autre client : :a_begin:customer:a_end.",
+ "Email :tag_email_begin:email:tag_email_end has been moved from another customer: :a_begin:customer:a_end.": "Email :tag_email_begin:email:tag_email_end a été déplacé depuis un autre membre : :a_begin:customer:a_end.",
"Email Address": "Adresse e-mail",
"Email Alerts For Administrators": "Envoyez des alertes par e-mail aux administrateurs",
"Email Header": "En-tête de l'e-mail",
"Email Signature": "Signature e-mail",
"Email Template": "Modèle d'e-mail",
"Email passed for delivery. If you don't receive a test email, check your mail server logs.": "E-mail transmis pour livraison. Si vous ne recevez pas d'e-mail de test, consultez les journaux de votre serveur de messagerie.",
- "Email to customer": "Courriel au client",
- "Emails to Customers": "Emails aux clients",
+ "Email to customer": "Courriel au membre",
+ "Emails to Customers": "Emails aux membres",
"Empty Trash": "Vider la corbeille",
"Empty license key": "Clé de licence vide",
"Enable Auto Reply": "Activer la réponse automatique",
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
"Error occurred. Please try again later.": "Erreur est survenue. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"Error occurred. Please try again or try another :%a_start%update method:%a_end%": "Erreur est survenue. Veuillez réessayer ou en essayer une autre :%a_start% méthode de mise à jour:%a_end%",
"Error sending alert": "Erreur lors de l'envoi de l'alerte",
- "Error sending email to customer": "Erreur lors de l'envoi d'un e-mail au client",
+ "Error sending email to customer": "Erreur lors de l'envoi d'un e-mail au membre",
"Error sending email to the user who replied to notification from wrong email": "Erreur lors de l'envoi d'un e-mail à l'utilisateur qui a répondu à la notification d'un mauvais e-mail",
"Error sending email to user": "Erreur lors de l'envoi d'un e-mail à l'utilisateur",
"Error sending invitation email to user": "Erreur lors de l'envoi d'un e-mail d'invitation à l'utilisateur",
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
"Message bounced (:link)": "Message renvoyé (:link)",
"Message cannot be empty": "Le message ne peut pas être vide",
"Message has been already sent. Please discard this draft.": "Le message a déjà été envoyé. Veuillez effacer ce brouillon.",
- "Message not sent to customer": "Message non envoyé au client",
+ "Message not sent to customer": "Message non envoyé au membre",
"Method": "Méthode",
"Migrate DB": "Migrer la base de données",
"Mine": "Mes conversations",
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
"My Apps": "Mes Applications",
"My open conversations": "Mes conversations ouvertes",
"Name": "Nom",
- "Name that will appear in the <strong>From<\/strong> field when a customer views your email.": "Nom qui apparaîtra dans le champ <strong>De<\/strong> lorsqu'un client consulte votre e-mail.",
+ "Name that will appear in the <strong>From<\/strong> field when a customer views your email.": "Nom qui apparaîtra dans le champ <strong>De<\/strong> lorsqu'un membre consulte votre e-mail.",
"New Conversation": "Nouvelle conversation",
"New Mailbox": "Nouvelle boîte de réception",
"New Password": "Nouveau mot de passe",
@@ -451,8 +451,8 @@
"Next active conversation": "Conversation active suivante",
"No": "Non",
"No activations left for this license key": "Il ne reste aucune activation pour cette clé de licence",
- "No customers found": "Aucun client trouvé",
- "No customers found. Would you like to create one?": "Aucun client trouvé. Souhaitez-vous en créer un?",
+ "No customers found": "Aucun membre trouvé",
+ "No customers found. Would you like to create one?": "Aucun membre trouvé. Souhaitez-vous en créer un?",
"No invite was found. Please contact your administrator to have a new invite email sent.": "Aucune invitation trouvée. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur pour qu'il envoie une nouvelle invitation par email.",
"Non-writable files found": "Fichiers non-inscriptibles trouvés",
"None": "Aucun",
@@ -471,10 +471,10 @@
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Notifications saved successfully": "Notifications enregistrées",
"Notifications will start showing up here soon": "Les notifications commenceront bientôt à apparaître ici",
- "Notify :person when a customer replies…": "Avertir :person lorsqu'un client répond…",
+ "Notify :person when a customer replies…": "Avertir :person lorsqu'un membre répond…",
"Notify :person when another :app_name user replies or adds a note…": "Notifier :person quand un autre utilisateur :app_name répond ou ajoute une note…",
"Notify :person when…": "Avertir :person lorsque…",
- "Notify me when a customer replies…": "M'avertir lorsqu'un client répond…",
+ "Notify me when a customer replies…": "M'avertir lorsqu'un membre répond…",
"Notify me when another :app_name user replies or adds a note…": "M'avertir lorsqu'un autre utilisateur :app_name répond ou ajoute une note…",
"Notify me when…": "Prévenez-moi quand…",
"Number": "Numéro",
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
"Search": "Recherche",
"Search Conversation by Number": "Rechercher une conversation par identifiant",
"Search Users": "Rechercher des utilisateurs",
- "Search for a customer by name or email": "Rechercher un client par nom ou par e-mail",
+ "Search for a customer by name or email": "Rechercher un membre par nom ou par e-mail",
"See logs": "Voir les journaux",
"Select Mailbox": "Sélectionnez une boîte aux lettres",
"Selected Users have access to this mailbox:": "Les utilisateurs sélectionnés ont accès à cette boîte aux lettres:",
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
"Sending": "Envoi en cours",
"Sending Emails": "Sending Emails",
"Sending can not be undone": "L'envoie ne peut être annulé",
- "Sending emails need to be configured for the mailbox in order to send emails to customers and support agents": "L'envoi d'e-mails doit être configuré pour la boîte aux lettres afin d'envoyer des e-mails aux clients et aux agents de support",
+ "Sending emails need to be configured for the mailbox in order to send emails to customers and support agents": "L'envoi d'e-mails doit être configuré pour la boîte aux lettres afin d'envoyer des e-mails aux membre et aux agents de support",
"Sendmail": "Exécutable Sendmail",
"Separate each email with a comma.": "Séparez chaque e-mail par une virgule",
"Server": "Serveur",
@@ -670,11 +670,11 @@
"This is a test mail sent by :app_name. It means that outgoing email settings of your :mailbox mailbox are fine.": "Il s'agit d'un mail de test envoyé par :app_name. Cela signifie que les paramètres de courrier électronique sortant de votre boîte aux lettres :mailbox sont corrects.",
"This is a test system mail sent by :app_name. It means that mail settings are fine.": "Il s'agit d'un e-mail du système de test envoyé par :app_name. Cela signifie que les paramètres de messagerie sont corrects.",
"This may take several minutes": "Cela peut prendre plusieurs minutes",
- "This number is not visible to customers. It is only used to track conversations within :app_name": "Ce numéro n'est pas visible pour les clients. Il est uniquement utilisé pour suivre les conversations dans :app_name",
+ "This number is not visible to customers. It is only used to track conversations within :app_name": "Ce numéro n'est pas visible pour les membres. Il est uniquement utilisé pour suivre les conversations dans :app_name",
"This password is incorrect.": "Ce mot de passe est incorrect.",
- "This reply will go to the customer. :%switch_start%Switch to a note:switch_end if you are replying to :user_name.": "Cette réponse ira au client. :%switch_start%Passez à une note:switch_end si vous répondez à :user_name.",
+ "This reply will go to the customer. :%switch_start%Switch to a note:switch_end if you are replying to :user_name.": "Cette réponse ira au membre. :%switch_start%Passez à une note:switch_end si vous répondez à :user_name.",
"This setting gives you control over what page loads after you perform an action (send a reply, add a note, change conversation status or assignee).": "Ce paramètre vous permet de contrôler la page qui se charge après avoir effectué une action (envoyer une réponse, ajouter une note, etc.).",
- "This text will be added to the beginning of each email reply sent to a customer.": "Ce texte sera ajouté au début de chaque réponse par e-mail envoyée à un client.",
+ "This text will be added to the beginning of each email reply sent to a customer.": "Ce texte sera ajouté au début de chaque réponse par e-mail envoyée à un membre.",
"Thread is not in a draft state": "Le fil n'est pas à l'état de brouillon",
"Thread not found": "Fil non trouvé",
"Time Format": "Format de l'heure",
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
"Welcome to :company_name!": "Bienvenue chez :company_name !",
"Welcome to :company_name, :first_name!": "Bienvenue chez :company_name, :first_name!",
"Welcome to the team!": "Bienvenue dans l'équipe !",
- "When a customer emails this mailbox, application can send an auto reply to the customer immediately.<br\/><br\/>Only one auto reply is sent per new conversation.": "Lorsqu'un client envoie un e-mail à cette boîte aux lettres, l'application peut envoyer immédiatement une réponse automatique au client. <br\/> <br\/> Une seule réponse automatique est envoyée par nouvelle conversation.",
+ "When a customer emails this mailbox, application can send an auto reply to the customer immediately.<br\/><br\/>Only one auto reply is sent per new conversation.": "Lorsqu'un membre envoie un e-mail à cette boîte aux lettres, l'application peut envoyer immédiatement une réponse automatique au membre. <br\/> <br\/> Une seule réponse automatique est envoyée par nouvelle conversation.",
"Which mailboxes will user use?": "Quelles boîtes aux lettres l'utilisateur utilisera-t-il?",
"Who Else Will Use This Mailbox": "Qui d'autre utilisera cette boîte aux lettres",
"Work": "Professionnel",
Add table
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