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# Traduction de ikiwiki
# Copyright (C) 2009 Debian French l10n team <debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE Ikiwiki.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ikiwiki\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-18 22:29+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-24 10:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Alexandre Dupas <alexandre.dupas@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: French <debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING\n"
#. type: Plain text
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "<TMPL_UNLESS NAME=\"mouseover\">\n"
#| "Use this template to create a popup window that is displayed when the mouse\n"
#| "is over part of the page. This template has two parameters:\n"
#| "<ul>\n"
#| "<li>`mouseover` - This is the text or other content that triggers the\n"
#| "popup.\n"
#| "<li>`popup` - This should be the content of the popup window. It can be\n"
#| "anything, even images or a whole little wiki page, but should not be too\n"
#| "large for good usability.\n"
#| "</ul>\n"
#| "Note that browsers that do not support the CSS will display the popup\n"
#| "inline in the page, inside square brackets.\n"
#| "</TMPL_UNLESS>\n"
#| "<span class=\"popup\"><TMPL_VAR mouseover>\n"
#| "<span class=\"paren\">[</span><span class=\"balloon\"><TMPL_VAR popup></span><span class=\"paren\">]</span>\n"
#| "</span>\n"
msgid ""
"<TMPL_UNLESS mouseover>\n"
"Use this template to create a popup window that is displayed when the mouse\n"
"is over part of the page. This template has two parameters:\n"
"<li>`mouseover` - This is the text or other content that triggers the\n"
"<li>`popup` - This should be the content of the popup window. It can be\n"
"anything, even images or a whole little wiki page, but should not be too\n"
"large for good usability.\n"
"Note that browsers that do not support the CSS will display the popup\n"
"inline in the page, inside square brackets.\n"
"<span class=\"popup\"><TMPL_VAR mouseover>\n"
"<span class=\"paren\">[</span><span class=\"balloon\"><TMPL_VAR popup></span><span class=\"paren\">]</span>\n"
msgstr ""
"<TMPL_UNLESS NAME=\"mouseover\">\n"
"Utilisez ce modèle pour créer un popup qui est affiché lorsque la souris est au dessus d'une partie de la page. Ce modèle possède deux paramètres :\n"
"<li>`mouseover` - Ce paramètre indique le contenu (texte ou autre) qui déclenche le popup.\n"
"<li>`popup` - Ce paramètre est le contenu du popup. Il peut être quelconque, aussi bien des images qu'une page de wiki complète, mais ne doit pas être trop grand pour une bonne utilisabilité.\n"
"Notez que les navigateurs qui ne gèrent pas les feuilles de style CSS afficheront le popup au fil du texte dans la page, entre crochets.\n"
"<span class=\"popup\"><TMPL_VAR mouseover>\n"
"<span class=\"paren\">[</span><span class=\"balloon\"><TMPL_VAR popup></span><span class=\"paren\">]</span>\n"
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<span class="created">Created <time datetime="2024-06-21T02:57:06Z" class="dt-published">Fri Jun 21 02:57:06 2024</time>.</span>
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Edited <time datetime="2024-06-21T02:57:06Z">Fri Jun 21 02:57:06 2024</time>.
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