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<h1>Davinci Resolve Workstation</h1>
<p>I do my editing on Davinci Resolve. Since I am trying to get editing and gaming
off of Windows, I created a Davinci Resolve workstation that is based on Rocky
Linux 8, the OS Davinci officially supports. While Davinci can be installed on
other distros, it doesn't work on my <span class="createlink">distro of choice</span>, thus
might as well create a dedicated VM for it. Since my <span class="createlink">workstation</span> uses
Proxmox, I can easily use different distros.</p>
<p>This guide thus documents my installation process.</p>
<h2>1) Install Rocky Linux 8.6</h2>
<p>You can download the <a href="https://downloads.blackmagicdesign.com/DaVinciResolve/DaVinci-Resolve-Linux-RockyLinux_8.6.iso">BlackMagic's
for easier installation</p>
<li>Upgrade to latest packages
sudo dnf update
<li>Enable networking</li>
<p>By default, wired networking is not automatically turned on.</p>
<h2>2) Install <code>amdgpu-pro</code></h2>
<li>Remove <code>nomodeset</code> and <code>rdblacklist=nouveau</code> in grub config in
<code>/etc/default/grub</code> and <code>/boot/grub2/grubenv</code></li>
sudo dnf install http://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu-install/6.3/rhel/8.10/amdgpu-install-6.3.60300-1.el8.noarch.rpm
sudo amdgpu-install --usecase=workstation --vulkan=pro --opencl=rocr
<li>Add user to <code>video</code> and <code>render</code> group:
sudo usermod -a -G render
sudo usermod -a -G video
<h2>3) Install Davince Resolve Studio 19</h2>
<li><p>Install <code>xcb-util-cursor</code>:
sudo dnf install epel-release
sudo dnf install xcb-util-cursor
<li><p>Download Davinci Resolve Studio 19 by going to <a href="https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/support/family/davinci-resolve-and-fusion">support
clicking the desired version, and finally <code>Downlod only</code></p></li>
<li>Extract and run the installer</li>
<li>Apply crack (confirmed working with version 19.1.2)
sudo perl -pi -e 's/\x00\x85\xc0\x74\x7b\xe8/\x00\x85\xc0\xEB\x7b\xe8/g' /opt/resolve/bin/resolve
<h2>4) Install <code>awesome</code> window manager</h2>
<p>I only care for tiling window managers. Unfortunately, my manager of choice
<code>awesome</code> is not available on Rocky Linux 8. I thus have to compile it myself,
which involces compiling its build dependencies.</p>
<p>Compiling awesome on Rocky Linux 8.10 requires the following dependencies (in order of build):
* lua
* lua-markdown
* lua-lgi
* lua-filesystem
* lua-ldoc
* lua-penlight
* xapian-xire
* doxygen (note: this ought to be fc29 version)
* libxdg-basedir
* xcb-util
* xcb-util-wm
* xcb-util-keysymx
* xorg-x11-util-macros
* xcb-util-xrm
* libxkb
* xcb-util-image
* xcb-util-renderutil</p>
<p>To build these, you have to go through various iterations of fetching
source RPMs from <a href="https://archive.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/28/Everything/source/tree/Packages">fedora 28 src repo</a>,
installing the builddeps and finally rebuilding using <code>rpbbuild</code>. Thus,
for lua, you would:
wget https://archive.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/28/Everything/source/tree/Packages/l/lua-5.3.4-10.fc28.src.rpm
sudo dnf builddep lua-*.src.rpm --nobest --refresh
rpmbuild --rebuild lua-.src.rpm
<p>To facilitate installing the built dependencies, you can use <code>createrepo</code> to
create a repo in <code>/home/user/rpmbuild</code> and pointing a new dnf repo to this
<p>Specific notes:
* doxygen src rpm should come Fedora 29
* lua-ldoc and lua-penlight depend on each other, thus you will need to
temporarily activate the fc28 repo by adding this in
name=Fedora 28 - x86_64
Make sure to disable it after getting lua-ldoc or lua-penlight built.</p>
<p>After building all of your dependencies, clean-up everything by rolling back to
the transaction before you started installing build dependencies. Use <code>dnf
history info &lt;transaction no&gt;</code> to find that number and then <code>dnf history
rollback &lt;transaction no&gt;</code></p>
<p>Once everything is rolledback, you can install awesome and <em>just</em> it's runtime
dependencies, and then refer to archlinux's
<a href="https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=awesome-gnome">awesome-gnome</a>
package or the <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20160205182002/http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Quickly_Setting_up_Awesome_with_Gnome">wiki article it is based
to integrate awesome in gnome.</p>
<h2>5) Install git-annex standalone</h2>
<p>I use git-annex to store my footage. Indeed, there isn't a git-annex package, but it is easy to install git-annex
standalone by following <a href="https://git-annex.branchable.com/install/rpm_standalone/">upstream's guide</a></p>
<h2>Other options</h2>
<p>I mentionned above that there were other ways to install Davinci on Linux
without having to use Rocky Linux. Here are a few:
* <a href="https://github.com/zelikos/davincibox">via distrobox</a>
* <a href="https://github.com/flolu/davinci-resolve-linux">on debian</a>
* <a href="https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DaVinci_Resolve">on arch</a>
* <a href="https://github.com/H3rz3n/How-install-DaVinci-Resolve-in-Fedora-Linux">on fedora</a></p>
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<span class="created">Created <time datetime="2025-01-12T20:32:12Z" class="dt-published">Sun Jan 12 20:32:12 2025</time>.</span>
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Edited <time datetime="2025-01-12T20:32:12Z">Sun Jan 12 20:32:12 2025</time>.
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