# Welcome to Ikiwiki hosted by GitLab Pages

This is an example wiki to show off how Ikiwiki is deployed with [GitLab Pages].

It uses the [Ikistrap] theme which provides a fully-featured, modern looking
HTML5 theme for ikiwiki. It uses Bootstrap 4 and Fonts Awesome.

## Features

Ikistrap has the following features:

* Good use of HTML5 semantic elements.
* Responsive layout.
* Standards-compliant.
* Compatible with text-only browsers.
* Header supporting parentlinks, wiki actions, search form, language selection and trails.
* Sidebar styled as a Boostrap 4 card, using the Bootstrap 4 grid system.
* Footer that is pushed down to the bottom of the screen with tags, backlinks, copyright, license and modification date.
* [[Inline pages]] that are by default styled as Bootstrap 4 cards.

Note that ikistrap doesn't add any special support for Bootstrap to the Markdown language.
If you want to make use of [[Bootstrap features]] inside your text, you will have to manually add the appropriate HTML tags.

## Contribute

If you want to contribute to this website, visit <https://gitlab.com/pages/ikiwiki>.

[gitlab pages]: https://pages.gitlab.io
[ikistrap]: https://github.com/gsliepen/ikistrap